Dec 2001 Tracker

Hi ngatu

My EAC is one day after yours (02 056 ),please post your status as soon as you hear from INS.


Both our EAC # s of the same day 02056 ,please post your stsus as soon as you hear from INS,i will do the same.
About RD/ND/AD

RD : Recipt Date ( day INS gets the 140 application)
ND : Notice Date ( Day INS enters your 140 into system)
AD : Approval Date ( Day INS approves yoru 140)

RD and ND will be mentioned on the recipt that you get from INS apon filing 140.

Agian during 485 the same will follow.
Hi GCCrusader

I\'ll post as soon as I hear something from AVM.
Does anybody knows what the INS-VSC I-140 they
are now processing ? Thanks.

Last approval i saw of ND 27 Nov EAC # 02 047 ...we are coming pretty close.
but we cannot predict anything with INS.
Hi GCCrusader and Ngatu

My ND: 4 DEC 2001

Hopefully we recieve it pretty soon.

hopefully anytime...

mine EAC 02 048 xxxxx and WAITING, guys.
anyone else close to me.
Anyone using substitute labour

Hi All
I am doing my I140 using substitute labor my ND is Nov16 still waiting
Any one in the same boat who got approval.

me too

hope the substitution works out ,however i also have a my original labor pending with VA labor, which is stuck there because of the 245i april 31 gridlock.

Thanks. Sure. I will update you as soon as I hear from INS. Please let me know when you hear from them.
mee too substitute labor.. still waiting ND Dec 12. WAC-02-033- 5XXXX

i filed my substitute at california RD OCT24th 2001, it was transfered to VSC on NOV 15th, the AVM in VSC says that they recd the application on DEC 12th.

Which date is the RD for my application?

Dec 2001 Trackers please read this message

Hi Guys
 could all of you Oct,NOV,DEC,JAN filers please update your I 140 info at the following website:
It makes it easy to compare and view results.and infact we get emailed when somebody gets approved.
So if you have posted your info into Dec Tracker please post the same data like ND,PD,AD,RFE in the site i mentioned.


It will be great if people who already got approvals also post their data.
Medicals for AOS

Hi guys,
Anybody knows if you need I-140 approved before medical exam?
no U dont need

U can go for medicals,as you dont need the is valid for one year before expiring.
But if you file 485 within this one year then the medicals are valid indefinately.
But if you are unable to file 485 within 1 year of medicals you have to redo medicals.