Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking


Hi, mnhrdc, On the 45days letter, is the date of acceptance for Processing the date of acceptance of SWA (PD)? I am not sure my PD.Thanks you very much!
mnhrdc said:

Date of Acceptence at SWA is the PD

Would anyone able to tell me what is "the date of acceptance for processing" on the 45days letter?
barbaraliu said:
Hi, mnhrdc, On the 45days letter, is the date of acceptance for Processing the date of acceptance of SWA (PD)? I am not sure my PD.Thanks you very much!
Zany_Brainy said:
How is this possible. How did Ashton Kutcher get his LC approved with a PD of 10/2001? Seems too far down the line from where you said Dallas BEC was at the moment... :confused:

me too...current RIR cases being pulled from queue are from PD 4/30/01. Surely you jest, Ash?
barbaraliu said:
Would anyone able to tell me what is "the date of acceptance for processing" on the 45days letter?

That will be your PD and that is the date they have accepted your case for processing at state level......
Zany_Brainy said:
Looking through all the forums and other information sources, I find that not a Single RIR case has been certified yet.


Icarus is insisting that Dallas DOL is working and processing approx 90 RIR cases a day. Where are the cases going after that ?

Also, looking at the tracker it seems like there are a very few RIR cases pending from 2000-2001 (as seems natural) most of them start from the California DOL RIR cases from May 2002 PD. (remember the remand to state cases are not in the same line).

Need some light on whats happening!!!

Latest update from my source

'Dallas BEC has started to process Regional cases as they think that nearly all older cases have been entered and the queue is big enough to start processing. Processing is strictly on PD.

SWA case processing will start only when the BEC believes that majority of cases from the state offices are in the system which they are projecting could take till Sept 2005.

Since the processing has started on Regional cases, the case entry has slowed down as around 30 Analysts are now processing cases and not entering data anymore'
RIR queue is steadily approaching 15K...current wisdom has it that this figure will slow down and eventually start to fall as state (read TR) cases begin processing. Again, alot of predictions have fallen by the wayside (withdrawals from 45-day letters, RIR's failing and going to TR, exodus to PERM) so BEC's are trying to adjust to the current situation. Also, as state cases come in, an effort is underway to to put cases in the system in an abbreviated form, so that they get a case number assigned and are trackable. Full data entry and analysis continue as well working on existing cases in the system. Hopefully, the dust will settle somewhat in the next month or so as cases get inventoried, data entered, and manpower needs reassessed.
Choclito said:
Hello my friends,
Please tell us if is true that the BEC have given the order to all the employyes and oficers of not give any information to the people like us that call them by phone. :confused: :confused: :confused:
Maybe someone who lives near the BEC can go there personally???

If you have any updates please le us know. :rolleyes:

Thank you very much for your cooperation ;) ;)

BEC is following DOL's instructions....inquiries are only fielded from applicants (the employer) or agents (atty for employer OR beneficiary(alien)) :(
Kanjoos said:

Rome was not built in a day. You can see how much work load these guys are handling, so its not very good to expect results so quickly. 50 States + 4 Regional centres processing have been merged in 2 BPC, starting from entry of the Data in the system.

I trust ICARUS, when he says RIR is being processed and approx. 90 cases are being certified everyday.unfortunately, this is a misunderstanding or a misquote...approx. 90/day are being RECOMMENDED for approval...the files then go to one of two CO's on site for approval...as you may guess, this takes a little longer due to the numbers AND the fact that it's the CO's name on the approval if given... I have earlier replied to you in a post that its taking 40-50 days in most of the initial cases from the time of approval of thier labour to send the letters to them. It has happened to 3 cases that I came to know about, Most of them had dates of approval of Feb 4th - Feb 9th, but they got Approval letter in hand by March 17th, with Approval date mentioned above.

Now, I dont know the reson why will it take that long, not sure, if it was test cases or what kind of cases. What I know is What I wrote here. This 40-50 days will be reduced to 3-4 days sooner and then you will start seeing things move pretty quick.

I just hope, that ICARUS keeps on coming and provides us with healthy information. He is the only constant ray of hope for me atleast and I am always eager to see his messages.

And please keep patience, we will soon get good news.
Zany_Brainy said:
We need some info man. All the information coming out in the last few days indicate that there is no processing on RIR cases...

When will we see 1 RIR case being approved?

Please reply

When data entry first pulls a file from the box, one of the first pieces of info entered is whether the case is TR or RIR. In addition to avoiding confusion later, this also puts the case in a respective queue. RIR CASES ARE IN THEIR OWN QUEUE!!!!(currently approaching 15K in Dallas) TR cases have their own, and SWA cases have one too (why? I'm not sure except that they may have missed the RIR Conversion cutoff date and thus are considered TR) TR queue is running around 4500 and SWA entered is less than a thousand. Ivory tower folks at BEC are figuring that the levels will eventually reverse as RIR is worked down and the remaining cases are entered. When this happens, RIR will start to transfer personnel over to TR to assist. As for actual approvals of RIR? :confused: I know of a few....but that's only through the grapevine....there may be issues holding things up including, but not limited to :eek: , that there are only 2 CO's in the place who can actually certify the things and mail them out.

Can you please give a best guess as to when a RIR case in Dallas BEC with PD of Sep'2003 would be processed. I'm thinking another 1 yr.


Hi Icarus

Thanks for all your update...

Will we see atleast any RIR approvals in near by? Will 2002 PD RIR cases get approved this year? Or BEC is only concentrating TR cases since it involves lot of work and case load is very high?. so they push backed all the RIR cases may be to last after all TR cases approval? Since most of the news recently there won't be any separate queue for TR and RIR...
Icarus said:
When data entry first pulls a file from the box, one of the first pieces of info entered is whether the case is TR or RIR. In addition to avoiding confusion later, this also puts the case in a respective queue. RIR CASES ARE IN THEIR OWN QUEUE!!!!(currently approaching 15K in Dallas) TR cases have their own, and SWA cases have one too (why? I'm not sure except that they may have missed the RIR Conversion cutoff date and thus are considered TR) TR queue is running around 4500 and SWA entered is less than a thousand. Ivory tower folks at BEC are figuring that the levels will eventually reverse as RIR is worked down and the remaining cases are entered. When this happens, RIR will start to transfer personnel over to TR to assist. As for actual approvals of RIR? :confused: I know of a few....but that's only through the grapevine....there may be issues holding things up including, but not limited to :eek: , that there are only 2 CO's in the place who can actually certify the things and mail them out.


What do you mean by SWA cases may have missed the RIR conversion cutoff date? Could you be more specific?

Thank you.
Dallas and Philadelphia Queue


Do you think RIR from Dallas and Philadelphia are in the same queue? Is 15,000 count include Philadelphia also?

Thanks for helping us.

Icarus said:
When data entry first pulls a file from the box, one of the first pieces of info entered is whether the case is TR or RIR. In addition to avoiding confusion later, this also puts the case in a respective queue. RIR CASES ARE IN THEIR OWN QUEUE!!!!(currently approaching 15K in Dallas) TR cases have their own, and SWA cases have one too (why? I'm not sure except that they may have missed the RIR Conversion cutoff date and thus are considered TR) TR queue is running around 4500 and SWA entered is less than a thousand. Ivory tower folks at BEC are figuring that the levels will eventually reverse as RIR is worked down and the remaining cases are entered. When this happens, RIR will start to transfer personnel over to TR to assist. As for actual approvals of RIR? :confused: I know of a few....but that's only through the grapevine....there may be issues holding things up including, but not limited to :eek: , that there are only 2 CO's in the place who can actually certify the things and mail them out.
getinfo, rir cases may have miseed.....

I think what he means is, if u filed under RIR but did not reach DOL, it would be considered as a TR case. if ur rir made it to DOL then it's in that 15k queue.
Jaiatl said:

Do you think RIR from Dallas and Philadelphia are in the same queue? Is 15,000 count include Philadelphia also?

Thanks for helping us.
No, each BEC has its own queues for RIR and TR. 15,000 is only for Dallas' RIR.
sleepless_in_IN said:
86,000 45 day letters have been sent out and you have only 15K and 5.5K total in the queue? Meaning ONLY 20.5K of 86K have replied to the 45 day letter and been entered? Are you talking Dallas only?? I don't see how 66K of people can have not replied yet. These numbers just do not add up.
sorry for the confusion...number of confirming responses were only for Dallas. This does not account for withdrawals, closures for lack of a response or what Phil. may have processed.
sleepless_in_IN said:
....Ashton is a liar? Even though every day 90 applications are RECOMMENDED for approval (FACT) and there are two CO's, (but ALAS it takes them TOOOO long)? So no one could have gotten an approval out of queue (even though there is no FIFO queue - as you clearly stated there are separate queue's RIR/TR/SWA) and EVEN though 45 day letters have been sent out and received randomly and so entered and possibly picked out of order for test cases, BECUASE they are unique in some way? You are saying so far all of BRCs assumptions have proved wrong and they have no firm or clear processing policy, and they have no clear updates as to what process they are using except tid-bits of confusing information. And even though the BRC has done everything RAMDOMLY so far, we should IGNORE their track record and assume Ashton is lying?

Just confirming I understood what you mean by “Surely you jest”!!!!
I was questioning Ash's conclusions, not his honesty...FIFO applies to each queue (RIR,TR,SWA). Responses are entered by data entry as they are received...mail room doesn't have the resources to screen responses or cherry pick for any criteria. BRC's assumptions were based upon information given to them by DOL when bidding for the contract mid 2004. Yes, some of the figures have been proved wrong by applicant's tenacity. Others have gone by the wayside due to DOL's changing the playing field mid-course. Sorry if it all seems helter-skelter, but they're having to play the hand they're dealt.(OK, enuf of the sport/leisure analogies) :rolleyes:
Icarus said:
I was questioning Ash's conclusions, not his honesty...FIFO applies to each queue (RIR,TR,SWA)...

Icarus, All I can say on behalf of me (and I suspect many others) is thank you for the continued information sharing and insight. As someone stuck in Philly DOL I wish you had greater insight into what is happening in Bala Clynwyd but I understand your insights are due to special knowledge of the Dallas operation. Those of us on the North and East just hope your specific comments about Dallas can be extrapolated to Philly at some point.

Thank you for sharing with us all and please do not be discouraged or frustrated at the emotions expressed by a relative minority on the board. We all have our lives on hold in one way, shape or form and I just hope that some people will think twice before ranting and sounding off in future.

Power to your elbow (and every other part of your being) for continuing to represent our interests through this information sharing.
