Data Consolidation Project (Thread #7)

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We could initially form a non-profit research or consulting oriented type of body or organization, which basically is a talent pool, and then form a project team to volunteer some projects to do for state/city/community level clients and then maybe commercial clients. The income would then become the body's revenue to support things like speedup AOS -- lots of things we are interested as a body, you name it.

The members do not earn salary, but accumulate credit points toward the voting rights of the body, the non-profit owner shares etc..

If we could chater such an organization, I am sure I could help to find some worthwhile projects (in terms of $$$) for the body.

Of course we would need legal advices to make sure we are doing legal things.

Anyway, you guys are great talents, and I just can not see the talents are wasted without doing anything.
Like the RAND Corporation...

Originally posted by dfkj45
We could initially form a non-profit research or consulting oriented type of body or organization, which basically is a talent pool, and then form a project team to volunteer some projects to do for state/city/community level clients and then maybe commercial clients. The income would then become the body's revenue to support things like speedup AOS -- lots of things we are interested as a body, you name it.

The members do not earn salary, but accumulate credit points toward the voting rights of the body, the non-profit owner shares etc..

If we could chater such an organization, I am sure I could help to find some worthwhile projects (in terms of $$$) for the body.

Of course we would need legal advices to make sure we are doing legal things.

Anyway, you guys are great talents, and I just can not see the talents are wasted without doing anything.
Of course, ours would be a body, comparing to the scale of RAND. But together, I believe we could achieve great things as well, possibly with a specialized mission statement
re: nonprofit

Hi dfkj45

Seems a decent idea. We can pursue it gurther. What projects/skills/areas of specialization were you thinking about??

Also can anyone help me with this.

I scanned about 5000 numbers for SRC01285 (ND: May 27,2001). Lots of I131 cases but NOT a single I485 case.
Its also the same for May 28,2001. I just scanned about 1000 numbers. What's the deal here?

We need to note this somewhere on the consolidated sheet so that nobody else tries to scan these dates in last week of May 2001.

My next scan will be for May 2, 2001

congrats to all May filers who got their approvals.
I see the SRC02-041 (11/20/2001) to SRC02-049 not present in the consolidated sheet. I'll work on scanning those and post them here.
Re: re: nonprofit

Originally posted by dvorak
Hi dfkj45

Also can anyone help me with this.

I scanned about 5000 numbers for SRC01285 (ND: May 27,2001). Lots of I131 cases but NOT a single I485 case.
Its also the same for May 28,2001. I just scanned about 1000 numbers. What's the deal here?

We need to note this somewhere on the consolidated sheet so that nobody else tries to scan these dates in last week of May 2001.

My next scan will be for May 2, 2001

congrats to all May filers who got their approvals.

Dvorak, you mean 01-185 ? That's true, unfortunately finding numbers on May 01 has been harder. Maybe its got to do with that 3 month delay/contractor problem.
What i would suggest is if all the May01 forum filers give us a starting SRC. it would be nice to give upto 10th digits.
Originally posted by dfkj45
Of course, ours would be a body, comparing to the scale of RAND. But together, I believe we could achieve great things as well, possibly with a specialized mission statement

Dfkj45, I am for it and looks like others - dvorak, harvey are in too.
If you prefer, you can contact us using PMs or something and start a discussions in this regards.
May dates


"Dvorak, you mean 01-185 ? That's true, unfortunately finding numbers on May 01 has been harder. Maybe its got to do with that 3 month delay/contractor problem. "

Yes I meant 01-185 and not 01-285. Also a couple of dates give invalid SRC numbers. I will give few more tries for May and then move to June 2001.
Good idea, worth pursuing, more so if you have something specific in mind wich will kick start the mechanism.


I tried hopping around that zone sometime back, it was too miserable not getting any hits so I moved to 02-002. But I have never tried too far as you did ( 5000 numbers)

01-170 Too many missing numbers beyond 1231

01-189 Tried 01 -167 No I485

01-190 Too many missing numbers beyond 143 , even tried jump arond 1000,2000 etc..

01-195 Tried 01- 599 , 1000-1108

01-205 1-75 All I130s, Above 1000,2000 too many missing

02-004 1- 99 All OA155
02-005 Very similar
02-010 Same
02-015 Same
02-065 Tried 1721 -1931 No I485


Thanks, It is welcome move if some more members gather and post some more data, perticularly for those scantly populated zone in the consolidated file. Have a look at consolidated file. Goastros has already posted 02-041

We need to note this somewhere on the consolidated sheet so that nobody else tries to scan these dates in last week of May 2001.

Goastros/dvorak, others

What is the best way to keep this. I used to keep the number range I scanned in Column "I" in the individual sheets. It may be one possibility. We can create a sheet even if there is no data availble, and leave Start/End of the scan in column I/J some where starting form row 2.

-- pr
how is may

do you think this month end dates should move to may or aug looking at the rate of approvals what is the prediction
Scanning Two Sheets

pradha, goastros, others:
I followed up on pradha's idea to get around the "too many invalid queries": scan two dates at the same time, one in the May 01 type time frame, where there are lots of missing SRCs, and another in the late 02 time frame where the numbers are more orderly. Please check out the attachment if you can.

I switched to the more orderly date everytime there were two missing SRCs in the first date. After scanning one number in the second sheet, switch back to the first. Record the last scanned number for each date at the end of the sheet.

This helps, but doesn't quite solve the problem - still crashes due to too many invalid numbers. I am guessing that there are other criteria (other than 3 consecutive invalid numbers) used to kick you out. The other drawback with the way it is set up now is all the numbers (for both dates) are recorded in the same sheet. They have to be separated/sorted at the end of the scan and manually create a sheet for the second date.

Any other suggestions on fixing the "too many invalid queries" error for good??

***Note*** Don't use this attachment for re-scans. Please test for scanning dates with large numbers of invalid SRCs.
rescaned src02-161, not much activities except two denied/withdraw cases in Jan 6.

By the way, it took me 5 days to rescan from src-02-161-00001 to src-02-161-50000, I am wondering how you guys change IP in order to be more productive?
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Re: Scanning Two Sheets

Do You mean after scanning for 2 invalid numbers in 01 range,
you are then scanning for a new SRC in 02 ?
I would suggest Rescanning for a valid range ( say abt 5 nos form a Dummy sheet). does not matter if these are 01 or 02 srcs.

This I think shd take care of invalid nos.

And in your message , if you are saying you already did then my apologies for re-suggesting what you had already written.
I will give a try to your excel program from home.
Originally posted by Toolongawait

Excellent job :)

Is anyone scanning missing numbers e..g 01-272 ?

Toolongawait, if you look at the consolidated file summary sheet, Tivam has initially posted the SRC numbers.
These are being re-scanned.

This helps, but doesn't quite solve the problem - still crashes due to too many invalid numbers. I am guessing that there are other criteria

That is correct. Last night I tried that.
What I have seen earlier was every time I get around 3 missing numbers I get knocked off. I made that theory based on that. It is not quite true though it let me go a little further. Apparently there is something else being checked.
Any other theories???
Is it number of missing numbers in a slot like few minutes or so. It does not seem to be simply that.
If you close and open the browser is it better, seemed a little better yesterday, but earlier I thought it was still knocking off ??

May be if you reduce that ratio it may be better, say like every time you get 2 missing numbers go out to the valid one for two or three before you come back. Just a wild shot ..

But then is it worth figuring out?? Activity may move away beyond that messy range in a short while I think. Aug/Sep any way has quite a few sheets scanned already.

-- pr
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