Depressed : (


Registered Users (C)
I am even more confused now. I called the UCSIS and asked them what to do and they told me that it will take anywhere from 6 months to 3 years.

They did however say that I cant be punished for something that I wasn't convicted of.

Now at this point I don't know what to do. I want to go to the US but I am afraid to go and leave my mom her alone.

because what if the process takes forever and I can't leave the US and my mom dies or gets sick.

This sucks.......Life sucks...........I hate this.......
jamesarce said:
I am even more confused now. I called the UCSIS and asked them what to do and they told me that it will take anywhere from 6 months to 3 years.

They did however say that I cant be punished for something that I wasn't convicted of.

Now at this point I don't know what to do. I want to go to the US but I am afraid to go and leave my mom her alone.

because what if the process takes forever and I can't leave the US and my mom dies or gets sick.

This sucks.......Life sucks...........I hate this.......

You should talk to a lawyer. There is no point in getting depressed unless you know the legal implications of your case from an immigration lawyer. For all you know, there might not be any problems if you dont have a criminal record.
USCIS always tells you the WORST case senario, I think it's just a way of covering their butts :rolleyes: What exactly are you trying to do? I seem to remember that you were wanting to go to Denver with your wife, but I can't remember who it was that had the GC. I'm sure there is a way to do this and still be able to see your mother, keep asking on the forums. Sombody's bound to give you some help, that's how I've got the majority of my information about my application.
In the meantime, just keep searching for answers :eek:
US citizen

My wife is a US citizen. We live in Canada. We want to go to the US. I dont have a criminal record.

The timeline though is too long to wait for it in the US. I dont want to have to wait 3 years for a green card.

I am so freaking confused right now. I am sitting here going crazy.
jamesarce said:
Well that is true but who knows how much those guys charge.

An initial discussion with the lawyer wont cost you more than 200$ an hour. Some lawyers do it for free. Look for lawyers who do pro bono work in your area. They might be able to help you.

I know that you are looking for peace of mind and detailed information right now. I'd have to remind you that not all of us here are lawyers and also nothing comes for free. I can understand your situation and your frustrations, but there is no point in doing nothing and getting depressed along with it. So you might be better off spending a coupla bucks and talking to a lawyer who can sit with you, go thru your case and give you the exact legal advice you are looking for.

Good luck with that!
i sympathize with you, i just beginnng the process for my honduran husband to come to USA with me...just reading of all the rediculous BS we may have to endure makes me ANGRY, disgusted and embarrassed to be an American, from a country with a government that is so confused and bogged down in stupid paperwork. A monkey could complete one persons application in 48 hours, in these times of electronic informtion.
James, there is a thing called Advance Parole, which is the document that you receive when you file for a travel permit. You may be able to travel with the advance parole while you are waiting for your green card. Like others have said on here, you should honestly look into talking to an immigration lawyer because they will give you the information that you will need to go about your situation in the best possible way. Also, try calling USCIC back again and ask them if you, a person that hasn't lived in the US to long, can travel with Advance Parole while you are waiting for your green card. There may be a chance of you being able to travel while you're in the process, so don't get completely depressed. And believe me, I know just how frustrating the US immigration process is.
There is something from getting frustrated when you even didn't start the process to just stay and thinking that the process should change when is not gonna happen today neither tomorrow or in a year. I answered you about the drug thing, even you didn't get convicted, you got arrested with drug charges. For them, even you are not convicted every officer can look at it in their own terms (I got the explanation by a law enforcement persons). I am not saying that you are doom man, but since is not shoplifting it was drug related you should talk as everybody here told you, you should contact a lawyer, plus since you have so many doubts and fears the lawyer can explain you in general what things are do and dont's in your specific case okay?

Must of us understand you perfectly,but well is that the music they want to play so learn it and be proactive, don't let that some BS give you a hard time. This is not necessary the worst situation that you could be. Take this to strength your character.

You must consider what your wife wants too and she should know what are your frustrations and talk about it if it's really worth the effort. Actually since she is the USC she can go to the Consulate and make calls to USCIS and probably get a better result from it. The worst thing can happen is that you must go back to Canada because they don't accept you right? So what you going to loose? nothing! anyway you are not dying to go to the US.

As we explained to you before if you Adjust your Status (inside the US) you can apply for Advance Parole that is the travel document so you can go back and forth to visit your mother. If you go by Consular Processing you go to the US until you get approved for your permanent visa.

I wish you all the luck, it is frutrated, we know that they can do better. But getting upset and frustrated before start getting the information, reading it before make a move is worthless. Nobody can tell you something that many of us will like to hear that will take less than 6 months! and many of use start this process way before you and we are here, hanging in there.

God bless you all,
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I understand that getting frusterated doesn't help but how can they judge me for something that I didnt even do?

If I did it I would have a criminal record and I don't. I find that unfair.

My wife wants to live there in the US and I would have alot to lose. If I go and spend all that money in the US on the process and they turn me down I run the risk of my wife deciding to stay there and not wanting to come here when I could have used that money to buy a house or something in Canada.

Well I thank you all for all the advice and help. I will be contacting a Lawyer to see what my options are.

Thanks again
James, nobody at USCIS so far has judge you. Don't get ahead of the issue yet. They said that they can, could, maybe, perhaps, look at it, is not a rule or a must. Probably nothing happen at the end! So take it easy okay?
Contact a lawyer and he/she will clarify more about your case. And involve your wife in this, this should be a couple decision not just one way. Take care.
James (is that your name?), you sound sound about as frustrated and confused as I am now! I've found it's really easy for this whole process to be overwhelming, infuriating and sometimes just scary. Believe me, I know how you feel. USCIS makes you focus on all the possible reasons they may turn down your application and you start to feel like you have to defend yourself to the enth degree.
Definately get as much advice as you can but also remember that everyones case is different. You seem like a decent guy and I'm sure that will come across in the interview, I'm hoping (for my sake as well :eek: ) that they aren't going to knock someone back who is honest and straight forward, and who jumps through all the hoops they want you to.
I may be naive and I don't know you and your wife, but she is your wife for a reason and I doubt she would leave you if you couldn't stay in the US. Involve her in this and let her know how much it is worrying you, she's your wife.