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Did I Screw Up?


Registered Users (C)
I received a notification letter back mid last year, but for personal reasons was not able to fill it in until last month. I sent it in, but now I am really worried that I may of sent it in too late. My CN has not come up yet, I estimate by CN's released that I still have a to wait until June.

Do you think my delay may be a problem?

Thanks in advance for your help.
You should be fine you only risked to get your interview date later if they haven't processed your case yet.
Thank Goodness, I have been agonizing over this.

Thanks for being the DV lottery hero again....you're the best!
Make sure you don't do anything wrong to delay it even more...since you haven't got much time after June to solve issues...Sept. 30th is sooner than later....

What region and case # do you have? Don't mention the last 3 digits of your case # just the first 2 ...
I have case number OC000012XX, I applied for CP just in case my number comes up close to September. Do you think I will have enough time to get this all done? What things can I do wrong that I would delay the process for me? - so I can make sure that I am particular careful....
My name is Delel i'm 26 i'm married and from Algeria, we are selected for the DV2010 (CN35***), we are looking for a sponsor, please help us, we don't know any body in USA and our appointement is soon.
My e-mail bdelel@gmail.com
You can trust me, if you want to know us better before help, i can give you my facebook, all my life is there.
Please help us.
Thank you in advance
Ps: we just need the sponsor for the appointement we don't need a help when we will get there !:p
Yeah, and the I-134 affidavit of support is an undertaking to support, and the sponsor may be sued if you become a public charge. risky business what you're asking.
E59th, it's why i gave my e-mail and if someone want to help me we can know each other better before :)
ancatdubh, i just need the form, i will not be a charge and i don't want to distrub any body, i just need the affidivit for the ambassy :)
The same is what any scammer or scumbag is stating...while stealing some ones ID or worse...sorry most people are too smart to trust an email from a stranger or a facebook website that can be created by any one....

Maybe you are very honest, don't get me wrong but this isn't something you can ask from a stranger...risking to be sued by the US government....that is something that can cost some one to be charged with fraud and worse....is that what you want to do to a stranger....?
E59th, it's why i gave my e-mail and if someone want to help me we can know each other better before :)
ancatdubh, i just need the form, i will not be a charge and i don't want to distrub any body, i just need the affidivit for the ambassy :)

Right, now that we have your email all my doubts are gone!

what you're asking does not make sense anyway.
You say that you will not be a public charge. If this is the case then you should be able to show you have enough savings to support yourself in the US without needing the affidavit, or an offer of employment.
I will not be getting an affidavit of support as I have enough money saved to support myself and pretty good prospects of gaining employment once in the US.
If you don't have enough savings and don't manage to get work once in the US, how can anyone be sure you won't become a public charge? That's the whole point of the affidavit. No one would sign it unless they actually are willing to support you.
....so......back to my problem?......kidding, trying to be funny...I think all I can is wait and try not to screw anything else up right?
Listen I said that I will not need any help because I have 20000$, but this document is obligatory for Algerian people !!
I'm 26 and my husband 27 we have our diploma, I'm accountant and I sure that I can find a job, whatever it's can be, l know that asking someone totaly stranger is crazy, but I don't have the choice, it's taht or miss my only chance to live there!!
If someone wants to help me , we can first discuss I can send photo of me and the evidence that I have enough money to take care of me.
I don't want to put anyone in a bad possition becasue of me , so if someone wants to help i promis he will never ever hear about me ! Only for good stuff :)
E59th, ahhahhahhah it's ironic I suppose !!!!!
You can know me better if you want to help me, i'm not lying, I don't have any reasons to cheat on someone who's gonna hlep me !
Sorry that the person from Algeria is messing up all the threads...so back to your issue:)

Make sure you triple check all your papers to avoid any delay. Have your I-134 ready in case you need it or you will be asked for it. My friend had 7 x above the poverty guide lines and only after she gave the I-134 by her self (not asked) the person conducting the interview stopped asking all these questions about where her money came from and she had all the proof where it came from...

With the economy what it is and unemployment high, USCIS might have gotten much stricter t avoid more people ending up in the welfare system. Maybe with CP it is different, but always be prepared. There isn't much you can do other than wait.
In the last couple of years they didn't run out of visa's so that is good news for you....:)
Thanks for your advice Bentlebee. I will work on getting all those pieces together now. I really hope that my number comes up soon :)

Olivette, I can't help you. I am not an American and technically in no better position than you are. Good Luck on getting it figured out.