Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Reg case - SWA: 45-day ltr recd.

Recd info fm my attorney's office that they had recd & replied to my 45-day ltr in Oct-05.
CO-Reg-EB3-Mar2002-DBPC-Dec2004-45 day ltr-Oct2005
needgoodluck said:
Hi, I registered this forum just a few minutes ago. Thanks everyone for sharing infromation here. The following is my case information, please add to the thread.

Case #: Not available (I dropped my case in the state office building by myself. The receptionist at the door took the package. Since then, I heard nothing about my case. Is there a way to find out case #?)
PD: 12/22/04 (I dropped my case at that day. Is this my PD?)
Processing Type: RIR (EB2)
Case Source: State (Utah)
45-day-letter: Waiting. I don't know where my case is.


If you got patience, the DOL posted the database on their website. you can download them can search for your case.

desolate said:
Fucked Up Racist Senator BYRD wants to kill immigration. here is the scoop

"11/01/2005: Senate Judiciary Bill at the Brink of Collapse Unless Everybody Contacts Senators and Congressmen!!!

* The full Senate failed to take a roll call for this bill today. Believe it or not, Senator Byrd intends to offer an amendment tomorrow (11/2/05) to remove the H-1B and immigrant visa retrogression provisions passed by the Senate Judiciary Committee from the Budget Reconciliation Package."

He is a senile old racist ####. for corroboration, look at this piece of news

With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff
For the story behind the story...
Thursday, Jan. 20, 2005 9:51 p.m. EST

CORE: Byrd's Condi Delay Is 'Racist'

The Congress of Racial Equality blasted Sen. Robert Byrd on Thursday for holding up full Senate confirmation for Secretary of State nominee Condoleezza Rice, denouncing the former Ku Klux Klansman as an unreconstructed "racist."

"It's not surprising," CORE spokesman Niger Innis told NewsMax. "Byrd was a racist 50 years ago under the guise of leading the Dixiecrats and he's a non-reformed Dixiecrat today."

I agree. He is another Lou Dobb who hates immigrants.
Case Status change

Hi Delicateone / Guru'

What step changes case status from Data Review to RIR ?
Is it response to 45-days letter ?


pavanreddym said:
Mine was filed on 6/17/2004 from WI. I do not see my case info in there. For that matter none of cases from my employer for year 2004 are there. What does this mean? I am confsed a lot. Your comments are appreciated a lot.

You need to search very carefully. I did my search for 4 hours to find out my application. they mistyped the employers name. My employers name was mistyped in that list. Do a sort by State and then scroll down until you find your employer's name (may be mistyped).

Good Luck.
pavanreddym said:
Mine was filed on 6/17/2004 from WI. I do not see my case info in there. For that matter none of cases from my employer for year 2004 are there. What does this mean? I am confsed a lot. Your comments are appreciated a lot.

You have a chance to see your case in that database only if your case went to region and passed through SWA step. The second thing is that database is not complete it does not have cases even which went to region last quarter of 2004.
gc_maze said:
If we look at the BEC Tracker, there are cases from Dec2004, which have made it to Regional from State in 15 days time !
Whereas cases, for example in Texas, have been rotting in State for >2 years with no progress !!

I THINK??? that even if Region cases get LC before State cases of earlier dates -- the original PD will put us ahead of them at the next step.

Gurus confirm or correct please.
Case Status

GCW8 said:
Hi Delicateone / Guru'

What step changes case status from Data Review to RIR ?
Is it response to 45-days letter ?



Case Status check from Icarus

1.Incomplete=45day letter not yet generated/Case not entered fully
2.Data Review=45day reply not recieved/45day reply not entered
Falls into TR/RIR Q
3.Closed=45 day reply not recived/Employer closed/BEC erorneosly entered
4.RIR=45 day reply recieved/data entered /under process
5.Final Review= With CO
6.Certified=Certified (May not yet mailed)

Check this post
indio0617 said:
They had a debate from 9 -12.30 this morning. The democrats were in general against the bill. They seemed to be opposing it without any real alternatives. Repblicans for it. It was going as per party lines.

Of course they did not discuss any thing related to immigration as it is only a minor issue in this bill. I think they will resume again at 2pm today. Let's see what happens...

Good job and please keep us posted. How and where do you get this information from?
univemployee said:
You need to search very carefully. I did my search for 4 hours to find out my application. they mistyped the employers name. My employers name was mistyped in that list. Do a sort by State and then scroll down until you find your employer's name (may be mistyped).

Good Luck.

Thank you very much for your information. I download and checked the list very carefully. I didn't find my case. Maybe my case date was too late (12/22/04). It is very frustrating to have no information at all. My biggest worry is that my case was lost. Anyway, thank you again.
Pareshan4GC said:
I agree. He is another Lou Dobb who hates immigrants.
Hate these democrats. Half of them are commies and other half are racists in disguise like Byrd. They always vote against immigration but talk as if they are for it.
They want to give illegial immigrants green cards but not us. Its all about the hispanic vote bank for them. Hope the lose the elections again.
Unusual question..anyone know?

My case is currently sitting in Dallas (I think) and has been for 14 months with no word. I hate my job and where I live and I want to move to Alaska. Does anyone have any idea if I will have to go thru the BEC crap if I am in Alaska? It seems like I could start over up there and get my I-140 and get in line for my I-485. Even tho I would lose my PD, it would probably take less time if I don't have to wait YEARS for LC. Does anyone out there know or have any experience with Alaska?
H1B 7th Year extension!!! Pls advise

Can anyone here please advise on the following or re-direct me to the relevant thread.

My H1 is going to expire in Jul 2006 :
1.when should I apply for the extension.
2.What are the documens required to apply for the extension and what is the fee.
3.what is the processing time for the application

Thanks in advance.
byrd amendment

It was interesting to hear byrd lay out his amendment on cspan2 today and him answering other senators legimate questions with:

"We increased h1b quota to 195,000 in 2000 for 3 years. 3 YEARS. When is it going to be enough. What is enough. enough is enough."


they hardly talked about gc retrogession.
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enqueued said:
It was interesting to hear byrd lay out his amendment on cspan2 today and him answering other senators legimate questions with:

"We increased h1b quota to 195,000 in 2000 for 3 years. 3 YEARS. When is it going to be enough. What is enough. enough is enough."


they hardly talked about gc retrogession.


If anyone know, what's been the feeling around political circles about this bill getting approved without Byrd's crappy amendment?

I am really really really hoping like others in the forum that it does get passed soon so we can forget about PBEC's inefficiencies and file 140/485 well before our labor gets approved from BEC.

fastergcwanted said:

If anyone know, what's been the feeling around political circles about this bill getting approved without Byrd's crappy amendment?

I am really really really hoping like others in the forum that it does get passed soon so we can forget about PBEC's inefficiencies and file 140/485 well before our labor gets approved from BEC.

Hi fastergcwanted,
U cannot file I-140 until and unless your labor gets cleared....just wanted to let u know..

Case Status:Incomplete
case no.T-051xx-xxxxx
45 day letter:After I become grandpa
labor approval:After I die :mad: :mad:
Good point, you are correct. But, it also opens up the door for filing under PERM with new employer and then file 140/485, not bad option either....