Do I need to get visa to go Singapore with GC + Passport?

Comcast, its not a matter of calling a spade a spade. Different people have different circumstances, for which they sought asylum from their COP. That doesn't necessarily make a whole country pathetic. Your statement isn't about hurting my feelings, because mine hasn't been. Its just ignorant and immature. Gross generalizations make you look uneducated and thoughtless, not the pathetic countries you refer to.

Do not preach about nuances. You are not a politician. Countries whose citizens get asylum abroad are pathetic because they are governed by tryants or there are groups/people over whom the government has no control. The United States gives asylum only to countries which are pathetic. India is very pathetic and China is very pathetic.
There are some countries that are 'pathetic', sure (cough Somalia cough), but some visa policies are really racist. Isn't that what you were initially talking about? Singapore's visa policies? You weren't talking about countries that create asylees and refugees. And, even when talking about asylees and refugees, how come Singapore doesn't need visas for Indonesians? People flee Indonesia all the time. So, pay attention to what you say, Comcast. That's all. This is a free country, and you can, essentially, say what you want, but if everyone said every stupid thing they thought of (I'm not naming anyone, hehe), Americans would look even more uneducated and arrogant than they are already considered... how nice would that be, U.S. citizen?
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Hey Comcast most countries have produced refugees at some point in their history. Rich and poor countries alike. Look at Europe after the second world war.