sorry that happened to you and i most def. can relate. my immigrant "spouse" is from s. america and when i realized alot of fraudulent things about him, i refused to go to the 2nd interview w/uscis. so he joined the military in hopes that will remedy his problem. well, i turned over all the papers to uscis that he left here. i'm assuming he thought i was dumb..i mean, why wouldn't he, right? well, i found a fake ss card and it wasn't his number! imagine that! i don't underestimate anyone. but you must make an appt. w/ your local uscis office(infopass) and speak to a fraud investigator, if you have some fraud to bring to their attn. i have moved on. it's nothing short of emotional rape. the lecture about how u shouldn't have married her so soon and so on isn't the point NOW. also, go to an mmigration atty. and ask what your options are at the specific point ur at as well. i didn't turn my spouse in for revenge becuz to me...not even that would be enough for revenge. i was, personally scared due to this fake ss card and other things i found. i wanted no part of him and knew i had a "stranger" i was married to. i don't know what's going to happen to him, nor do i care. be strong and don't look back to her..she may even try to "win" u back....they do this and then claim abuse, etc. stay away from every way. best of luck. be careful. it will get better.