Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

I guess, I am almost there..

Finally its great to see some approvals. Congrats for all of you!


My Profile
Category: EB2/RIR
Filed Date: 24-Feb-2004
BEC 45-DL Received : May 2006
BEC 45-DL Replied : June 2006

Case #: D-05199-*****
Case Status: IN PROCESS
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smuppala said:
Finally after 2 years 9 months, my labor was approved on Aug 22nd and our HR received the pdf copy of approval today.

Filed on Dec 12, 2003 under CA/EB2/RIR.
ETA Case # D-04321-05xxx
Regional (state) labor was cleared on Sept 28, 2004.
45 Day Letter received & replied on Feb 11, 2005.

Good to see 2003 approval!
not upto date

Yes I also received 'No records matched your query, please check the case number.'

ETA#: D-05208-XXXXX
State: Texas
EB2/RIR, PD: 03/2005
45 Day letter received: 06/22/2006
45 Day letter replied: 07/24/2006

calabor said:
did anyone get a 'No records matched your query, please check the case number.' message?
Yes, not up-to-date

My case was approved on Aug 22nd, but the status shows "Data Review". I guess the data is atleast few weeks old
On-line Status Check

smuppala said:
My case was approved on Aug 22nd, but the status shows "Data Review". I guess the data is atleast few weeks old
I checked for my case it is "IN PROCESS".
I checked for my friend whose case is approved in June 2006. It is also 'IN PROCESS".
I dont think this case status is updated since many months.
calabor said:
did anyone get a 'No records matched your query, please check the case number.' message?

Yes, I did get this
'No records matched your query, please check the case number.'
message for my DBEC(filed from MN 08/04, 45day 06/30/06)
I can however see my PBEC case(NJ 07/03, no 45 day letter yet).
online status check


I see my case status changed to IN PROCESS. It was DATA REVIEW 2/3 months ago, when I got my screenshot

NEverGreen said:
Yes, I did get this
'No records matched your query, please check the case number.'
message for my DBEC(filed from MN 08/04, 45day 06/30/06)
I can however see my PBEC case(NJ 07/03, no 45 day letter yet).
Same here

NEverGreen said:
Yes, I did get this
'No records matched your query, please check the case number.'
message for my DBEC(filed from MN 08/04, 45day 06/30/06)
I can however see my PBEC case(NJ 07/03, no 45 day letter yet).

Even i got the same but last week when i asked for a screenshot i got the case details.When i used the case number it showed the message you got.Either this is an old database or they havent updated info into it.
Status Check

As we all most of the work in IT, we call as Development Database, I am sure Development environment have been build sometime back and never been refresh with Production Database, since this is TEST site, so it showing develoment area status not from production..

Wait for sometime to see real status...

Good Luck
PD DEC'2003
45 DAY letter JUNE'2005
NOF: JULY'2006
RajWaitingonLCA said:
As we all most of the work in IT, we call as Development Database, I am sure Development environment have been build sometime back and never been refresh with Production Database, since this is TEST site, so it showing develoment area status not from production..

Wait for sometime to see real status...

Good Luck
PD DEC'2003
45 DAY letter JUNE'2005
NOF: JULY'2006

you mean the url itself would be different for the production site?
It is showing "IN PROCESS" for my case.

It was "DATA REVIEW" when this site was available for a day on July 27th.

So, does that mean the site has real data or is it still test data ?