Does it really make a difference to call NCSC???


Registered Users (C)
After a long 20 months wait for my I-485 to be processed, I have decided to call the NCSC and speak to one of the customer representatives for the first time to find out what is happening with my case.

After routing myself through the automated system and a 20 minute wait, I was connected to ONE of THEM at the NCSC.

I told her about my case and status. I asked her "So what do I do, I have yet to hear a thing from INS/BCIS?" This probably the most common question they hear.

She then says that she will need to route me to another representative who will be able to help me.

The second lady was not so nice like the first one. The second customer represetative was probably having a bad day. Her tone of voice was rude and impatient as I told her about my case and status. I asked her the same question as I did with the first lady.

She took down my name, my case number, and my mailing address.

She said that BCIS will mail me a letter in 3-4 weeks.

Now, what in the hell does this do for me? They are going to mail me a letter that will have the same message as the on-line case status?

Does calling them actually do anything to remind them to blow the dust off my I-485 application?

Unsatisfied with the result, I decided to call my lawyer instead and ask the same thing.

You know what? My lawyer pretty much said that they can call BCIS like I did and all he will get is the same letter that I requested. My lawyer says that he will contact BCIS for me.

After spending an hour on the phone with BCIS and my lawyer, I did not feel better. In fact, I felt more frustrated. I wasted an hour of my time to get BCIS to send me a letter.

I do not want a letter. I want some kind of progress on my case.

Anyway, has anyone receive a letter from BCIS after calling them? What does it say? Anything worth reading?

So don't waste your time calling NCSC. When I get the letter, I will let you all know what it says. Probably just words without any meanings.

Oh yeah, one more thing, the second customer service lady told me that if I do not receive the letter in 3-4 weeks, I should call them again. them again for what? so they can send me another letter in 3-4 weeks?? Geez, this is just terrible.
thank you

yeah, i knew that this subject was probably already covered here. thank you for the link. i guess i don't even have to bother opening that stupid letter from BCIS.

I agree, try congressman. If you can visit them. They will call Vermont directly and sometimes they get good response.
Usually all congressman has a person who takes care of immigration issue. Go to them.
May be you can try atleast one of the following things

1) Send enquiry letter through your lawyer.
2) Contact your local lawyer.
3) Some where in this forum I found Expedite form. Ask your lawyer to find a good cause to do this. Talk to your company to file this form.

Best of luck
Thank you!

thanks all for all the suggestions. i am going to wait for the stupid letter and hope that i will be approved before i receive the letter.

if i am not approved in 3-4 weeks, i will take your advice and contact my congress man and talk to my lawyer.
My experience!

I called the NCSC about ten days before an RFE was issued on my case. I was also told that I would get a written response in 3-4 weeks. But when the RFE was issued I was actually rather take aback thinking that now my case would take even longer, or it may even be transferred to my local office.

Anyway, I've been through that same roller-coaster of frustration, but for what it's worth, I think my calling may have helped the process in the sense that someone tried looking for my file and then issued an RFE.

I was eventually approved 7/16 after an RFE and 2nd FP. A long and taxing ordeal.

Calling BCIS does you no good. They pretty much tell you your case status as you can get it from the online status site, verbatim. Lawyerss......shhhhhssh....they are good ones and they are ones who forgot why they became lawyers in the first place and $$$ just clouded their visions these days.

Good ones will try to help, and the ones belonging to the extreme end of the group will tell you to be patient and wait. My personal experience fell into the "wait, be patient, and see" group. My company's lawyer pretty much, IMHO, needs prodding all the time. Throughout my case, I have chased after him probably twice a month after my case crossed its 580 days. I am sure he is sick of me as much as I was sick of him.. :D I had called BCIS but did not get any valuable information from them. Each phone call caused my blood pressure to escalate even more as I cursed at them for lying to me.

At that time I was waiting close to 4-5 months plus after responding to the RFE, so I thought what the heck, let's call the Congressman. I waited for a response but 3 days later, my case was approved when I checked the online status. I don't know if my call triggered anything, only the adjundicating officer knows. But I thank God each day for the strength and patience that He has given me.

All in all, try calling your Congressman/Senator. Also, it depends on which officer's hand your case falls into. Basically a luck and fate paradigm, and also the FBI check as well. At times looking at the sporadic and random trends they are processing, I feel like our cases are all tossed into a big bin and the officers will just pick from a pile of cases. I have a colleague who waited for more than 28 months for their approval and that too was after calling the Congressman thrice and a call to the Senator too.

I know how you feel since we all have been in the same boat. Hang in there, you will be getting your approval soon. In the meanwhile, live for the moment.

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Take two!

After reading BPBJHL042002's response I believe my case probably wasn't effected by my phone call. It all boils down to random chaos over at BCIS.

There's no orderliness to how they process cases. I am sure they're more wary of approving cases with common muslim names, like mine, or cases belonging to people from countries that have been in the forefront of trouble areas following 9/11, like mine, but still, there's no telling how long one's case would end up taking.

Surely 28 months like BPBJHL042002 pointed out must be horrendous, but is an extreme. I would have probably just given up after 20 months considering what my frame of mind was last month but then with random chaos you can't be overly optimistic and neither should you be overly pessimistic either. Just be prepared to be surprised -- with either outcome.

Back when my 485 was filed I never even entertained the thought that VSC could ever take longer 12 months, I was actually very comfortable with the 10 month turn around. But it took just under 20 months! And there are still september and october and maybe even august 2001 filers out there!

Sorry to paint such a hopeless picture. But be hopeful. This can't be a life's tragedy, it's merely an inconvenience in life!
