Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

TR to RIR Conversion

TR to RIR conversion was sent on Jan 17, 2007. Jan 19, 2007 the status changed to RIR in process when checked online. Today the status changed to CERTIFIED :)
labor certified

Just checked this morning and my case status shows certified. Thanks for everyone's valuable inputs and keeping everyones hope alive.
Dallas BEC
Case-No: D-05007-12xxx
Priority date: 02/19/2004
45 days letter replied: 07/26/2006
NOF Received: 11/28/06
Approval: 01/25/07
LC Shows TR instead of RIR

My case shows TR instead of RIR. I checked with my lawyer and she said its probably a mistake on DOL's part. And they have contacted Senator on this matter.

Has anyone run into this issue? How long does it take before it reflects the action on DOL's website? Is there anything I should ask lawyer to confirm the action she has taken?

Thanks all for your help.
Go to the DOL website, they are aware of this issue and they have instructions what to do.
Here is the URL:


Thanks !!

waiting_p said:
My case shows TR instead of RIR. I checked with my lawyer and she said its probably a mistake on DOL's part. And they have contacted Senator on this matter.

Has anyone run into this issue? How long does it take before it reflects the action on DOL's website? Is there anything I should ask lawyer to confirm the action she has taken?

Thanks all for your help.
Still waiting in the BRC queue

Please add it to the tracker.
No idea why it is still pending... :confused:
Any ideas ?

ETA Case: D-05314-09xxx
Priority Date: 13 Dec 2001
45 Day Letter Received: July 27, 2006
45 Day Letter Replied: July 31, 2006
Online Status = In Process

I just checked online and the status on my case is CERTIFIED :)

PD: 1/20/2004 (KS/EB3/RIR)
NOF: Aug'06
NOF Replied: Aug'06
Online Status: CERTIFIED (1/26/2007)

Need to check with my Attny/Employer whether they have the notification from the dept.
Colleague got Certified

My Colleague LC is certified - no details know.

What I know is
PD: Feb 2004
State: MI
Process Type: RIR

Hope everyone get their turn to announce the same. Good Luck to all of us who are waiting in Backlog Elimination queue
Good news ...MY LC is cerified .

chinnu2004 said:
My Colleague LC is certified - no details know.

What I know is
PD: Feb 2004
State: MI
Process Type: RIR

Hope everyone get their turn to announce the same. Good Luck to all of us who are waiting in Backlog Elimination queue

I thought mine will be certified may be in April or May 2007 .But when I verified just now Online satus site it says its certified .

My case number starts with D-05211-61*** .
State : KS
PD : Mar 25th 2005
45D letter replied in 2nd week of MAY 2006 .

Wish you all the best ..........

Thanks ...
Notice of Findings - Intent to deny

My company had filed labor back in September'04. I got a NOF yesterday. What are my chances? I had extended my H1 based on this and due to expire in April'07.

Please help! Thanks.
There are quite some folks got NOF, someone mentioned that a large percent of appeal will succeed if the employer would like to cooperate. But I guess it would have a lot to do with what the NOF says, wouldn't it? Tell us what it says.

expeditegc said:
My company had filed labor back in September'04. I got a NOF yesterday. What are my chances? I had extended my H1 based on this and due to expire in April'07.

Please help! Thanks.
kaushiks said:
TR to RIR conversion was sent on Jan 17, 2007. Jan 19, 2007 the status changed to RIR in process when checked online. Today the status changed to CERTIFIED :)

kaushik, if you check this can you reply.

when did your lawyer receive a email from DBEC saying that your RIR conversion is approved ? Did they receive a email at all ?

My lawyer applied for RIR and the website shows RIR, but my lawyer did not receive that magic email from DBEC. So my thought is, it is still not RIR for my case. let me know, if you or your lawyer did receive that email or just filing for it, will do it.
slowlazygc said:
kaushik, if you check this can you reply.

when did your lawyer receive a email from DBEC saying that your RIR conversion is approved ? Did they receive a email at all ?

My lawyer applied for RIR and the website shows RIR, but my lawyer did not receive that magic email from DBEC. So my thought is, it is still not RIR for my case. let me know, if you or your lawyer did receive that email or just filing for it, will do it.

My case is also similar. I've just seen my online case type changed from TR to RIR last Friday (01/26/2007) but my lawyer didn't yet receive any thing . So please also let me know about yours. Thanks, Jan.
LC Certified

Hi everyone I am thankful for all your suggestions in LC. Today I saw my ETA has been Certified.

PD: Nov 15, 2004
Type: RIR
ETA: D-05213-6****
45 Day reponded: May 22, 2006
NOF Responsded: Nov 17, 2006
Online Status: Certified ( Jan 30, 2007)
RIR Conversion

Our lawyer never emailed about the RIR conversion. The recruitment process was done in Nov/December and the RIR conversion packet was filed on Jan 17th 2007. The case started showing up as RIR in process from Jan 19th 2007. It was certified on Jan 24th 2007. Hope this clarifies your doubt :)

slowlazygc said:
kaushik, if you check this can you reply.

when did your lawyer receive a email from DBEC saying that your RIR conversion is approved ? Did they receive a email at all ?

My lawyer applied for RIR and the website shows RIR, but my lawyer did not receive that magic email from DBEC. So my thought is, it is still not RIR for my case. let me know, if you or your lawyer did receive that email or just filing for it, will do it.
MI Cases too slow

Looks like MI cases are not moving as fast as most of the other States. Chinnu2004, is your case EB2 or EB3?

chinnu2004 said:
Hi everyone I am thankful for all your suggestions in LC. Today I saw my ETA has been Certified.

PD: Nov 15, 2004
Type: RIR
ETA: D-05213-6****
45 Day reponded: May 22, 2006
NOF Responsded: Nov 17, 2006
Online Status: Certified ( Jan 30, 2007)