Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

My case details

sfmars said:
I can repeat again that my impression is that you have SWA case and that was typo when you saw Case Source: Region in the 7th year screen.
My screenshot says also Case Source: Region, although MI stopped to clear the cases with PD < 10/2003.

So your case is going to be treated by DBEC as RIR SWA.

This is my personal own opinion and I would like to be wrong (regarding your case) but I think that I am right.

My case made it to regional before it went to DBEC.I also got 45 day letter in Oct 2005 and also the lawyer applied for quite a few people from my company in IL .some people in April 2004 and some in May 2004 people who applied in April have got their labor cleared according to the lawyer and i am awaiting mine.
when did IL state labor department stop processing cases.



State -- Approved
Forwarded to Region and then to BEC.

45 day letter received and responded on 02-11-2005.

Screen shot says this:
PD -- 07/08/2002
RD -- 12/13/2004
Case Source -- Region
Case Status -- Data Review
ETA # -- D-04348-XXXXX
Processing type -- <blank>

I'm a newbie to this forum.
Can someone please explain as to how to track this case and what would be ur guesstimates as for as approval goes?

Is there anybody at all from the state of LA??

This wait is making me :mad: and to :(
Late May PD

sfmars said:
I can repeat again that my impression is that you have SWA case and that was typo when you saw Case Source: Region in the 7th year screen.
My screenshot says also Case Source: Region, although MI stopped to clear the cases with PD < 10/2003, and my friend in TX with PD 12/2004 has Case Source: Region

So your case is going to be treated by DBEC as RIR SWA.

This is my personal own opinion and I would like to be wrong (regarding your case) but I think that I am right.

And also i wud like to add my PD is May 24 2004 .i have seen only 2-3 cases that to in early May which have been certified and my case number is D-05111-xxxxx it does look like state is cleared as its very near to all cases which have already been certified.Let me mail my lawyer tomm and know the details.Any inputs.
case status or screen shot..


How do we get the case status or screen shot with case status? I did get 7th year extensions screen shot, but it doesn;t say case status. Dallas BEC is not sending the reply for H1&year screen shot, only Phily is replying with screen shot.

Any one lately got the screen shot with status...! Can the attorney ask for the case status? and if so, please let me know. Thx

CA -PD 28-May-2002, RD 14-APR-2003, 45 DL - 10-JAN-2006 EB3
goingtocanada said:
Does anybody have a similar case -

PD : 11/24/2003
State : Michigan
RD : never made it to Regional
BPC : Dallas
No 45 day letter received.

Are they processing cases that never made it to regional yet???

they are, but randomly.
provision to file I-485 got dropped from from S. 1932 bill

From immigration-law.com

# Unfortunately, the Senator dropped from S. 1932 the provision on availability of I-485 filings for employment-based immigrants during the period of retrogression. We urge the Senator to reinstate this provision in the final draft of his bill before it is introduced to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Community leaders, please urgently contact the Senator's office to urge him to reinstate this provision.

# AILA has obtained and summarized the draft of Senator Specter's draft of Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006, which will be introduced in the Senate Judiciary shortly (March 2, 2006). This is basically a Republican bill that put together various pending bills with some adjustments, such as the PACE Act, McCain-Kennedy bill, and other Comprehensive Immigration Reform bills. We are happy to report that when it comes to the employment-based immigration, this bill incorporates the following key elements:

* Recapture of employment-based immigration visa numbers since FY 2001
* Exempt from the employment-based numerical limitation of the spouses and children of the EB immigrants
* Exempt from the employment-based numerical limitation for (1) the advanced degree holders in Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics with 3 years of work experience in the major fields in the U.S., or (2) National Interest Waiver EB-2. (For comparison with other bills, please revisit our summary report on 08/18/2005 in the Breaking News Archive.
* Increase of employment-based immigrant quota from 140,000 to 290,000 with the allocations in EB-1=15%, EB-2=15%, EB-3 Skilled Worker/Professional=35%, Other Worker (Unskilled)=Upto 30%, and EB-4 Investor Immigrant=5%.
* Special green card eligibility for the U.S. Doctorate Degree holders under the new F-4 visa program in Mathematics, Engineering, Technology or Physical Sciences with full full-time employment
* Increase of H-1B annual quota from 65,000 to 115,000 or a market-based increase beyond 115,000
* H-1B cap exempt for those advanced degree holders in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (not limited to the U.S. degree holders)
* New F-4 visa for those pursuing advanced degree program in Mathematics, Engineering, Technology or Physical Sciences with the accompanying benefits of "intending immigrant" in certain cases, special handling labor certification application for immigration, and for the doctoral degree holders in the U.S., green-card eligibility
* OPT period change for all the F-1 students from the current 12 months to 24 months and off-campus employment opportunity unrelated to the filed of study on or off academic terms under certain conditions.
chikkili said:

How do we get the case status or screen shot with case status? I did get 7th year extensions screen shot, but it doesn;t say case status. Dallas BEC is not sending the reply for H1&year screen shot, only Phily is replying with screen shot.

Any one lately got the screen shot with status...! Can the attorney ask for the case status? and if so, please let me know. Thx

CA -PD 28-May-2002, RD 14-APR-2003, 45 DL - 10-JAN-2006 EB3

DBEC is replying to attorney's request for status,few days back my attoney requested and he got reply within an hour.Try ur luck
goingtocanada said:
Does anybody have a similar case -

PD : 11/24/2003
State : Michigan
RD : never made it to Regional
BPC : Dallas
No 45 day letter received.

Are they processing cases that never made it to regional yet???

I have similar case , See my signature
OH/RIR EB2/Region/EB2/PD: Dec. 2003 still waiting

I'm still waiting (OH/RIR/EB2/Region/EB2/PD: 12-24-2003)

ohio_boy said:
Hi, AnbuFl,

From unofficial sources I heard they were working on April-May 2004. I just wanted to double check on this forum. However, now, that you're telling me this is really strange.

Best wishes to everyone! :)
sorry to hear that...

ypg12242003 said:
I'm still waiting (OH/RIR/EB2/Region/EB2/PD: 12-24-2003)

Well, what can I say? :(


My original application was submitted in Oct 2002 and was withdrawn in Oct 2004. Me and my wife (she has approved LCA now, EB-3, the lawyer said 5 more years to go because of EB-3 backlog) have become increasingly frustrated and although we wanted to stay here we sometimes wonder about Canada. So my question is whether it's worth it in the opinion of those who visit the forum. Do mechanical engineers have good opportunities over there?

Sorry again for the offtopic.

Best wishes to everyone.
Do some reading

I empathise and sympathise with your wait, but, do a little reading in this forum. No one will answer because you have asked a grade 1 question in a graduate class. You are here because you have some ability - use it. Read FAQs. Then read some of the last few hundred pages in this forum. Then you can download an excel spreadsheet that is tracking cases -- go to Backlog Elimination centeres > BEC Tracking (by Zainy Brainy) --> and go to the respective page you need.

That having been said with a PD of 2002 --> I hope your case is cleared soon. It is possible there is a problem with your case????

The BEC is targetting Nov 2007 to finish everything -- hopfully you'll get it well before then.

In a nut shell - no one really knows what is going on inside BECs -- I also strongly suspect, the managers do not even know --> if they did, they would give us a hint as to what is happening and cases like yours from 2002 would be the next on out the door following FIFO.

Sorry for the bad news, but there are THOUSANDS of us gong through this hell. I have been here since early 2001 and it took until 2004 to get a PD -so I do know what you are going through and what you are feeling.

Follow this forum - it will give you some peace of mind.

God Bless and pray for the LC end and a smooth next step.

uhbiv said:


State -- Approved
Forwarded to Region and then to BEC.

45 day letter received and responded on 02-11-2005.

Screen shot says this:
PD -- 07/08/2002
RD -- 12/13/2004
Case Source -- Region
Case Status -- Data Review
ETA # -- D-04348-XXXXX
Processing type -- <blank>

I'm a newbie to this forum.
Can someone please explain as to how to track this case and what would be ur guesstimates as for as approval goes?

Is there anybody at all from the state of LA??

This wait is making me :mad: and to :(
Thanks for whatever you have said in your reply...except the 1st para.
FYI while I'm doing my own research (since I have the ability), I was trying to find out some very minute details that might be out there. Looks like you were trying to download your frustration on me. Sorry if I'm wrong but thanks none the less for answering.
cacanuk said:
I empathise and sympathise with your wait, but, do a little reading in this forum. No one will answer because you have asked a grade 1 question in a graduate class. You are here because you have some ability - use it. Read FAQs. Then read some of the last few hundred pages in this forum. Then you can download an excel spreadsheet that is tracking cases -- go to Backlog Elimination centeres > BEC Tracking (by Zainy Brainy) --> and go to the respective page you need.

That having been said with a PD of 2002 --> I hope your case is cleared soon. It is possible there is a problem with your case????

The BEC is targetting Nov 2007 to finish everything -- hopfully you'll get it well before then.

In a nut shell - no one really knows what is going on inside BECs -- I also strongly suspect, the managers do not even know --> if they did, they would give us a hint as to what is happening and cases like yours from 2002 would be the next on out the door following FIFO.

Sorry for the bad news, but there are THOUSANDS of us gong through this hell. I have been here since early 2001 and it took until 2004 to get a PD -so I do know what you are going through and what you are feeling.

Follow this forum - it will give you some peace of mind.

God Bless and pray for the LC end and a smooth next step.
CA/DBEC 45DL/RD Status Update

ETA Case: T-05217-XXXXX
PD: 08/2004
45 Day Letter: Not Recieved
Case Status: RIR

Any Projected date for 45DL?
Could someone post link to whoever is maintaining 45DL/RD status update for DBEC
go to Backlog Elimination centeres > BEC Tracking (by Zainy Brainy) --> and go to the respective page you need.



There is a posting by mvinays. At the end of it you will see the updated zip file.

Partha72 said:
ETA Case: T-05217-XXXXX
PD: 08/2004
45 Day Letter: Not Recieved
Case Status: RIR

Any Projected date for 45DL?
Could someone post link to whoever is maintaining 45DL/RD status update for DBEC
e-mails to your senators to support Senator Spector's immigration reform bill

Senator Spector's bill is everybody's dream! (http://www.shusterman.com/toc-leg.html#6D)

It exempts people who have US advanced degrees in Sci./Eng. with 3 years working experience from visa number limitation, and it asks for fast handling for labor applications of this category.

I drafted this e-mail/letter (I guess it is not very good English, but it adds to the autenticity, I guess) to California senators' web page and office. Also Ohio senators (that is where I got my MS degree).

Please modify them as much as you like but try your best to contact your senators, help me, and help yourself.

My name is XXXXX and I am an alien worker living and working in US, on a H-1B worker visa.

I came to US in XX/199X to attend The XX University, where I got a XX degree in XXXXX in XX/200X. Immediately after, I have been working for XXX Company located in XXX of XXXX(your state), until now. The reason I am writing to you is to ask for you attention and support of a comprehensive immigration bill introduced by Senator Arlen Spector. In his proposal, people like me, who have earned advanced degree in science and engineering from US institutions and who have worked in related fields for over 3 years, will be exempted from employment based numerical limitation of visa numbers. It also asks for fast handling of labor certification applications in my category.

Although my American Dream started more than XX years and I have made many things happen on the dream land of America, one haunting failure in my life is that I cannot obtain a green card. Although my employer started labor application (the first step for employment-based immigration) in XX/200X, that application has been put aside for the past more than XX years. During this multi-year wait, there has been severe retrogression in employment-based immigration visa, which means even after I get a labor certification, I still need to wait potentially many years before I can file application for green card. Needless to say, this immigration application backlog has had many adverse influences on my personal life, and my American Dream is barely alive.

Recently I noticed US Senate is taking actions on immigration reform. Several bills, including those introduced by McCain/Kennedy, Cornyn/Kyl, have addressed the issue of employment-based immigration, specifically, taking steps to prevent another backlog caused by visa retrogression. Senator Arlen Spector’s bill, is so far the most thorough approach to address this issue. It also gives those who have been trained and educated in USA, who have spent the most productive years of their lives in USA, like me, the best chance to realize American Dream. As a lawful, tax paying resident (although without permanent residency) of XXX(your state) for the past X years, I urge you, Senator xxx, to support Senator Spector’s immigration reform bill.

Thank you and God bless America.

Patience fellow comrades...

Trust me - no one is trying to take out their frustration on anyone here. We are sick and tired of this major fuckup but we dont take it out on our fellow-mates in the same ship that only Gawd is taking care of.

The user was just being matter-of-factly and your message does come across on first read as a little more demanding information than seeking.

Take a deep breath - and before you flame me as well, just think about - do any of us need this? No!

Wish you luck friend and lots of it.

uhbiv said:
Thanks for whatever you have said in your reply...except the 1st para.
FYI while I'm doing my own research (since I have the ability), I was trying to find out some very minute details that might be out there. Looks like you were trying to download your frustration on me. Sorry if I'm wrong but thanks none the less for answering.
Come Join Immigraton Voice

Well immigrationvoice (IV) is the only organisation comprising of those who have suffered due to backlog and retrogression. Every other group has its own agenda when it comes to pushing for reforms. DO GO TO AND SEE WHAT ALL THEY HAVE BEEN DOING at immigratonvoice.org.
They are in need of funds and if they go down because of lack of that we will really have no one else to represent us. :)
DBEC => PD: 11/2003 => No 45 days letter

goingtocanada said:
Does anybody have a similar case -

PD : 11/24/2003
State : Michigan
RD : never made it to Regional
BPC : Dallas
No 45 day letter received.

Are they processing cases that never made it to regional yet???

same here...
PD : 11/23/2003
State : Texas
RD : never made it to Regional
BPC : Dallas
No 45 day letter received.
On first read it might come across a little demanding..but not on subsequent ones. I was just trying to get some attention. I also clearly mentioned that I'm a newbie.
Fact of the matter is I asked a simple question and was expecting a simple answer. Looks like folks have way too much time on their hands for everyhing except forum discussing.
Hope this douses your flame.
calabor2001 said:
Trust me - no one is trying to take out their frustration on anyone here. We are sick and tired of this major fuckup but we dont take it out on our fellow-mates in the same ship that only Gawd is taking care of.

The user was just being matter-of-factly and your message does come across on first read as a little more demanding information than seeking.

Take a deep breath - and before you flame me as well, just think about - do any of us need this? No!

Wish you luck friend and lots of it.