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Date of birth problem need help!!!


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I have applied for dv lottery 2011. My problem is, when my parent enrolled me in school they provided my date of birth novemver 1980 while on my birth certificate it is november 1979 (one year difference). As November 1980 was on my school certificates I started using 1980 on every documents even on passport. I was born in Doha Qatar and lived in Pakistan. When I applied, on application I wrote date of birth november 1980. Now in case if I win, I have to provide my birth certificate and date of birth on birth certificate is different. if I try to change date of birth according to birth certificate then have to change all the documents and if change all documents then there would be no record of 1980 that is in my application and simply disqualify me with wrong information. currently i m living in europe need to go back and spend several weeks to correct information. I need help from you guys one thing I m thinking is, if i leave all the documents as it is and tell the visa officer truth...would it work? if not then any other suggestion?
If you win, then at the risk of being called negative, I would say you would have a rather difficult time explaining why your birth certificate and all other documents differ on such an important info. BTW didn't you need your birth certificate to get a passport?
My advice to you if you do not win is to get your passport and your documents changed to the correct thing so you can play next year without the worry.
I did need birth certificate to get passport, rest of my docs were with 1980 so I filled form with it and when i received passport it was 1980. They did not pay much attention on date because birth certificate is in arabic and they did not require any translation and also because I submit my mother's passport as well on which i travelled first time when i was 2 years old. Well my mistake is when I first noticed in school I told registrar that my date of birth is not right and he replied its late now you can change it from board office later. I took it easy and did not bother to change it. I am thinking to change it as soon as possible now. But now i m thinking all the visas on my passport has date of birth 1980 what about them? One thing is when I correct passport and other documents keep the paper work for proof. anyway thanks for the reply
This might be a red flag...Sorry to say that, this isn't like my friend had in her case. In her case her birth year was switched with her sibling and she submitted a copy of his passport and she submitted her International birth certificate, passport, etc...all had the correct dates on it.

In your case you have been using 2 different ones for a long time. Since you need an International birth certificate which shows your real b-day, that makes your HS diploma void and nul due to the differences....if you request a new passport with new birth date you are lying and if you ever entered the US before, it might already be in the computer...so my best advise is to hire a good immigration lawyer if you want to make any chance.

But then again...you just entered and didn't win yet...Some have entered for years and never won, so you can start working on it and see if you can get it changed...but remember your original b-day can be in any computer linked to the customs computer if you ever been in the US or UK...
This might be a red flag...Sorry to say that, this isn't like my friend had in her case. In her case her birth year was switched with her sibling and she submitted a copy of his passport and she submitted her International birth certificate, passport, etc...all had the correct dates on it.

In your case you have been using 2 different ones for a long time. Since you need an International birth certificate which shows your real b-day, that makes your HS diploma void and nul due to the differences....if you request a new passport with new birth date you are lying and if you ever entered the US before, it might already be in the computer...so my best advise is to hire a good immigration lawyer if you want to make any chance.

But then again...you just entered and didn't win yet...Some have entered for years and never won, so you can start working on it and see if you can get it changed...but remember your original b-day can be in any computer linked to the customs computer if you ever been in the US or UK...

My passport date of birth is in computer I have been to uk. but never used the one on birth certificate one
My passport date of birth is in computer I have been to uk. but never used the one on birth certificate one

For the DV lottery they are asking for the International birth cerificate so you will need a new passport with your correct date, or face the chance of denial.
it is stated in the DV lotery papers that you need an International Birth certificate of proof, which is given by the City where you were born and it has already translation is several languages and is used for official government issues. So you request one at the place where they give you a certificate of proof. It cost about Euro 11 where my friend got it from and it was sent to her home in the USA and is official proof.
it is stated in the DV lotery papers that you need an International Birth certificate of proof, which is given by the City where you were born and it has already translation is several languages and is used for official government issues. So you request one at the place where they give you a certificate of proof. It cost about Euro 11 where my friend got it from and it was sent to her home in the USA and is official proof.
I lived in 4 continents and i have never ever heard of such thing as an international birth certificate. How can a birth certificate be international? I know wht procedure to follow to have an international drivers license but birth certificate? In both letters kcc sent ime it was just stated that you need a birth certificate

I won Dv 2010 my husband and my baby boy gave to the embassy their french birth certificate i gave one from my country Ethiopia even thought i was born in russia and has a EU case number

Second thing i think it is good to be prepared in advance but really "you shoul cross that bridge when you came to it, I find it amazing that people are worried and stressed out for a lottery, i discovered this forum when i got the notification letter and started to do some search. So please people relax, believe me winning the lottery and preparing the documents is already a very stressful procedure.

good luck to everyone .
I have similar situation. I'm from Indonesia. My date of birth is May 4th, when I renewed my passport they put May 14th as my DOB, I didn't realize it untill later. I got tourist visa on that passport and went to US at nov. 1997 and overstayed. I have my Driver license and SSN with that passport. Did the special registration on 2003 and applied for asylum, got denied. went back to my country voluntarily on April 2009. And I apply DV 2011, and still waiting for NL. If I win How can I provide my birth certificate and diploma's because they are all dated may 4th. please help.
Fix it by going to a government department where they are responsible for issueing the official papers and explain it in your native country....
International birth certificate is a paper issued by the local government where and what date the person is born...who the father and mother are and what the names are....under every section there is everthing listed in English, French, German, etc...

So "name/nome, etc...