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Different Foreign State Chargeability Than What I Entered as I Recall


New Member
Hello everyone,

I'm currently in the process of applying for the Diversity Visa (DV) Lottery and have encountered a concern that I'm hoping some of you might be able to help with.
I was born in Saudi Arabia but have lived my whole life in Sudan. When I applied for the DV lottery, I chose Saudi Arabia as my country of birth. However, upon being selected, I noticed that my foreign state chargeability in results and in is listed as Sudan.
I've done some research and found that an applicant is entitled to be “charged” to a country other than the country in which they were born, for immigration purposes. But I'm still unsure about how this applies to my situation.
Could this be a mistake, or does this mean I could be disqualified? If anyone has had a similar experience or has knowledge about this, your advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your time and assistance.
Here’s what must have happened on your entry form: for country of birth question, you rightly entered Saudi Arabia like you should. Then when you got to the next question on the form asking about chargeability country, you selected Sudan when you should have selected Saudi Arabia again. So when you got selected, you where charged to Africa instead of Asia and your CN began with AF as against AS.

You would be entitled to select Sudan as your chargeability country like you did above for instance, if you were married to a person born in Sudan as at the time of the entry submission; or if your parents were temporarily stationed in SA at the time of your birth.
Here’s what must have happened on your entry form: for country of birth question, you rightly entered Saudi Arabia like you should. Then when you got to the next question on the form asking about chargeability country, you selected Sudan when you should have selected Saudi Arabia again. So when you got selected, you where charged to Africa instead of Asia and your CN began with AF as against AS.

You would be entitled to select Sudan as your chargeability country like you did above for instance, if you were married to a person born in Sudan as at the time of the entry submission; or if your parents were temporarily stationed in SA at the time of your birth.
Hey Sm1smom,
Thank you for replying I really appreciate it.

I'm not married at all and my parents moved to Saudi Arabia when I was born, So does that mean I should give up and kill any hopes that I have cause me case will be disqualified or there's a little glimpse of light that my case could be considered cause I stated my birth country correctly
If you will not be able to demonstrate your parents were temporarily based in Saudi Arabia at the time of your birth, then I’m afraid you will be denied at the time of your interview if you proceed with processing the selection. But if you like you, you can proceed to see it through and find out the outcome at that point.
If you will not be able to demonstrate your parents were temporarily based in Saudi Arabia at the time of your birth, then I’m afraid you will be denied at the time of your interview if you proceed with processing the selection. But if you like you, you can proceed to see it through and find out the outcome at that point.
is there any last hope that this is a mistake by them not me when entering my details in the main dv lottery entry?
It’s not a mistake by them, you selected the wrong chargeability country, this happens quite often.