Documents from prior Employee...advice


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I am plannig to change job, also, due to that I am going to change attorney, since my current lawyer is my Company's.

I have photo copy of all documents.

1. Please, guide as what documents should I get from my current company and the lawyer before I switch.

2. Any suggestion for a good lawyer for AC21, possible fees for the same?

vik999 said:

I am plannig to change job, also, due to that I am going to change attorney, since my current lawyer is my Company's.

I have photo copy of all documents.

1. Please, guide as what documents should I get from my current company and the lawyer before I switch.
------ you need copy of your I-485 filing, if I-140 approved try to get the copy, if you can get approved LC copy particularly form ETA750A then it will be good becase on this form iten 13 has your skills written and it will make easy for lawyer to draft AC21 letter with same/similar job duties
2. Any suggestion for a good lawyer for AC21, possible fees for the same?
---- I dont know where you are, fees depends on lawyer and many have sent AC21 letter to USCIS directly with out lawyer and got approvals. check the thread for Sample AC21 letter
vik999 said:
2. Any suggestion for a good lawyer for AC21, possible fees for the same?

save some bucks and file AC-21 urself. ur new employer will
give u a letter. get LC and 140 approval as ginnu says
Thanks for the response,

when u guys say 140 and u mean original approvals?
Because I already have all copies...Pls let me know
vik999 said:
Thanks for the response,

when u guys say 140 and u mean original approvals?
Because I already have all copies...Pls let me know

If u have copies of LC approval and 140 approval u r good 2 go.
U dont need originals.

BTW how did u get copies of LC and 140 approval?
My attorney provided me the copy(xerox - photo copy) of 140 and labor cert after the approval.
Ginnu..can u comment on the following:

Hi my concurrently filed 140 was approved 14 months back, and 485 pending since Feb'03.(Copmany 'A')

I am planning to change my employer (say Comp 'B'). My labor cert title is "Sr. Consultant" and NEW title shall be "IT Audit Manager" with similar job duties.

1. I am wondering if this much diff in title is still OK.
2. If INS gives me grief regarding that, is it possible to get by with that at that time, by joining a diff. company (say company 'C')with SAME title and description.

In this case my concern is that I wont have any paystubb etc. from this newly joined company 'C', but yes I should have all prior pay stubs etc.

Kindly, advice
vik999 said:
Hi my concurrently filed 140 was approved 14 months back, and 485 pending since Feb'03.(Copmany 'A')

I am planning to change my employer (say Comp 'B'). My labor cert title is "Sr. Consultant" and NEW title shall be "IT Audit Manager" with similar job duties.

1. I am wondering if this much diff in title is still OK.
2. If INS gives me grief regarding that, is it possible to get by with that at that time, by joining a diff. company (say company 'C')with SAME title and description.

In this case my concern is that I wont have any paystubb etc. from this newly joined company 'C', but yes I should have all prior pay stubs etc.

Kindly, advice

In using AC-21 'Title' should not matter at all...all that matters is same/similar
job description. If u have approved LC, read ur job description and use the
same in the AC-21 letter from new employer.
vik999 said:
My attorney provided me the copy(xerox - photo copy) of 140 and labor cert after the approval.

--- that is good if lawyer gave you I-140 approval copy and compleate approved LC, just ckeck the LC approval if it has form ETA750A attached ETA750B has your info but ETA750A is Important. I hope you have the copy of I-485