Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Is there any date in sight ?

When the BEC's came into existence it seemed like a glimmer of hope for faster labor certifications. My case is on June 1st 2003 (RD) May 28 2002 (PD) so I expected to get my labor within weeks of when BEC's started processing cases.

But they have already squandered the complete advantage of the BEC's by delaying the start of processing by almost 2 months now. The cases started transferring in OCTOBER now its MID DECEMBER.

GP111 what is your estimates now, for a June 1 2003 RD to be cleared, it is a MS+2 Years case ?

72 to 84 percent- WHAT ??

lc4gc said:
12/06/2004: DOL Inspector General Audit Result of Backlog Labor Certification Cases (Source:breaknews of www.immigration-law.com )

The Office of Inspector General reports that it recently conducted audit of the backlogged labor certification applications and found the following concerns:
69% cases were misrepresented or incomplete.
84% involved aliens working without work authorization.
72% involved aliens without legal status.

These numbers look stupid - Does it mean that out of the 20,000 cases from SF, 14400 to 16800 are illegal workers ???
Something is really wrong with these numbers.

Oh yep - I just used SF as an example - I understand there are cases from Dallas or Phily too in these centres.

If this report is true, I need to seriously think about my green card now :rolleyes:
Dilbert_Cal said:
These numbers look stupid - Does it mean that out of the 20,000 cases from SF, 14400 to 16800 are illegal workers ???
Something is really wrong with these numbers.

Oh yep - I just used SF as an example - I understand there are cases from Dallas or Phily too in these centres.

If this report is true, I need to seriously think about my green card now :rolleyes:
If the study was truly of backlogged cases alone, two possibilities come to mind. First, due to the length of time involved in the LC process, complicated by the backlog, many beneficiarys(aliens) who were legally in the U.S. at the time of application, may have had status changes that were out of their control occur in the interim. Secondly, due to the amnesty programs over the past few years, many half-assed (opinion of the author) applications were filed near anmesty deadlines, just to get a foot in the door, knowing full well that 45-day letters would be sent out when the application processing started, requesting completed information be returned...giving agents additional time to prepare a clean, completed application.
SWA cases transition to BEC

in the first shipment, SWA must send all unopend cases in their systme with receipty dates prior to 2003. this shipment must be received at each SWA's assigned Backlog Processing Center no later than Dec.31 2004.

see www.ilw.com
lc4gc said:

Based on your source, the Dallas BEC hasn't sent out letter, right?

When I applied for LC, I was in OPT F1-status, the lawyer said it is ok to apply for LC, now I already changed to H1, still leagle status. but Don't know if they count me as Illigal status...if in that case, it would be mistake of DOL's report. also LC is for future use, should not related to Alien's status if my understanding is correct.

if they found 72 or 84% number from USCIS database, then it is reasonable, if the statistics is based on the DOL database, how it could be correct? how they could tell aliens working without work authorization? How could they know Aliens are illegal status? am I right? :confused:
You're correct in assuming letters have yet to go out...still struggling with software problems...LC is not related to status, only that it places an additional burden upon the alien to keep the balls in the air as visas have to be renewed/extended while waiting for LC to go through. As far as the veracity of the statistical info-USCIS may be making the assumption that visas issued without having a follow-up extension request or other evidence that the alien has voluntarily left the U.S., would result in illegal immigrant status.
Dilbert_Cal said:
These numbers look stupid - Does it mean that out of the 20,000 cases from SF, 14400 to 16800 are illegal workers ???
Something is really wrong with these numbers.

I agree, there's pot smell coming off this report. Did you guys read original text (http://www.oig.dol.gov/doltopchall04.pdf)? It sounds like someone who wrote it didn't understand what he's writing about. Is he mixing LCA and LC in one heap, here for example:
...67% of the aliens were already working for the employer at the time of application...
How's that bad for permanent LC? Stupid report. Shows how DOL is completely out of wack if their have people who produce such bs.
airman said:
I agree, there's pot smell coming off this report. Did you guys read original text (http://www.oig.dol.gov/doltopchall04.pdf)? It sounds like someone who wrote it didn't understand what he's writing about. Is he mixing LCA and LC in one heap, here for example:
...67% of the aliens were already working for the employer at the time of application...
How's that bad for permanent LC? Stupid report. Shows how DOL is completely out of wack if their have people who produce such bs.

Guys.. going thru the report.. it looks to me that most of the findings (all the figurs / percentage blah blah..) is for the cases filed during Jan-01 to Apr-01 (i245 Cases)...
PD of 08/2001

gp111 said:
Guys.. going thru the report.. it looks to me that most of the findings (all the figurs / percentage blah blah..) is for the cases filed during Jan-01 to Apr-01 (i245 Cases)...

Any idea of how fast i will get my labour processed/certified?

CA SWA PD 08/2001
CA DOL RD 08/2002
Remanded to State 06/2003

Cases per month

Now that I know my case from california swa will be sent to Dallas BEC. I would like to know the per case processing time at this center. Ok based on my rudimentary calculations, here is what I could infer.
Total # of cases pending-------300K (conservative)
BEC total processing time-------24 months.
Cases per month------------------300K/24 = 12.5 K cases /month
Cases/month in each BEC---------12.5/2=6.25K (assuming both have similiar capacity)

My case was filed as non-rir at california swa on Aug-2002 and it pending out there itself. So lets see, it might take about 8-9 months before BEC processes my case, assumiong there are about 50K cases before me at the Dallas BEC.
What do you guys think?
also consider junk applications

We should also consider the % of junk LC's flied in those 300K+ applications. I think it would be atleast 20-30% because of the labor applications filed due to 245(i) reasons,employers going out of business,people leaving employers etc.

Now that I know my case from california swa will be sent to Dallas BEC. I would like to know the per case processing time at this center. Ok based on my rudimentary calculations, here is what I could infer.
Total # of cases pending-------300K (conservative)
BEC total processing time-------24 months.
Cases per month------------------300K/24 = 12.5 K cases /month
Cases/month in each BEC---------12.5/2=6.25K (assuming both have similiar capacity)

My case was filed as non-rir at california swa on Aug-2002 and it pending out there itself. So lets see, it might take about 8-9 months before BEC processes my case, assumiong there are about 50K cases before me at the Dallas BEC.
What do you guys think?[/FONT][/QUOTE]
sri302 said:
We should also consider the % of junk LC's flied in those 300K+ applications. And that was the estimated total given LAST SPRING when the bidding was first announced!I think it would be atleast 20-30% because of the labor applications filed due to 245(i) reasons,employers going out of business,people leaving employers etc.The DOL and folks they paid to study this awhile back agree with you..the total percentage of junk LC's may be higher now that it's been 9 months.

Now that I know my case from california swa will be sent to Dallas BEC. I would like to know the per case processing time at this center. That's difficult to say as the 45-day Confirmation/Correction letters haven't even begun to be printed.Ok based on my rudimentary calculations, here is what I could infer.
Total # of cases pending-------300K (conservative)
BEC total processing time-------24 months.Contractual extension could make this 48 months (or longer if you get technical)
Cases per month------------------300K/24 = 12.5 K cases /month
Cases/month in each BEC---------12.5/2=6.25K (assuming both have similiar capacity)

My case was filed as non-rir at california swa on Aug-2002 and it pending out there itself. So lets see, it might take about 8-9 months before BEC processes my case, assumiong there are about 50K cases before me at the Dallas BEC.
What do you guys think?[/FONT]
[/QUOTE]Given the changes to the above variables in your formula....it's probably anyone's guess :(
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Dallas Backlog Reduction Center

Hey gp111, thanks for starting this thread.
My lawyer said my file from denver is transferred to Dallas. Actually my state processing is done and my file is transferred to Denver on Sep27th for federal processing. So I guess I am in the queue at Dallas Backlog reduction centers. Can anybody tell me what are the processing times at Dallas? Are there separate processing times for these backlog reduction centers? Where do I see these times? Why immigration.com still posting timings from Dallas if processing is transferred to Dallas? Pls help me....
Hi Guys,

I am new to this thread. Can you please tell me Who exactly sending the cases to Dallas BEC at this time? (I understand that Jan'05 will open up gates to all)
(a) Designated SWAs
(b) Designated DOL Regional Centers (Denver, SanFrancisco, Seattle)

kiranvahaja said:
Hi Guys,

I am new to this thread. Can you please tell me Who exactly sending the cases to Dallas BEC at this time? (I understand that Jan'05 will open up gates to all)
(a) Designated SWAs
(b) Designated DOL Regional Centers (Denver, SanFrancisco, Seattle)

At the present time, cases at the Dallas BEC include regional backlogged cases from Dallas and San Francisco. There are also a small number of SWA cases from California that were included in Dallas BEC's share of the regional cases from S.F. Within the next few weeks, Dallas BEC will also be getting the backlogged cases from the Chicago RO. Although, after the end of the year, as SWA cases are transferred to the new national centers at Chicago and Atlanta, Dallas BEC may also get a few cases from Seattle and Denver, but it has not been determined due to their smaller backlogs. DOL has directed the SWA's to send cases older than 2003 to the BEC's by the end of 2004, and any remaining backlog up to 12/31/04 by the end of March, 2005. States have been divided roughly down the Mississippi River with western states going to Dallas BEC and eastern to Philadelphia.
Icarus said:
At the present time, cases at the Dallas BEC include regional backlogged cases from Dallas and San Francisco. There are also a small number of SWA cases from California that were included in Dallas BEC's share of the regional cases from S.F. Within the next few weeks, Dallas BEC will also be getting the backlogged cases from the Chicago RO. Although, after the end of the year, as SWA cases are transferred to the new national centers at Chicago and Atlanta, Dallas BEC may also get a few cases from Seattle and Denver, but it has not been determined due to their smaller backlogs. DOL has directed the SWA's to send cases older than 2003 to the BEC's by the end of 2004, and any remaining backlog up to 12/31/04 by the end of March, 2005. States have been divided roughly down the Mississippi River with western states going to Dallas BEC and eastern to Philadelphia.

Hello Icarus,

Was wondering where did you get this info about Dallal Bec gettting backlogged cases from the chicago Regional Office? Further if they are getting chicago regional backlog load then do you know what date are they targetting to do?

BTW, my case is from chicago regional non-rir PD aug 2002 will my case be processed by Dallas BEC? If yes then when do you think I will get this so called 45 day letter?

Thank you.

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Hello Icarus,
One more question, my labor is pending at Chicago RO. You said that backloged Chicago RO cases will go to Dallas BEC in few weeks. Also, everybody know that some unopened cases from SWA's will be trasfered to BEC by Dec 31st, 2004. My question is there going to be separate Q for SWA and RO or a single Q of FIFO?

charlesmighty said:
Hello Icarus,

Was wondering where did you get this info about Dallal Bec gettting backlogged cases from the chicago Regional Office? Further if they are getting chicago regional backlog load then do you know what date are they targetting to do?

BTW, my case is from chicago regional non-rir PD aug 2002 will my case be processed by Dallas BEC? If yes then when do you think I will get this so called 45 day letter?

Thank you.

Info comes from Dallas BEC. Files have been slated to begin arriving this coming week. From the PD given, it appears that your file will be included in the transferred files. A letter will be sent after the file has been received, inventoried and data entered into the PBLS system. This process is ongoing and based upon the number of letters currently awaiting the printing/mailing process, Chicago files will probably not have letters sent until some time next month (at the earliest).
GC_DJ said:
Hello Icarus,
One more question, my labor is pending at Chicago RO. You said that backloged Chicago RO cases will go to Dallas BEC in few weeks. Also, everybody know that some unopened cases from SWA's will be trasfered to BEC by Dec 31st, 2004. My question is there going to be separate Q for SWA and RO or a single Q of FIFO?

DOL recently issued a directive to the SWA's to have unopened files with LO dates prior to 2003 sent to the BEC's by 12/31/04. Unopened files after 2003 through 12/31/04 that remain are supposed to be forwarded to BEC by March 31, 2005. Once the SWA cases' data have been entered into the PBLS data entry system, letters sent and a response received, cases will be queued into a single Q will all other files based on LO received date(FIFO). This means that the processing order will be updated (probably daily) so that when an analyst is finished with the file they're working on, the next file they process will be one that has been determined to be the oldest.
source: www.immigration-law.com , click breaking news.

12/12/2004: DOL Backlog Reduction Centers' Processing Queue Under FIFO Processing

Many of the readers have sent us a question on how the Backlog Centers would process the cases once cases are transferred from the local state offices. Since there are more than 300,000 backlog cases in the pipeline, they were very concerned.
According to the available sources of information, these backlog centers are and will be processing the cases on two principles. One is to process and maintain a separate queue for each different type of cases, such as RIR, Regular Case, Limited Review Processing, Faculty Special Handling, Etc. They will then process in each of these different queues in the order of First In and First Out (FIFO). There are no available information about the number of backlog cases in each of these different types of cases. However, it is evident that the largest number of cases fall under the category of "regular" labor certification applications of 245(i) benefit which were filed immediately prior to April 30, 2001. These are also the cases which the Inspector General of DOL was most concerned about the potential frauds, irregularities, or filing flaws in his recent release of the audit results. The waiters in this type of cases should not expect a quick fix for the two reasons. Firstly, they are standing in the long, long, long line or queue. Secondly, their cases may be more intensively scrutinized than other types of cases, causing processing delays. On the other hand, the non-regular cases may be processed fairly in a limited period of time because they have a shorter queue and will be subject to less scrutiny. These waiters should not be intimated or overly concerned by the simple total backlog numbers of over 300,000 cases. Please enjoy your holidays!
BEC Processing

Can someone let me know how the cases pending at DOL Regional Offices will be handled..All I have been reading about is that files backlogged at SWAs are being sent to BECs in batches, how about files with State LCs cleared and waiting at DOL Regional Offices..Will they be transfered to BECs as well. If so, what queue will they be in and would the processing for such cases will be...FIFO based on SWA receipt date or Regional Office receipt date....
