Do the officer go over the tax returns during the interview?


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For people who have gone through interviews, does the officer really go through every year's tax returns with you? My tax return is kind of complicated since it involves quite some investment gain/loss as well as deductions. Does the officer need me to explain to him?

Also, is W2 needed for the interview?

If your returns are complicated, it is better to bring IRS tax transcripts to the interview than tax returns, as the transcripts summarize the figures in a more standardized way.

If you're applying with the regular 5 year rule, don't have extensive international travel, and don't have any unfiled overdue returns or back taxes owed, they usually won't even look at the tax transcripts. But it's still safer to bring them to the interview just in case they ask to see them. Don't send them with the application.
If your returns are complicated, it is better to bring IRS tax transcripts to the interview than tax returns, as the transcripts summarize the figures in a more standardized way.

If you're applying with the regular 5 year rule, don't have extensive international travel, and don't have any unfiled overdue returns or back taxes owed, they usually won't even look at the tax transcripts. But it's still safer to bring them to the interview just in case they ask to see them. Don't send them with the application.

As jack pointed out,Don't send them along with the application,But make sure you have them with you at the interview.I had a really bad experience sending my application with my tax returns,
For people who have gone through interviews, does the officer really go through every year's tax returns with you? My tax return is kind of complicated since it involves quite some investment gain/loss as well as deductions. Does the officer need me to explain to him?

Also, is W2 needed for the interview?


Not unless there's a question of how you earned your income (ex: self employed with $300,000 salary), residency issues, or if you disclosed you've failed to pay taxed in past. Otherwise, it's pretty pointless to bring them to interview.
Not unless there's a question of how you earned your income (ex: self employed with $300,000 salary), residency issues, or if you disclosed you've failed to pay taxed in past. Otherwise, it's pretty pointless to bring them to interview.

I would disagree with Bobsmyth. Even if you have no Tax issues, please carry your transcripts/ tax return with you for interview. It does help. If IO asks something about tax and once you say, you have the transcripts to show, he goes to next portion of your N-400.

There have been many cases reported here, where the applicants did not have their Tax transcripts with them for the interview and the IO had asked them to mail the Tax transcripts after the interview. You could avoid that.
I carried tax Return transcripts and Account transcripts (only for the years I owed taxes) with me. I did not send them with my application and instead carried with me to the interview.
The IO did not ask to see it, but if he had, I was prepared.

Be safe, carry them with you to the interview.
I would disagree with Bobsmyth. Even if you have no Tax issues, please carry your transcripts/ tax return with you for interview. It does help. If IO asks something about tax and once you say, you have the transcripts to show, he goes to next portion of your N-400.

There have been many cases reported here, where the applicants did not have their Tax transcripts with them for the interview and the IO had asked them to mail the Tax transcripts after the interview. You could avoid that.

Bobsmyth,Even though i believe on all your contributions on this forum,I disagree with you on this one,If you dont take the tax return transcript with you to the interview,How can you convince the IO that your taxes are current if they ask??? better safe than sorry,I know alot of applicants that were not ask for tax returns and also alot that got their case on hold for not taking their tax returns with them to the interview,
like many says better safe than sorry!
i was not asked either, but had all transcripts with me just in case. you never know!
If you're applying with the regular 5 year rule, don't have extensive international travel, and don't have any unfilled overdue returns or back taxes owed, they usually won't even look at the tax transcripts. But it's still safer to bring them to the interview just in case they ask to see them. Don't send them with the application.
True. I applied with the five years rule, average of 1 international trip every two years during the last ten years, and don't owe back taxes. Requested last three years transcripts to IRS by automated phone service, received them in less than two weeks, took them with me to the interview; they didn't even ask for them. I think I can remember that she asked if I paid my taxes or something like that.