I do sympathise with your situation. You have done fp on December 12
The 260 stats work out like this. if you count the ones who have done fp only - I delete the ones not done fp considering them as people who do not visit this website any more.
There is 18 percent of such cases still pending .
Some of them are cases who have done fp in January 2002
Maybe they have just recently been assigned.
I feel that your case and other 260 cases will get approval in the next fortnight.
Also if you see from Recent approvals thread during last week
3 people got approved from the 260\'s series , namely Sam_485, SK Raman, ak1970
Yes the flow of 260 cases is less but nevertheless it is still there. Yours may be the next lucky case. Think Positive
Some people get approval early and others get approval late.
I think you are not in the category like murthy mentioned who have some factor which will attract rejection.
It just is that it will come through. Hold on tight and plan for a big party. Make a list of people for the party and plan what you will do at that time. Visit a few theme parks and also water parks - the summer will just be starting. Have fun man. As long as job is carrying on it\'s good here in USA