Dallas Regional DOL Tracker

r there any updates from DOL dallas. its sooooooooooo frustrating the dol dallas is not moving since oct'02. dont understand what these guys are doing since last 5 months. I have seen very very few approvals for DOL Dallas.
one more thing is there automated phone system is not working since 4 weeks, today when I called & asked what the problem with there phone system, they said that the phone repair people are working on it.

Do you guys belive that in usa does it takes 4 weeks to fix a phone problem?, I don't belive it.
Texas WorkForce SESA

Hi all,

I am new to this forum. Here is the update about my case.
My labor filed with Texas on 9/10/02 and my case forward to Dallas Regional on 2/20/03. I guess, Dallas processing the cases it received in 7/2002.

Let me know if any one of you have other updates...

No, we haven't seen any updates to DOL dallas recently. No one is posting any approval since couple of weeks. DOL approval are coming toooooooooooo slowwwwwwwwwwwww. God only knows when DOL is going to approve the cases. It has been back & forth on the july2002 month since last 5 months. Does it really takes 5 months to process 1 month request of july 2002. I dont belive this.
DOL is S L O W

Thanks for starting this forum. I too share your frustration. The wait has not been a pleasant one for me either. Between the cursing, praying and short periods of euphoria, I am just angry.
My dates are
Priority April-02
DOL = October-02

I guess I am waiting for my NOF, and then start a whole new series of gyrations.
LC was filed in Dallas in August - receit 08.15.02;
February 2, 2003 case was forwarded to the federal DOL.

Good luck to everybody.
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What is NOF?

As stated abv it is Notice of Findings send by the DOL Certifying officer, which adds to further delays in the labor processing under RIR.
TX DOL and other DOLs have started sending NOFs for the RIR cases where they they think either employer has layoffs or there are industry wide layoffs (specially software engineers). The employer gets an option to either put a new adv and check if there are US workers available for the job or not do that and the case gets converted from RIR to non-RIR. TXDOL has started sending the NOFs from June last year. They allow 4 weeks to respond to the NOF and once the employer responds they do not take any gurantee as to when they will take decision on the case, may be several weeks or several months. So there are people in TXDOL who have send the NOFS in July/August 2002 and have not heard an status back from DOL. I think they still do not understand the benefits of AOS for the skilled workers as compared to giving amnesty to illegals immigrants crossing the border.

BTW when ur case was send to DOL? Have u received any status back from them. As I mentioned earlier none of the phone numbers are working. The answer they are giving depends on who picks up the phone and what the person thinks about the caller, so u may hear they are repairing, dont know, try back after a few days....etc. I think as the recent AILA minutes I read somewhere on the web, the CO has mentioned that they have stopped giving status on the phone so may be this all a part of it, who knows???
Thanks for the NOF clarification. DOL is taking too much time to process. Also it all luck. sometime they picks up any case and approve it. recently did you got any approvals from DOL. I have been calling regularly to check what going on with there phone always they tell they are trying to fix the phone sysyem, can you belive that does it takes 3 to 4 weeks to repair phone in usa? I dont think so. let us know if get any update from DOL.
2 WEEKS BACK I called dol & there was one lady, she was very nice.I didn't even knew my case no, she gave me all my details including the receipt date for dol. my date is aug 16 2002 at dol. and what cases for which month they are processing. ap per her she told me that they are processing aug'02 cases even though on website it shows july 2002 for rir cases. Let see what happens. god help our case approve from this dol asap so that we can look forward the 140 stage asap.

are there any updates from DOL dallas for any approvals? Looks like there automated status check phone system is not working since last 4 week.
guys are there any updates for any approvals?

Today talked to the DOL people in dallas to check about the phone problem, Looks like they are in no mood to correct the problem. I told them ur phone not working since so many weekss & they said they knows it. they dont know when it is going to start. god please help this system work, this guys can't fix a simple phone problem since last 4 weeks nor they are working fast for any approval updates. chicago DOL looks like is much better in terms of approvals.
does Email retrieve work?

The state level office sent my lawyer a letter and it is said my case was sent to the federal office in Dallas for further review on Feb. 20. but when I used the Email retrieve system and input my company's telphone number, the automatically replied email said the case could not be found. I know the phone retrieve system has not been working for 1 month and no one in that office really care. but I want to ask you if the email system work or not, or they lost my case?
thank you for sharing all your info
Make sure that the phone number matches the number on the application. Otherwise try using hte tax id for the employer.
while sending email to DOL put in the body only your employer phone no / your case no.

e.g: case 999999
employer no 666 666 6666

Don't put anything in the subject.
finally got a chance to talk to DOL on 03/03. They told me that they had completed the july 2002 processing for RIR category. so hope now they might be working on aug'02 cases.
Is the email address is:

and is there any dash betetween phone number?

I don't have case number. the case number from state level is
00*****,only 5 digits.

thanks for reply.

use your employers Tax ID... send email without subject & content

tax id 12-3456789
the email is correct .

In the email body put,


case 6666666
employer phone no (666) 666-6666

Dont put the sesa case no. Also If you dont have DOL case no then only put your employer phone no.