Data Consolidation Project February Thread

Re: No I-485 Receipt Dates.

Originally posted by GCcare
Hi Gastros,
as one of members request, I tried to scan Aug01/01, and there were no I-485 Application in the range 50000-51034. If there were any such dates, could you publish them.

GcCare, we were discussing abt this.
PatiencelessTx & pradha usually keep the information in 'I' & 'J' column.
The problem is if it is a completely new sheet like for eg - 01/08/2001, we don't know if anyone ever tried to scan it.

It has also been found there are certain dates where no data was found.
for eg - patiencelessTX has posted a empty sheet 01-189 and left information as to what ranges he has scanned.

Picsarus has suggested we also include such empty sheets in the Summary sheets so that anyone who sees the summary sheet will know that someone attempted to find 01-189.
What does everyone think of that ?

Or shd we create a new sheet (at the end after Members) where all such info is stored, so anyone who starts a new sheet reads
that before he/she starts a scan?
Re: Dec01_Jan02

Originally posted by RR_67
Please add this to the Consolidated file


How do you add this sheet to the consolidated file??
Last time I randomly checked and as they were only rescan I just skipped and next rescan probably took care of all those.

If some one has to replace the consolidated sheet he has to be doubly sure and , hence has to check one by one each sheet and that takes considerable amount of time and effort and in the end there is a potential for mistake.

I suggest,

If it is a rescan please do that on the consildated sheet.
If it is a new sheet either add it to the consolidated sheet or post only that perticular sheet, so that the next person can blindly pick and add.

Just my views ....

as one of members request, I tried to scan Aug01/01, and there were no I-485 Application in the range 50000-51034. If there were any such dates, could you publish them.

I am in favour of leaving those sheets in consolidated file once some one scans some range, irrespective of you find 485 cases or not , wiith some history of what you have already done.

I keep the start/ End scanned in Column I/J some where from row 2 down.
patiencelessTx I think cuts and pastes the finishing message at end of scan to same place.
Either way it gives what is already done.

There is little problem to add the sheets in summary if you have no 485s found. The total column will show as 0, and the percentage will get a devide by zero and show some #err message.
One way is just leave a SRC0 in cell A2. But that will add one dummy to total column for every sheet of that nature. It may not really matter for statistical purpose. I did some time back for one sheet that way.
However my vote is just keep the sheet and not in summary.

As there are few people showing interest in getting some more data let me put the sheets I have partially worked on just to avoid duplication

SRC02-116 Apears to be totally blank

Last edited by a moderator:

Hi Pradha,

I am sorry. I thought it would be easy to consolidate the individual files with the multi scans, if I upload the worksheets, I scanned on that day.

I will follow your instructions.

- RR
Scan for 02-032-53000 to 5400

Here is scan for SRC-02-032-53000 thru SRC-02-032-54000 with a date of 11/08/2001. Please add it to the consolidated stats.

from Jan 2004

19 cases touched

5 cases Approved
8 cases RFE sent
4 cases Transferred
2 cases Misc
Re: scanned

Originally posted by tombaan
from beggining upto 201

tombaan, I didn't follow if you see the file you have attached, it is not scanned upto 01-201 for yesterday or today's date.
Did you put it a wrong attachement ?
ver 199

+ Added Matrixone123's data for SRC-02-025
+ Added jxg1999 's data for SRC-02-032
+ Added Kumarsin's data for SRC-02-072
+ Added more data for SRC02-027

Current Status - Total / Jan /Feb : 40539 / 616/ 1236

What is the total 40539 means? the total of all or the total of pending 485 up to RD scanned to-date?
Originally posted by dfkj45

What is the total 40539 means? the total of all or the total of pending 485 up to RD scanned to-date?

That is total no of 485 SRCs that we have collected.
+ Added more data for SRC02-027

rescanned from may 01 (01-162) to 01-244

Current Status - Total / Jan /Feb : 40567 / 612/ 1264
Re: Oops...

Originally posted by RR_67
I am sorry. I thought it would be easy to consolidate the individual files with the multi scans, if I upload the worksheets, I scanned on that day.

I will follow your instructions.

- RR

Hi rr_67,

If it sounded like instructions I apologize for the tone. Last time I made post after your's. I just checked randomly and skipped your file as I thought little nervous to replace the sheets in the consolidated sheet, though I felt bad after you have scanned a range. Of course it will be covered in next rescan, but if you add some data in between we will simply miss it. My intention was only to bring it to your notice when I saw the file.
