Did anyone layoff after filing I485 from Rapidigm?

please reply me j2cp2001@yahoo.com if you are in the same situtaion

i\'m in dilema ... what do i need to take H1b or start job on EAD?
Talked to recuiter.

He said they will withdraw GC if person leaves. Don\'t know if it means withdraing I140. If Rapidigm withdraws I140 then we have a problem. Maybe someone should from Rapidigm find what withdrawing GC means.
one more victim

Same happenened with us .Our I-485 was filled a year ago and we got RFE and than they terminated us and they are not even replying our RFE.Pls advice us.Is this human after working for them for 4 years that\'a what reward they give us.I am just so pissed off.I have never seen such selfish guys .I hope they suffer.We have Ead and also got new job but what about our GC what should we do.
How do you know that - you are fired or layed-off ?

How do you know that - they fired or layed-off you ?
why Withdrawing of i140 is very impartant - if the do / don\'t how/what difference it make

why Withdrawing of i140 is very impartant - if the do / don\'t how/what difference it make ?
Layoff after filing 485 -- Do not Panic -- Post AC21

Guys, after passing od new law , the sponsoring company has no say once 485 is filed. The can not withdraw the underlying 140 thus denying your AOS. Only catch is INS shoud not approve within 180 days of filing AOS , which is highly unlikely. If INS approves after 180 days all you have to do is get an employment letter from ANY employer and job title and description should be SIMILAR. In case if approved within 180 days then you are in trouble and you must work for the sponsoring company. Keep in mind GC is for a future job and not for the current one. Also you are in status after filing AOS even if you are fired.

Consult a good Attoney to know how to go about.
Why not withdrawing I140 is so important.

Read this and comment. It talks about why I140 is so important and why the company should not withdraw it. At time of Approval INS checks to see if the petition has a valid I140. If not the petition could be rejected. AC21 does not talk about this

Ilia Kapovitch "CAN Employer Withdraw I140 before and after 180 days of filing 485. JIM and gurus please respond ASAP." 11/12/01 8:15pm

Hi I got laidoff by Rapidigm 3 months after filing 485. What happens to GC processing of all Rapidigm laidoff employees? are they going to cancell GC processing. I have still 3 months left for 6months.
GC mama,

I feel sorry for you. Have you got your EAD?

Dont worry, Rapidigm may not cancel 485 application, as its already filed - and by withdrawing 485, do they get benefit? Talk to your recruiter / RIS, and get it confirmed that they dont CANCEL it.

Otherwise, ask them whether you can be on un-paid leave for 3 more months.

I talked to many attorney and all of them opinedtaht, after Ac21,sposoring company have no say in approval of 485 if INS takes more than 180 days to adjudicate the case, thought the underlying 140 is withdrawn. But one has to show an emploment letter. If INS adjudicate the case with in 180 days of RD then AOS will be denied and one has start over again or atleast file a new 140. However PD will be same.
No Title

Mukund, i don\'t understand your statement "If INS adjudicate the case with in 180 days of RD then AOS will be denied and one has start over again or atleast file a new 140.". What do you mean by adjudicate? As far as I know - adjudicate means pass judgement or decide on a case. So if INS approves a case within 180 days and then one is laid off, why will AOS be denied?
to Mukund

Mukund i didn\'t understand what you meant by "after Ac21,sposoring company have no say in approval of 485 if INS takes more than 180 days to adjudicate the case, thought the underlying 140 is withdrawn. " could you explain me clearly.. I am in a utter confusion after being laidoff what to do to use EAD & find job or get a new H1
I greatly appriciate your help
Hi guys i am filing a lawsuit on rapidigm any one want to join

I have been terminated from the company after filing I-485 and even not paid from last 3 months. Even i get a project they are not in a position to place me. I don\'t know what\'s the problem. Let\'s fight together. There are so many people in my situation.

Has anyone heard of fresh Layoff\'s in Rapidigm?

Hi Guys,
Just wanted to know if any of you guys heard any new layoffs!?
Especially in Peoplesoft area!?
Any new developments in other areas?
k007 :)
gc_ss & shashnk

gc_ss, you are correct. Adjudicating in this casemeans deciding. It is not approval. It may be an approval or intent to denial.

At the time of deciding your case, if 180 days are elapsed since RD and if INS knows you are fired then you have to get a job letter from any comapny and get your GC approved. But if INS decides within 180 days of RD and they know you are fired then you have to get an emloyment letter from your sponsoring comapny (ONLY) otherwise you have to start over again. In either case if INS has no knowledge of you firing then your case will get approved. Remember CSC is interpretting differently than other 3 centers Do not consider this as legal advise. Get advise from a good Attorney.