Does Change of Address Trigers Change of Sevice Centre


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Does Change of Address Trigers Change of Sevice Centre

Did anybody Experience this?

My attorney was saying Now INS does not change the service centre if you move to another address within other INS juridiction
Its a unofficial news he was saying.

Any Comments Welcome

This is actually a very important point to find out about. A lot of post-6-month I-486 applicants may be facing the situation of having to find work incase they are laid off or to find better jobs.

Our own family lawyer had told us back in May that changing to a job in another state under the AC21 portability rule would trigger the sending of the case to the new local office thus extending the greeen card process by up to 2 years. (ouch!)

Any Gurus out there who have heard anything of this sort?
I remember a thread

which had a few cases where a change of address triggered a change of service center and added waiting time.
It is inevitable. Unless you are not coming into TSC territory i wont worry too much.