Do I need to provide my passport snd bank statement to my relative if they are applying for tourist visa?


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Hello All, we have formatted an invite document to an elderly relative. Their agent who is processing tourist visa for them wants us to provide our passport copy and bank statement.

My question is that do we really need to provide all this to our relative/relative’s agent when we are just inviting our relative to visit our house in U.S? We are not comfortable sharing our bank statement or paspsort copy unnecessarlly with an agent and feel just invite letter to come visit us should be sufficient?

Can you please let us know if these things are required for them to apply tourist visa?

In our letter we have just mentioned about how we are looking forward to having that person (our relative) to our home etc. So not sure why agent wants our bank statement or passport copy. I am sure USCIS doesn’t ask all that personal stuff to them? Instead it is my relative who should be providing their bank statement, correct?
Nope. There’s no such requirement or expectation from the embassy. The expectation is for your relative to be able to demonstrate their strong ties to their home country. You are right to be concerned about handling such personal documents to some so called agent who is a complete stranger, and whom you have no control over what they will do with your sensitive, personal information.