Derivative Asylee Naturalization question

I'm kinda puzzled...when you say that you were not allowed to adjust status, does that mean INS notified you or denied your application or you just went ahead and filed for your own I-589? Because mine seem to be the only case I read in this forum (and believe me I've searched the forums) where INS granted them the Residency. Normally they got denied and were asked to doe the I-589 on their own.

They normally do not get denied. The INS sends the person a notice saying that their adjustment application is being put on hold and the person should file a new I-589. Once that is done they will resume processing the I-485.
Whoever saw your file and approved your interview must have added 2 + 2 which leads me to believe that maybe your lawyer is partially right by saying that you only needed to comply with the requirement at the time of application. Anyhow, we will see, because USCIS is like the twilight zone. Good luck.- :)

The file has undergone only clerical processing up to this point. It is the responsibility of the interviewing officer and her/his supervisor to review the file for legal issues like the one we are talking about.
Hello everyone,

I have my Naturalization Interview in 2 weeks and I am panicking. This is my story:
My husband got approved for political asylum in May 1999 and I became a derivative asylee (AS7). One year later, in May 2000, we both applied for the Residency. In October 2001 we got divorced and in May 2005 I recieved my Permanent Resident Card with a "resident since" date of May 2004. In February of 2009 I sent my Naturalization applicaion. I've already done the fingerprints and my Naturalization interview is in two weeks.

Last night I read on the USCIS site that, as a derivative asylee, I should have reamained married to my now ex-husband until the Residency got approved. I am freaking out about the possibility that at my Naturalization interview the immigration officer asks questions about this situation and I end up with a revoked Permanent Residency. What are the chances of Immigration approving my LPR if I did not qualify for it. Should I worry about this, or have peace of mind. I barely slept last night thinkig about it and probably won't sleep until I get some kind of clarification.


Thank you in advance. :)

Hi, please let us know how your interview went. This is a curious case. Thank you.
Well, I am very happy to say that I had my interview today and the Immigration Officer was very pleasant and didn't touch the asylum subject. Actually, the only things he asked for were my Resident Card and my marriage certificate from my present marriage. He placed a big red "APPROVED" stamp on my application and told me I would be receiving an oath letter in the mail in a couple of weeks.
YAY!!!!! I'm really happy...
Well, I am very happy to say that I had my interview today and the Immigration Officer was very pleasant and didn't touch the asylum subject. Actually, the only things he asked for were my Resident Card and my marriage certificate from my present marriage. He placed a big red "APPROVED" stamp on my application and told me I would be receiving an oath letter in the mail in a couple of weeks.
YAY!!!!! I'm really happy...

Congratulations! Glad all went well.
I just wanted to give you guys an update of what happened with my situation. I got approved and naturalized on May 20th. I'm glad all went well and very happy to be a US Citizen. Now my husband's journey starts...

Thanks for all you help and advice.
congratulations and I wish you much success and happiness in the future.

one question: which USCIS office did you deal with?