Data Consolidation Project February Thread

ver 201

+ Added xjb 's data for SRC-02-230
+ Added Kumarsin's data for SRC-01-265 & 01-266

Current Status - Total / Jan /Feb : 40656 / 613/ 1272
Java Scan Results

Hi I have scanned from 12/03/01 to 12/13/01 SRC#s from our consolidated sheet and found that these following cases have been approved on Feb26 & 27 dates. Please update xl sheets. I found java program has been extremely useful, because we check only against the valid cases and also only unappoved cases, so we don't run out of 1000 case limit check. Since there are only about 23K non-approved cases, few volunteers can easily handle this task with more accurate results. Or we If can alter the XL spread sheet to check only against non-approved cases, that would also be suffice.
added Kumarsin's 01-265.
added 02-084 and 02-086
rescanned upto 03-004

Current Status - Total / Jan /Feb : 40971 / 613/ 1280

next person, please add humarsin's 01-266, and keep on rescanning.
Re: Java Scan Results

Originally posted by GCcare
Hi I have scanned from 12/03/01 to 12/13/01 SRC#s from our consolidated sheet and found that these following cases have been approved on Feb26 & 27 dates. Please update xl sheets. I found java program has been extremely useful, because we check only against the valid cases and also only unappoved cases, so we don't run out of 1000 case limit check. Since there are only about 23K non-approved cases, few volunteers can easily handle this task with more accurate results. Or we If can alter the XL spread sheet to check only against non-approved cases, that would also be suffice.

gcCare, actually the VB/Excel macro never scans Approved/Completed & transferred cases. It rescans the Misc case and the explanation is given by pradha in this post.

which java program are you using? Kashmir from CSC forum have always used jaa program.
I have wondered abt using alternate ways to collect data.
For publishing them, right now thanks to Eb2_..& Pradha, we have the summary sheet, but we can all definitely consider alternatives.
added 02-088.
rescanned upto 03-110.

next person, please add kumarsin's 01-266 and pick up the rescanning at 03-114

Current Approval Status - Total / Jan /Feb : 41353 / 617/ 1320 (and 348 transferred in Feb)
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Here is another update of the members sheet. I'm not so sure that there is much value to this sheet, but here it is anyway. It seems that mostly I am adding new members that are approved, but never volunteered their information before. This sheet would be a better indicator if members would volunteer their info prior to being approved and then we could see progress as unapproved changes to approved. There have been numerous opportunities for people to volunteer their info with threads like "all 2001 unapproved please respond", but they haven't. :confused:
Anyway, I expect that I will soon be approved and then this sheet can either die or someone else can take over.
ver 205

Thanks patiencelesstx & w8nc..

Here is ver 205.

I have scanned the remaining upto 03-172.

+ Added more data for 01-266 from kumarsin
+ Added new data for 02-062
+ Updated members sheet from w8nc.

Current Approval Status - Total / Jan /Feb : 41420 / 617/ 1336

next person, please take it from 01-208 .
I will start a rescan on vers_205 by 6.30/7 PM CST starting from 01-208.

If someone has already started please make a posting , so that I will hold on..

Thanks pradha!
for a heck of job you did. ( definitely worth the wait :) )

congrats to dinnu on his prediction.
what a month and what a week for TSC! actual approval count for last week is 489.

plus there are 412 transferred in Feb. (I hope they get approved real soon.)

i am starting to dream about march approval count. without the distraction of valentine and president, with three more business days, are we gonna see 2000 plus?
Thanks patiencelesstx ,

It should be last 8 days to cover from Last Monday. The 441 count in the sheet is for only last 7 days.

Heck of a job for both of you, pradha & patiencelesstx.
kumarsin & Gccare too contributed a lot of new data in past week.
Sorry if i have not mentioned anyone else.

I have some more data for 02-062 and I think picsarus too has scanned something more.

jaxen the moderator for couple of days.
continue to post here..
in a day or 2, let's collect together or prepare good set of instructions and start a new thread witha more appropriate thread name.

For new data, probably Oct 01 but patiencelesstx, haven't you had a frustrating time finding new data in that month ?


Whoever uploads the file with first March'04 approvals will get a grand prize of Lunch with Sachin at The Oberoi. :eek: :eek: Hurry !!

Sorry guys, this is a serious business now-a-days. But just couldn't contain myself after seeing 1700 approvals in February. So, just kidding!!
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yes, that was definitely frustrating for a rookie. but i am sure we can still dig some more out if each of the rest 17 SRC dates is scanned with so much enthusiasts joining effort together.

Let's get this done real quick to get the whole picture of 01 cases.

Originally posted by goastros
For new data, probably Oct 01 but patiencelesstx, haven't you had a frustrating time finding new data in that month ?

another part of src01-266.

First march appproval in the file......
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