Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

dianasteve said:
I got my 45 day letter on Dec 21, 2005. It was sent out on Dec 16. 2005. Does anyone know what's the next step and how long it will take?

Hi can you provide us more details regarding your application ? State, EB type, received at federal level ? case number ?

Thanks for posting it in the BEC tracker thread.

AnbuFl said:
Thanks for info. conratulations ( I was in similar situation )

Please clarify below
1 .What was the case source in your case ?
2. Did you receive 45 day letter after reinstating the case ?

( I was in the same boat meaning my case was mistakenly closed and after reinstating the case sourse was incorrect with STATE .. So still waiting for more than 2.5 years from APR03 )


Just so you know, there are people in the DBEC that has PD dating back to 2000 and you are telling me that you waited for a long 2.5+ years and worried about your case status already? Instead of being nit picky, why dont you be a bit patient like everyone else out there ?

------------------------- :confused: ---------------
PD 8/2001 RIR
RD 7/2002 RIR
Remanded 6/2003 Non RIR
State CA
45 DL No
7th year H1B
------------------------- :D -----------------------
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factfinder said:
my case made it to the regional. It was received in SF DOL in November 2003 and my PD is 9/20/2002. No words yet. Replied to 45D letter in Jan 05. How would you explain this?
Is your case RIR/Regular ?
Amruta said:
Hello gth999,

Thanks for the response. Here are my details
PD - 23 May 2003

I am not sure what the regional receipt date is? Could you please explain how I can get this?

I do not have regional DOL or BEC case no. either. How do I get these?

We received the 45-day letter in September '05 and the attorney replied to it.

Happy new year.

Thanks and regards.

Currently DBEC is processing Dec 2004/Jan 2004 RIR cases which made it to regional. Look in to your 45 day letter, you can see the case number over there. If it starts with 'D' then it is in Dallas BEC if with 'P' then it is in Philly BEC. Philly BEC is little slower on the processing dates (some where in 2002- not sure . you can find it in JustWatching tracker or Philly forum).

If I were you , I would check with lawyer to enquire if your case got cleared. 99% chances are that your LC got certified unless there was aquery sent to your company/Lawyer.

Good luck.
Amruta said:
Hello gth999,

Thanks for the response. Here are my details
PD - 23 May 2003
State = ? state you applied for Labor

I am not sure what the regional receipt date is? Could you please explain how I can get this? - Is the date when your case got transfered to regoinal office after approval at state. You can know that from your 45 days letter based on the Case Source field.

I do not have regional DOL or BEC case no. either. How do I get these? - your 45 days letter will have this information. Its the ETA case Number: starts with T- Temporary, or D- Dallas or P- philadelphia

We received the 45-day letter in September '05 and the attorney replied to it. - do you have a copy of it ? if not ask for a copy and it will contain the BEC case #. If you can post all the digits of it except the last 4 probably we can get some idea.
Happy new year. - Thanks and same to you. hope the new year brings us some luck.

Thanks and regards.
GCCovet said:
Currently DBEC is processing Dec 2004/Jan 2004 RIR cases which made it to regional. Look in to your 45 day letter, you can see the case number over there. If it starts with 'D' then it is in Dallas BEC if with 'P' then it is in Philly BEC. Philly BEC is little slower on the processing dates (some where in 2002- not sure . you can find it in JustWatching tracker or Philly forum).

If I were you , I would check with lawyer to enquire if your case got cleared. 99% chances are that your LC got certified unless there was aquery sent to your company/Lawyer.

Good luck.
Not to disappoint her but its a regular case not RIR.
Dallas Backlog Center Labor Not Cleared yet Priority Date 12/12/2002

Labor Not Cleared yet Priority Date 12/12/2002


Any help is appreciated

I have filed my GC in Dec 2002 and do not have my Labor certification yet it was lying at Chicago until Jan 2004 and then went on to Dallas Back log center, i belive its still there.

the question i have is i have all others at my office who filed later on to me with case priority of 2003 and 2004 all their laabor certifications have been done cleared.... just wondering what happened to mine, contacted my attorney she says nothin much can be done when its at the Back log center

Do any of you know what steps can be done to enquire at the Dallas Back log center ( i already have snap shot from dallas back log center )

please please let me know if you have any sugesstions for this

i am kinda gettin worried as its 3 years since i filed my labor and its not cleared.

This is in response of snapshot i got to my inquiry of pending application for Foreign Labor Employment Certification.

Case Information
ETA Case Number: D-05005-09xxx
Priority Date: 12/12/2002

Processing Type: RIR Category : EB2
Case Source: Region
Visa Type : H-1B
Nationality or Citizenship: INDIA
Case Received Date: 01/05/2005
Processing Center: Dallas Backlog Elimination Center
Case Status: RIR
State filed from : Michigan
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maqnas said:
Labor Not Cleared yet Priority Date 12/12/2002


Any help is appreciated

I have filed my GC in Dec 2002 and do not have my Labor certification yet it was lying at Chicago until Jan 2004 and then went on to Dallas Back log center, i belive its still there.

the question i have is i have all others at my office who filed later on to me with case priority of 2003 and 2004 all their laabor certifications have been done cleared.... just wondering what happened to mine, contacted my attorney she says nothin much can be done when its at the Back log center

Do any of you know what steps can be done to enquire at the Dallas Back log center ( i already have snap shot from dallas back log center )

please please let me know if you have any sugesstions for this

i am kinda gettin worried as its 3 years since i filed my labor and its not cleared.

This is in response of snapshot i got to my inquiry of pending application for Foreign Labor Employment Certification.

Case Information
ETA Case Number: D-05005-09XXX
Priority Date: 12/12/2002

Processing Type: RIR Category : EB2
Case Source: Region
Visa Type : H-1B
Nationality or Citizenship: INDIA
Case Received Date: 01/05/2005
Processing Center: Dallas Backlog Elimination Center
Case Status: RIR
State filed from : Michigan

magnas, I recommend you edit your post and suppress the last three digits of your case number as outlined above in red . MDW
gth999 said:
Not to disappoint her but its a regular case not RIR.

GTH999, you are right, I missed reading 'regular'.
Amruta, in DBEC regular cases are not much certified (see some sporadic approval though- but very very few). In PBEC they are treating them simultaneously hence, PD processing date is still far away back in 2002 (may be 2001).
GCCovet said:
GTH999, you are right, I missed reading 'regular'.
Amruta, in DBEC regular cases are not much certified (see some sporadic approval though- but very very few). In PBEC they are treating them simultaneously hence, PD processing date is still far away back in 2002 (may be 2001).

from recent approvals, if the trend holds true, the queue in PBEC should be around may/june 2002
Trend in PBEC

MDwatch said:
from recent approvals, if the trend holds true, the queue in PBEC should be around may/june 2002

In PBEC The trend is actually Aug 2001 - Apr 2002. There are many cases in 2001 which are still not approved
I would strongly suggest that you apply for EB2 perm.

Go to 140/485 forums. You'll find many people from worldwide - who started their perm process in august/sept 2005 and are in 485 stage. Some of them actually got their GC in 6 months total.

BEC are a massive waste of time ( I gave up waiting after 6 months of their drama )

mali03 said:
Hi everbody! Thanks for keeping up the good work. I have been having second thoughts about continuing with DBEC (EB3) and wanting to go PERM with EB2.
What do u guru's think, are there any chances of EB2 retrogression in year 2006 for rest of the world. I need to do it as my daughter would turn 21 in june 2007 I need your advice badly. Pls help!
maqnas said:
Labor Not Cleared yet Priority Date 12/12/2002


Any help is appreciated

I have filed my GC in Dec 2002 and do not have my Labor certification yet it was lying at Chicago until Jan 2004 and then went on to Dallas Back log center, i belive its still there.

the question i have is i have all others at my office who filed later on to me with case priority of 2003 and 2004 all their laabor certifications have been done cleared.... just wondering what happened to mine, contacted my attorney she says nothin much can be done when its at the Back log center

Do any of you know what steps can be done to enquire at the Dallas Back log center ( i already have snap shot from dallas back log center )

please please let me know if you have any sugesstions for this

i am kinda gettin worried as its 3 years since i filed my labor and its not cleared.

This is in response of snapshot i got to my inquiry of pending application for Foreign Labor Employment Certification.

Case Information
ETA Case Number: D-05005-09xxx
Priority Date: 12/12/2002

Processing Type: RIR Category : EB2
Case Source: Region
Visa Type : H-1B
Nationality or Citizenship: INDIA
Case Received Date: 01/05/2005
Processing Center: Dallas Backlog Elimination Center
Case Status: RIR
State filed from : Michigan


I am in similar situation. Michigan priority date in march 2003. I dont quite understand how your friends at work got their LCs approved if they where from michigan with priority date after 2003. I believe our cases are in SWA category. Do you know what Case Source: Region means on the screenshot?

I think our labor will get approved sometime after july 2006.
Labor Certified

Can anyone direct me to the previous post of some one having such problem as me?

"Form ETA 750 has been certified and is enclosed. Blah blah........"
But I don't got any enclosed certified form , it is just a letter of Final Determination. Will it go to my attorney?

Certified day 12-22-2005
PD 01-02-2004
RD :confused:
Dallas ETA Case Number: D-05005-xxxxx
45 day letter received April 05
45 day letter replied MAy 05
travelcheer said:
Can anyone direct me to the previous post of some one having such problem as me?

"Form ETA 750 has been certified and is enclosed. Blah blah........"
But I don't got any enclosed certified form , it is just a letter of Final Determination. Will it go to my attorney?

Certified day 12-22-2005
PD 01-02-2004
RD :confused:
Dallas ETA Case Number: D-05005-xxxxx
45 day letter received April 05
45 day letter replied MAy 05


Received my LC approval today from DBRC. I already have a PERM LC approval, which might be significant to some of you. Both LC's where for different positions but same company.

PD Jan 2004
Iowa RIR
Feb04 said:
Received my LC approval today from DBRC. I already have a PERM LC approval, which might be significant to some of you. Both LC's where for different positions but same company.

PD Jan 2004
Iowa RIR

Feb04, congratulations. Which category are you, EB3, EB2.. ?

PD 04-Jan-04
RD Aug-04 (Chicago)
Status: Waiting for LC