Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

45 day letter is generated only after FULL data entry, not partial data entry. So, SWA cases in DBEC, which did not make it to regional, may start getting 45 day letters after Sep 05. Then after the response is received only then will it be in que. If it is TR/NON RIR, then when it is picked up from the TR / NON RIR que, who knows when, then the recruitment instructions will be given by DBEC, after that is completed, then the case would be finalized. Am I right about this ?
gc_maze said:
45 day letter is generated only after FULL data entry, not partial data entry. So, SWA cases in DBEC, which did not make it to regional, may start getting 45 day letters after Sep 05. Then after the response is received only then will it be in que. If it is TR/NON RIR, then when it is picked up from the TR / NON RIR que, who knows when, then the recruitment instructions will be given by DBEC, after that is completed, then the case would be finalized. Am I right about this ?

well BEC said that once the data entry is complete, a 45 days letter will be generated. so if 200.000 cases were entered completely till now, they should have been 200.000 45 days letters sent already which didn't happen. therefore, this supports my assumption that most SWA cases especailly in Dallas BEC have been entered partially and not completely bcs no single 45 days letter was received for SWa cases in dallas. therefore most 45 days letters for SWa will come between sep 2005 and march 2006. it is a long way really.hope i'm wrong.
I agree

I agree with what you are saying. They published 200,000 figure, but that many 45 day letters are not to be seen. Same way, the DOL website shows "all files have been shipped to DBEC", but we all know that files handled by Enterject are still lying with TWC and have not yet made it to DBEC.
I requested a proof of my LC receipt to request my h1b extension from DBC and they sent the screen shot of my partially entered application details (like name,company name,date applied for LC, and temporary #) as a proof. That shows they are not entering all data at a time and I think, this is part of the 200,000 count that BEC is projecting.

A quick question on posting quick reply on this forum. How do I enable quick reply box at the bottom of the page? I don't see any quick reply icons in the messages.


gc_maze said:
I agree with what you are saying. They published 200,000 figure, but that many 45 day letters are not to be seen. Same way, the DOL website shows "all files have been shipped to DBEC", but we all know that files handled by Enterject are still lying with TWC and have not yet made it to DBEC.
antonioa77 said:
well BEC said that once the data entry is complete, a 45 days letter will be generated. so if 200.000 cases were entered completely till now, they should have been 200.000 45 days letters sent already which didn't happen. therefore, this supports my assumption that most SWA cases especailly in Dallas BEC have been entered partially and not completely bcs no single 45 days letter was received for SWa cases in dallas. therefore most 45 days letters for SWa will come between sep 2005 and march 2006. it is a long way really.hope i'm wrong.

Is there anyone who can explain how BEC is going to reach their goal to analyse all cases in 24 - 30 months as they said ? I think it is not real.

They need to analyse at least 12000 cases each month to complete all 360,000 cases but each day we can see only 2 - 3 approvals.

Based on their current speed it can take them 10-15 years.
Still waiting:confused: :confused:

Zany_Brainy said:
Don't know about anybody else, but I am with you ...
No news yet on my case, I think PKLam is with us too.. look at the spreadsheet prepared by Justwatching...


Yes. I'm still waiting trying to figure out what's happening.. My attorney has not received anything till now!!
sfmars said:
Is there anyone who can explain how BEC is going to reach their goal to analyse all cases in 24 - 30 months as they said ? I think it is not real.

They need to analyse at least 12000 cases each month to complete all 360,000 cases but each day we can see only 2 - 3 approvals.

Based on their current speed it can take them 10-15 years.

Whether the timelines are realistic or not, please note that this forum is not accessed by all 360,000 applicants - so if we hear of 2-3 approvals daily, does not mean that those were the only certified cases, received!
waiting_forLC, I guess yours is the first auto remanded case that seems to have had any kind of response from DBEC. I am at least happy to read that the auto remanded cases have reached there.. with no 45 day letter yet it's hard to even tell where our cases(remanded) are.

waiting forLC said:
I requested a proof of my LC receipt to request my h1b extension from DBC and they sent the screen shot of my partially entered application details (like name,company name,date applied for LC, and temporary #) as a proof. That shows they are not entering all data at a time and I think, this is part of the 200,000 count that BEC is projecting.

A quick question on posting quick reply on this forum. How do I enable quick reply box at the bottom of the page? I don't see any quick reply icons in the messages.

nother1inline said:
Whether the timelines are realistic or not, please note that this forum is not accessed by all 360,000 applicants - so if we hear of 2-3 approvals daily, does not mean that those were the only certified cases, received!

Right, if there are 600 people in the tracker and we are getting 2-3 approvals per day for our forum community. If we approximate the numbers to 360,000 - it's going to be 1,200 - 1,800 approvals per day :rolleyes:
At least that's what understand from talking with the co. lawyers. Same is true for remanded cases. How long it will take is anyone's guess.

gc_maze said:
45 day letter is generated only after FULL data entry, not partial data entry. So, SWA cases in DBEC, which did not make it to regional, may start getting 45 day letters after Sep 05. Then after the response is received only then will it be in que. If it is TR/NON RIR, then when it is picked up from the TR / NON RIR que, who knows when, then the recruitment instructions will be given by DBEC, after that is completed, then the case would be finalized. Am I right about this ?
goshik said:
Right, if there are 600 people in the tracker and we are getting 2-3 approvals per day for our forum community. If we approximate the numbers to 360,000 - it's going to be 1,200 - 1,800 approvals per day :rolleyes:

If your logic is true, BEC should issue 24,000 - 36,000 approvals each month.
(20-22 working days)

As I remember at the begining of June we had informal info here that
BEC analysed total 4000 cases only.
nonewsyet said:
At least that's what understand from talking with the co. lawyers. Same is true for remanded cases. How long it will take is anyone's guess.
Thanks for all the replies. That is why it would help to get a rough estimate of the size of TR /NONRIR que, ie. how many of 360,000 cases are TR/NONRIR ?
pklam said:
Yes. I'm still waiting trying to figure out what's happening.. My attorney has not received anything till now!!

Spoke to my attorney, He has started recieving approvals but not in order of pd and also he doesnt have clue about the pattern. His comforting words lets wait and see


i have some questions:

1-last week the queue for RIR was in 9/02 now it is 10/31/02 which is actually 11/02. so they move in this week by 1 to 2 months?
so the analysis queue is gettin faster? they added analysts or what?

2- what about the SWA cases? for the last month or so, there was no single 45 days letter sent to anybody. will suddenly there be a flood of SWA 45 days letters soon?

3- DOl is saying that all data entry should be entered by sep 2005. what do u think aboput that? where is the data entry now ? i mean how many cases are been entered completely vs how many havve been entered partially?

4-will the CO queue get faster? and when?

thanks for ur help.
Hi All, need your suggestions

I am watching this forum for quite few days. I appologize if this is not the right place for my questions posted here. I appeciate if some body suggests me right forum or reply to my questions posted here.

I am working with a consulting company since last four years and at present my 7th year extension started from this June 13th. My employer has filed my labor in colorado in Jan 2003 under regular category(EB3). You guys know that the labor certification process did not move for years in colorado under regular category.

So, he again filed new labor from Kansas city under RIR (EB3) in June 2004 and labor got cleared in 2nd week of July 2004 and went chicago DOL. :) . But for some damn reasons the process at Chicago DOL was on hold for months and after that our lovely immigration rules were changed and finally the application was sent to Dallas BEC. :(

In the month of May 2005 my attorney got 45 Days letter and replied to that. But again new blow on my fate as the retrogression was ammended to the process. :mad:

I have not travelled to india due to various reasons for last six years and now my employer is discouraging me to visit India as I am on 7th year extension. I am desparately looking for alternate plans to speed up my GC process. I need some suggestions from you guys and really appreciate for right suggestion.

Here are few questions

1. Can I convert my existing Labor application which was filed under regular (EB3) in 2003 January from Colorado to PERM ? is it suggestable? I know I can Convert, but my question is, is it going to create any problem for current labor which was cleared in State and at present in Dallas BEC (Kansas RIR-EB3 Cleared July 2004, 45 days letter received in May 2005 and responded.)

2. Is it going to be a problem having two different labor applications (Regular -EB3 filed jan 2003 from CO and state not cleared, and RIR-EB3 Filed in June 2004 from Kansas, got 45 days letter for the second one.)? I heard that the regular applications filed in CO are also now sent to Dallas BEC. Now both the applications are in Dallas BEC. are they going to have conflict with each other? Do I need to with Draw any one of them? If that is mandatory situation which one is better to withdraw? Does Dallas BEC is going to send any letter asking us to with draw any one of the application?

3. Can I use the priority date of my first application filed in Jan 2003 from CO under regular-EB3 to the latest one Filed from KS in June 2004 under RIR-EB3?

I am really, really looking for sincere suggestions. Thanking you all guys in anticipation.

misunderstood said:
Question to all gurus,

With all thats going on, just wanted to confirm that when DOL states that there are 300,000 cases, they are meaning all SWA and regional cases and not just regional cases, and in their recent update where they say they will finish data entry by Sept 2005, they mean all cases including those from SWA's that never made it ot regional...

the 300,000 number has grown a bit by the way....that number is the total of backlogged regional and SWA cases together. While I doubt data entry will be completed by September, they are trying to get all of the cases entered in abbreviated form by then so that cases can be accounted for.
antonioa77 said:
what was the issue for which the Co called? can u expalin

it seems that BEC is making things faster by calling directly the lawyer instead of sending letters NOF or RFI by mail. am I right?
Although some issues will eventually result in a NOF if the recruitment/app is badly flawed, the BEC is trying to clarify address changes, successor-in-interest (company gets bought by another but keeps the other LC info the same), recruitment results, etc. in an effort to get as many approved as possible containing "harmless" errors.
My Thoughts....

I am watching this forum for quite few days. I appologize if this is not the right place for my questions posted here. I appeciate if some body suggests me right forum or reply to my questions posted here.

I am working with a consulting company since last four years and at present my 7th year extension started from this June 13th. My employer has filed my labor in colorado in Jan 2003 under regular category(EB3). You guys know that the labor certification process did not move for years in colorado under regular category.

So, he again filed new labor from Kansas city under RIR (EB3) in June 2004 and labor got cleared in 2nd week of July 2004 and went chicago DOL. :) . But for some damn reasons the process at Chicago DOL was on hold for months and after that our lovely immigration rules were changed and finally the application was sent to Dallas BEC. :(

In the month of May 2005 my attorney got 45 Days letter and replied to that. But again new blow on my fate as the retrogression was ammended to the process. :mad:

I have not travelled to india due to various reasons for last six years and now my employer is discouraging me to visit India as I am on 7th year extension. I am desparately looking for alternate plans to speed up my GC process. I need some suggestions from you guys and really appreciate for right suggestion.

Here are few questions

1. Can I convert my existing Labor application which was filed under regular (EB3) in 2003 January from Colorado to PERM ? is it suggestable? I know I can Convert, but my question is, is it going to create any problem for current labor which was cleared in State and at present in Dallas BEC (Kansas RIR-EB3 Cleared July 2004, 45 days letter received in May 2005 and responded.)

Coverting the PD Jan,2003 case to PERM is not a wise idea since it is real close to get the decision.As long as JOB postion/education/exp are different in two LC's you should be OK otherwise they may ask you to withdraw one.

2. Is it going to be a problem having two different labor applications (Regular -EB3 filed jan 2003 from CO and state not cleared, and RIR-EB3 Filed in June 2004 from Kansas, got 45 days letter for the second one.)? I heard that the regular applications filed in CO are also now sent to Dallas BEC. Now both the applications are in Dallas BEC. are they going to have conflict with each other? Do I need to with Draw any one of them? If that is mandatory situation which one is better to withdraw? Does Dallas BEC is going to send any letter asking us to with draw any one of the application?

I guess you can understand from my above reply for this question

3. Can I use the priority date of my first application filed in Jan 2003 from CO under regular-EB3 to the latest one Filed from KS in June 2004 under RIR-EB3?

Only when the Jan,2003 labor 140 got approved you can transfer the PD to the later one.

I am really, really looking for sincere suggestions. Thanking you all guys in anticipation.

sfmars said:
Is there anyone who can explain how BEC is going to reach their goal to analyse all cases in 24 - 30 months as they said ? I think it is not real.

They need to analyse at least 12000 cases each month to complete all 360,000 cases but each day we can see only 2 - 3 approvals.

Based on their current speed it can take them 10-15 years.
No guesses here on 24-30 months yet....I do know that Dallas should reach 5,000 CERTIFICATIONS alone by the end of next week (7/8). Philly is behind that number somewhat, but....