Positive thoughts and wishes going towards ABR today. Hope they have an easy and simple interview with good news for us all....
Realcool: Just be cool. You are going to be fine. I know because i've been helping you prepare for a month now. You have enough proof and have seen us all go through the interviews. Except for them asking for more info in a few cases nothing bad at all. So smile. Go in there and let them know how happily married you both are. Be communicative towards each other. Touch her back, hold the door and pull out her seat (your wifes). Finish each others sentences. Have answers ready for the things you think she might ask... how did u meet, where did u get married, who was at the wedding, r u planning a family, did u write to each other/email during the courtship? etc.... Remember to look the officer in the eye when answering questions and never lick your lips (a sure sign of lying). If you are nervous, dont laugh nervously, instead you say u r a bit nervous because u have heard horror stories of ins interviews. Have your wife start the story of how you met and you add your memories to that story here and there. like: "Yes i remember that day because you were wearing that blue dress for the first time and i got you yellow roses and you wanted the red ones from me so u were confused how i felt about you. That was the first time i said i loved you"