Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

RIR queue


Where is the RIR queue now? Please reply

PD: APR-03
RD: OCT-04
Reply to 45 Days Letter: June-05
My PD is Sept 17, 2001
Moved to Dallas by March 2005
7th yr on H1 B

Can any body tell me the status of the the NON-RIR cases please.
Certified Date

For those of you who have "Date Submitted" around July and PD earlier than March/2003, I believe your "Date Submitted" is "certified date".
Please see my signature for update. A good thing for this wave of approval is I haven't seen "RFE" or "Denial" yet. So, your certificate is there, just a matter of time...
Please help. Thank you in advance.

Quite frustrating here. My
PD: Oct 30, 2002
45 Days Letter Received: Mar 2005
EAT#: D-05073-XXXXX
I’m going into the sixth year now. I sent a screenshot inquiry 3 weeks ago and asked my lawyer to send one two weeks ago. So far haven’t heard anything. Lots of cases before my PD are certified. What else could I do to get a response?

Also, my case got stuck at the regional for about a year because the wage is below DOL’s prevailing wage. The lawyer challenged it, then it was cleared and went to State. Would this be a problem of my delay or possible denial?

Thanks for your help
sunshine1 said:
Quite frustrating here. My
PD: Oct 30, 2002
45 Days Letter Received: Mar 2005
EAT#: D-05073-XXXXX
I’m going into the sixth year now. I sent a screenshot inquiry 3 weeks ago and asked my lawyer to send one two weeks ago. So far haven’t heard anything. Lots of cases before my PD are certified. What else could I do to get a response?

Also, my case got stuck at the regional for about a year because the wage is below DOL’s prevailing wage. The lawyer challenged it, then it was cleared and went to State. Would this be a problem of my delay or possible denial?

Thanks for your help

You mean.. It was sent back to state and placed in NON-RIR?
EB-3 Visa Number Problem and Likely Relief by Pending Immigration Reform Bills

Source : immigration-law.com / Breaking news.

Copy paste didn't work properly, for full news pls refer that site.

Is it a goodnews so we can relax a bit ( only a bit) or some other strings are attached.?

* So far we have reported a depressing EB-3 visa number prediction based on the current immigration law that allocates only 140,000 a year for the employment-based immigrant visas. However, there are two leading immigration reform legislative bills pending in the Senate which are likely to give some relief to the EB-3 backlog problem, should the bills be enacted into law. One is McCain-Kennedy bill, S. 1033, and the other Cornyn-Kyl bill, S.1438. These bills have attracted a lot of attention from the media and public in two respects: Differences in the two bills in the issues of legalization of illegal aliens and the weight of border and enforcement in the nation's immigration policy.
* However, from the perspective of the employment-based immigrant community, these two bills will benefit, albeit differently, the EB-3 workers tremendously. The following table compares the current EB visa number allocation system with proposed changes in the allocation system in these two bills:
Current System Cornyn-Kyl bill McCain-Kennedy bill Remarks
EB Total Annual Quota 140,000(100%) 190,000(100%) 290,000(100%)
EB-1 28.6% 20.0% 20.0%
EB-2 28.6% 20.0% 20.0%
EB-31 28.6%* 35.0% 35.0% *Includes EB-3 EW unckillsed other worker upto 10,000
Current EB-3 EW Other Workers** Included in EB-31* -** -** **Current EB 3 EW is reclassified into the new EB-5 preference
Current EB-4 (Special Immigrants)*** 7.1% -*** -*** ***Current EB-4 category removed.
Current EB-5(Investor)**** 7.1% -**** -**** ****Reclassified into the new EB-4 preference
New EB-4(Investor) - 4.0% 5.0% Formerly EB-5
New EB-5(Other Workers) - Upto 36.0%

Upto 30.0%

Formerly EB-3 EW Other Workers. Since it is the lowest preference, if EB-1, EB-2, EB-3, and EB-3 use up their numbers, the practical available number would be the figures in the parenthesis.
100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Under both Cornyn-Kyl bill and McCain-Kenney bill, the big winners will be the current EB-3 workers. For instance, current EB-3 quota, excluding nurses and physical therapists, is approximately 40,000 a year including EB-3 skilled and professional workers and EB-3EW other workers (upto 10,000), but it will increase to 104,000 plus (66,500 EB-3 + 38,000 new EB-5) under Cornyn-Kyl bill, and to 159,000 plus (101,500 EB-3 + 58,000 new EB-5) under McCain-Kennedy bill. Part of this benefit will come from termination of immigration visa lottery, 55,000 (DV Program). Both bills also provide positive recapture of unused numbers in the previous years which will lead to some numbers available for the regular EB-3 workers after taking away 50,000 numbers by the nurses and physical therapists.
When it comes to the specific numbers, the two bills differ to a great extent, but remarkably both bills are committed to reducing the serious EB-3 backlogs under the current immigration quota system. This is a good news.
Thank you very much!

immi24 said:
You mean.. It was sent back to state and placed in NON-RIR?
No. It is RIR in the 45 Days letter. The lawyer sent some wage statistic around my area and I guess the Regional accept it because it went to the State finally before shipped to Backlog center.
sunshine1 said:
No. It is RIR in the 45 Days letter. The lawyer sent some wage statistic around my area and I guess the Regional accept it because it went to the State finally before shipped to Backlog center.
Try sending an email to Philly BEC too, they have been responding promptly, since Dallas and Philly share the same database.
immi24 said:
Try sending an email to Philly BEC too, they have been responding promptly, since Dallas and Philly share the same database.

I sent it to both centers. The lawyer sent it to both centers too. I did not hear anything after the 45 days letter :-(
if you are thinking of PERM, read this..
Can an Employer File Two Labor Certifications for the Same Employee? The DOL addressed whether a labor certification (LC) can be pending both through a filing under the pre-March 28, 2005 system and the new PERM system for the same employee. The DOL had stated previously that they disfavored the practice, but had taken no formal action against it. There are a number of reasons an individual and his/her employer might want to maintain both cases. While individuals and employers are motivated by the potential of a fast approval under PERM, and a re-filing may be needed due to a change in position or job offer, they often need the old case for H1B seventh-year extension purposes. Additionally, older cases have older priority dates that may be particularly useful for those from certain countries, like India, mainland China, and the Philippines, affected by the retrogression of visa dates under the EB3 preference category. No one wants to disrupt a case for which s/he has been waiting for years. Therefore, many individuals and their employers were interested in keeping their pre-PERM cases pending while also filing under PERM. The DOL is trying to put an end to this practice and they have clearly stated that they will either deny or issue a Notice of Finding on the second case. There are, however, constitutional concerns over the legal basis for this DOL position, since there is no law or regulation prohibiting a second filing, particularly if the future position is different from the earlier position.
source http://www.murthy.com

sunshine1 said:
Quite frustrating here. My
PD: Oct 30, 2002
45 Days Letter Received: Mar 2005
EAT#: D-05073-XXXXX
I’m going into the sixth year now. I sent a screenshot inquiry 3 weeks ago and asked my lawyer to send one two weeks ago. So far haven’t heard anything. Lots of cases before my PD are certified. What else could I do to get a response?

Also, my case got stuck at the regional for about a year because the wage is below DOL’s prevailing wage. The lawyer challenged it, then it was cleared and went to State. Would this be a problem of my delay or possible denial?

Thanks for your help
There is a possibility that if your paper is in the mail room then they dont send reply to your mail.This has happened to one of the forum member.
srignram said:
There is a possibility that if your paper is in the mail room then they dont send reply to your mail.This has happened to one of the forum member.

Do you mean that the case might be certified and waiting to be sent out? :rolleyes: :confused: I received 45 days letter, that means my case should at least be process soon... oh, hopefully

Thanks for your info!

Final Review to Certified


i got a screen shot saying "Final Review" . Can any one let me know how much time will take to get the "Certified" Status.

Thanks Murthy,

Was your case filed from CA too ?

psmurthy said:
I got a D-05005-XX number and my PD is 06/01/2004 EB2 RIR. Got a 45 day letter from BPC Dallas last week of March. Hope that helps you to analyze urs.
GC152003 said:
Source : immigration-law.com / Breaking news.

Copy paste didn't work properly, for full news pls refer that site.

Is it a goodnews so we can relax a bit ( only a bit) or some other strings are attached.?

* So far we have reported a depressing EB-3 visa number prediction based on the current immigration law that allocates only 140,000 a year for the employment-based immigrant visas. However, there are two leading immigration reform legislative bills pending in the Senate which are likely to give some relief to the EB-3 backlog problem, should the bills be enacted into law. One is McCain-Kennedy bill, S. 1033, and the other Cornyn-Kyl bill, S.1438. These bills have attracted a lot of attention from the media and public in two respects: Differences in the two bills in the issues of legalization of illegal aliens and the weight of border and enforcement in the nation's immigration policy.
* However, from the perspective of the employment-based immigrant community, these two bills will benefit, albeit differently, the EB-3 workers tremendously. The following table compares the current EB visa number allocation system with proposed changes in the allocation system in these two bills:
Current System Cornyn-Kyl bill McCain-Kennedy bill Remarks
EB Total Annual Quota 140,000(100%) 190,000(100%) 290,000(100%)
EB-1 28.6% 20.0% 20.0%
EB-2 28.6% 20.0% 20.0%
EB-31 28.6%* 35.0% 35.0% *Includes EB-3 EW unckillsed other worker upto 10,000
Current EB-3 EW Other Workers** Included in EB-31* -** -** **Current EB 3 EW is reclassified into the new EB-5 preference
Current EB-4 (Special Immigrants)*** 7.1% -*** -*** ***Current EB-4 category removed.
Current EB-5(Investor)**** 7.1% -**** -**** ****Reclassified into the new EB-4 preference
New EB-4(Investor) - 4.0% 5.0% Formerly EB-5
New EB-5(Other Workers) - Upto 36.0%

Upto 30.0%

Formerly EB-3 EW Other Workers. Since it is the lowest preference, if EB-1, EB-2, EB-3, and EB-3 use up their numbers, the practical available number would be the figures in the parenthesis.
100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Under both Cornyn-Kyl bill and McCain-Kenney bill, the big winners will be the current EB-3 workers. For instance, current EB-3 quota, excluding nurses and physical therapists, is approximately 40,000 a year including EB-3 skilled and professional workers and EB-3EW other workers (upto 10,000), but it will increase to 104,000 plus (66,500 EB-3 + 38,000 new EB-5) under Cornyn-Kyl bill, and to 159,000 plus (101,500 EB-3 + 58,000 new EB-5) under McCain-Kennedy bill. Part of this benefit will come from termination of immigration visa lottery, 55,000 (DV Program). Both bills also provide positive recapture of unused numbers in the previous years which will lead to some numbers available for the regular EB-3 workers after taking away 50,000 numbers by the nurses and physical therapists.
When it comes to the specific numbers, the two bills differ to a great extent, but remarkably both bills are committed to reducing the serious EB-3 backlogs under the current immigration quota system. This is a good news.

These are long pending PROPOSED bills and have not become law yet. When a bill finally becomes law, it goes through several stages, (amendment) etc before the final culled version is enacted as law. Yes, IF and WHEN one of these bills pass and becomeS law in its ORIGINAL version it will provide EB3 relief. But, I would also like to add that the emphasis in these increasing political debates about immigration is sadly only to address the increasing illegal immigration.

We can only hope and remain positive, wait and watch.
T- or D-?

psmurthy said:
I got a D-05005-XX number and my PD is 06/01/2004 EB2 RIR. Got a 45 day letter from BPC Dallas last week of March. Hope that helps you to analyze urs.

Hi Cal97, mine send to CA state on 3/3/04 EB2 RIR and get T-05193-XXXXX,
how about your T#?
help? PD? RD?


From screen shoot, mine send to CA state on 3/5/04 EB2 RIR and get T-05193-XXXXX, I have
CASE RD: 3/5/2004
Priority D: empty
Case Source: state
Sumbit D: 7/12/05

what is my pd and my rd and roughly when I can get certified?
what is your exact PD...

My PD is 02/18/2003

final review 0n 08/10/05 --- it is certified as of 08/18/05

may be within a it got certified...... waiting for MAIL MAN now

CERTIFIED as of 08/18/05

binodgc05 said:

i got a screen shot saying "Final Review" . Can any one let me know how much time will take to get the "Certified" Status.


I do not see a submit date in the screen shot sent to me.
My case number is T-05194-20XXX. My P.D is 6/15/04.

fremont334 said:
Hi Cal97, mine send to CA state on 3/3/04 EB2 RIR and get T-05193-XXXXX,
how about your T#?