Data Consolidation Project February Thread

Thanks Pradha...

I will do it as soon as I will be a little bit free...

May be by tomorrow I will do it...

Too much work in office.

One more question plz...

What is the exact range in 02-035...

Where it starts (is it 53001) and ends with what ??

I am always scanning like 53001- 54099

You are really doing a good job and helping lots of peopls

Thanks again Pradha..
faitas, it is very random.
I suggest you start from 50001.
usually valid & 485 numbers are found from 50001 to 55999.
there are ceratin dates where people have worked hard to find more numbers in 57000 and even in 60000.
02-052 and 02-053

I tried to add them to the consolidated spreadsheet and my excel kept crashing on my laptop. Can one of you guys add this to the consolidated version
Ver 192

added faitas' 02-035 data
added dinnu's 02-052 and 02-053 data
added 02-082 data

changed J2 per pradha's instruction

Current Status - Total / Jan /Feb : 39685 / 611/ 1086
Feb Week1 / Week2 / Week3 / Week4 : 451 / 382 / 245 / 8
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ver 193

Looks like patiencelesstx & my postings crossed so i am reposting..

+ Added data for 02-067 & for 02-068
+ Added Faitas' data for 02-035
+ Added Dinnu's data for 02-052 & 02-53.
I started the rescan from SRC01-250 &
Reached upto SRC01-258.

Current Status - Total / Jan /Feb : 39773 / 614/ 1120.

Go TSC Go.

How abt predictions for the no of approvals for Feb ?
But only people who post new scan results or run a multiscan are allowed to Predict...:D
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my bad. i thought you were still scanning.

on prediction, i am gonna be on optimistic side and say 1500 feb approvals. but since there could still be new sheets found later, 1560 would be my final answer.

yes, my final answer is 1560.
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I'll say 1650

Let me be the most optimistic guy.. I think it'll touch 1650. I think if we keep adding more sheets for sep - dec 2001 it will easily get to this number.
now dinnu's got the motivation to scan more oct 01 cases :)

based on the counts sheet, there could be averagely more than 1700 cases per month for the months that we have some representation. TSC's current speed shown in the found sheets are still not good enough if they are serious about clearing any backlog. Because when you combine the predicted 1600 or so approvals and maybe 400 transfers. That means they are only reducing 1 month's backlog for every 5~6 months.

I sure would like them to stick to the words "6-month backlog"and show us better performance every month.
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1460 is good figure..
1550 is excellent..
more than 1550.... that is flood from TSC..

to reach 1550 we need to do new scans.. yesterday i did for 02-072. i saw 3 approvals on 24th feb. after finishing I will post.

I am doing newscans for oct-01 but i am not getting any 485's.
we have very few sheets in oct-01.


If you scan some sheets , make sure you include that in the consolidated sheet with some remark (preferably around column I/J) even if you do not find any 485 , so that no one will redo again.. more so for Oct-2001.

Originally posted by southerner_xman
can someone rescan 07/01 and 08/01 cases? There are still a lot of unapproved 485s over there, including mine. thanks!

You can run it too, southerner_xman. if you download the last zipped file version (193), unzip the all_cons.xls and then run the macro MultiScan and give the range for which you would like to scan.
After you have completed the formulaes on the summary sheet
will update the approval count.

southerner_xman, give it a try , who knows your approval is in there today. all the best. Let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks a lot !

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all wonderful people while becoming Senior Member with this post. I hope I won't grow older here.

Thanks a lot once again fellows.
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guys let's stick to the original filename and version numbers

added 02-083
rescanned also,
added GC_Aspirant_11's rescan data

Current Status - Total / Jan /Feb : 39962 / 613/ 1207
Feb Week1 / Week2 / Week3 / Week4 : 450 / 382 / 259 / 116
ver 197

+ Added data for SRC02-068

Current Status - Total / Jan /Feb : 40267 / 616/ 1225

Now I have started to scan 02-027.
If possible please scan 02-062 , 02-063.

Tombaan, GC_Aspirant_11 if possible, please write in your messages if Added for ... or Rescanned from xx to xx when you post a new version.
Else others have to figure out what is the change.
No I-485 Receipt Dates.

Hi Gastros,
as one of members request, I tried to scan Aug01/01, and there were no I-485 Application in the range 50000-51034. If there were any such dates, could you publish them.