Dallas TX - N-400 Timeline -

On the natur. cert, there is a stamp that says something about not to copy etc. Someone I know also got recently naturalized, and wants to make a copy because he is trying to get a tourist visa for him mom. One of the requirements to get the visa is that the person applying for visa needs to show the proof of status of the relative here (like H1 or GC or nat cert - as mentioned in the US consulate website). Anyone has any experience copying the nat cert before and used it for similar purposes? He did call the 1800 # of USCIS, but the person he spoke to, did not have a clue either. Any help on this would be great.
You can copy it (for example, you send a copy in an N-600 application). No one will recognize the copy as official though.

I'm not sure exactly what you are asking.
How do you know that you got your Clearance so quick. ::eek:

That is just FP (fingerprint) clearance - not a FBI background check or namecheck. You can search this forum for phone number in FBI to check status of your fingerprints (which I did). In 99% cases that I saw on this forum - they are cleared the same day. Same happened with ours.
May/22 Oath Ceremony

My wife is scheduled to take her oath ceremony on 5/22, does any one know if that is judicial ceremony. Asking because, she is changing her name and has to get her passport and stuff immediately as there are travel plans. Of course, she does not want any hurdles in her way.

Just want to know from experienced folks if there are any additional tasks that we need to complete before applying for her Passport.

Case Status Retrieval Failed

Today my case status retrieval has failed (on USCIS website). Whatever that means - but based on this forum gives reason to be guardedly optimistic that it had started moving.
My spouse's case is still available though. :( Hope it will disappear soon too.
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How long does it take to Re-Appear again?

It does not re-appear on that web site after that. If I remember what I've read on this forum correctly - that usually means that regional service center completed their part of the process and forwarded your physical file to your district office (DO). (If they do not forget to mark that status in their system your file retrieval starts failing. If they do forget - the website will continue showing 'pending' status 'forever'.) Also at about same time (+/-4 days) they send you the interview letter. Most people who reported status disappearing on this forum received their interview letters within 1 week from that point maximum.

Again, it is all based on anecdotal evidence from this forum.
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Thank you very much. Pretty nice info. When going through Green Card process, I found information here to be very helpful and reliable. Exceptions always apply.
Please keep me posted and I will do the same.

My wife's status disappeared from the list today. Mine remains on there.

Just to confirm though, is this what you get when your case disappears from the site?

Validation Error(s)
You must correct the following error(s) before proceeding:
Case Status Retrieval Failed
Status for this Receipt Number cannot be found at this time in this automated system. Please check your case receipt number to see if it is correct. If you have questions or concerns about your case status, please contact Customer Service at 1-800-375-5283
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Received IL

Just got the mail with the IL notice dated 4/12/07 for interview on June 20th.

Note: The case status is still available online. Not disappeared.

Does anyone know the exact oath dates in June or July? I guess, they usually do couple of Oath ceremonies around July 4th for headline news.

PD 2/12/07
FP 3/20/07
IL 4/17/07
ID 6/20/07
InterView Letter

My Details are as Follows

PD --- 02/16/2007
RD --- 02/20/2007
FP Notice --- 03/09/2007
FP Completed --- 03/29/2007
Interview Date Receipt -- 03/12/2007
Interview Date --- June 25th

Spouse details

PD --- 02/16/2007
RD --- 02/28/2007
FP Notice --- 03/09/2007
FP Completed --- 03/29/2007
Interview Date Receipt -- 03/12/2007
Interview Date --- June 29th
My Details are as Follows

PD --- 02/16/2007
RD --- 02/20/2007
FP Notice --- 03/09/2007
FP Completed --- 03/29/2007
Interview Date Receipt -- 03/12/2007
Interview Date --- June 25th

Spouse details

PD --- 02/16/2007
RD --- 02/28/2007
FP Notice --- 03/09/2007
FP Completed --- 03/29/2007
Interview Date Receipt -- 03/12/2007
Interview Date --- June 29th

You meant you received your ILs on 4/12, not 3/12, right?
Interview letter received

Got my interview letter in the mail today.
IV Notice Date - 04/12/07
Case disappeared - 04/13/07
IV received - 04/17/07
IV appointment - 06/08/07
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Congrats, seems like Srayakni and Millk got very lucky, good for them. Probably your Oath will be scheduled for 4th of July!

RD: 2/20/2007
FP: 3/14/2007
My timeline and interview experience in Dallas

Hi everyone.I just wanted to share my experience with this forum with regard to my case.
Filed N-400 08-14-06
Received confirmation letter 09-07-06:)
Received interview letter 02-16-07:)
Interview date 04-16-07:D
Oath date 05-22-07:D

My interview was scheduled for 04-16-07 @ 1 p.m.
The letter stated not arrive less than 30 minutes before interview.
I arrived @ 3010 N Stemmons Frwy @ 12:25p.m.,left everything tha was not needed or that was made out of metal,including my cellphone in the car.Proceded to the entrance,handed my interview letter to the IO.He stamped the letter,asked me to empty everything from my pockets,put it in a container sent it thru a metal detector,asked me to walk thru a metal detector,returned everything that I had removed.IO handed me back my interview letter and ask me to place in a slot in door number 2.I did what IO asked me to do and waited and waited and waited.I noticed that a lot of people bring what seemed to me their whole family,even when in the letter they ask you not to_Oh my people!I'm hispanic and most of them where too!
At around 2 p.m.,a nice afro-american lady my interviewing IO, called my name,my interview at last!IO asked me into her office,introduced herself and ask me to raise my right hand and ask me to promise to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me god,and I responded,yes I do.She ask me if everything in the application was correct.I responded that I had made a couple of mistakes,one with the travel dates outside the country and the other with the month on the birthdate of one of my sons.She was very polite and made the changes without any questions.She asked me for proof of Selective Service registration which a provided to her.She proceeded asked questions about belonging or being a member of clubs,organizations.I answer no to all the questions and she asked me if I was willing to bear arms and defend the constitution of the United States of America,to which I replied yes I do.History questions were as follows:
Who was the first president of the United States of America A.George Washington.
What country did we fight during the revolutionary war A.Great Britain
What was the name of the ship that brought the pilgrims to America A.Th Mayflower.
The IO handed me a piece of paper and asked me to write the following sentence.I want to become a United States citizen,at this time my anxiety had set in and I wrote,I want to became a US citizen.Like I said the IO lady was very sweet and polite and she laughed and said to me smiling and reading my grammatical mistake.She said,not became and not US.Listen again.I want to become a United States citizen.I started laughing realizing my mistake and wrote the sentence correctly this time.She asked if I had my passport photos with me to which I reply yes and handed the photos to her.
She complemented on how good I look for my age(45) and also at the same time asked me,you have seven children and the oldest one is 29! !I explained to her that I was a father at 16@17@18 and that I had 2 kids out of wedlock when I was between marriages(married twice)and 2 stepsons.I also mentioned to the IO lady that my two oldest sons served in the military.My oldest in the navy and my third son in the marines.To this she replied ,you should be very proud of your sons!To that I replied,I am proud,very proud.After this she said to me congratulations I'm going to recomend that your application be aproved.She handed me a document with the date of the naturalization ceremony and other information.We shook hands,I thanked her for being so kind and polite,to which she replied,it was my pleasure,you should have done this a long time ago!
The naturalization ceremony will be @ The Plano Civic Center May 22 @9 am.
Thank's to everybody that has contributed to this forum,reading some of the posts helped me a great deal!See you at the ceremony...bye.