CSC officer called me. (AP renew)


Registered Users (C)
Actually this is already the second time the same officer called me within two weeks since I called CSC earlier for not receiving the RFE. The first time he confirmed my address and then give me his name and fax number, asking me to fax my material over. The second time he says the fax he received was not clear and asked me to FedEx him directly. He gave me his mailing address with office drop code.

Surprisingly, this is a very nice guy. (guessing he's a Vietnamese) I asked him a couple of more questions and he answered me all.

1.) He says once a case was assigned to him, he cannot hold the case for long. He has to return it in certain timeframe. If he cannot get the RFE response back in time, the case will sit on the shelf for another at least 48 days.

2.) I-485 can be processed within 5 days once assigned to an officer, assuming no complexity in the case.

3.) The hold on 485 is lifted. CSC is picking case up. For Jan02 ND I-485, (my case) April or May03 would be my target.

Hoping I'm providing some new info for you guys.
BBCHENGC, amazing. I've been around on this board for > 2 years, and the first time I have heard of such a nice INS officer. God bless this guy, we need more of them there.

I hope he holds true to #3.
best of luck!!!!
Hope you are not kidding.
You know it is like if CSC InS has be so F**k*d up that ,it is so
difficult to beleive your story.
Anyways, best Wishes.
I don't think that CSC is working on 485 cases after so called freeze all they are working with AP, EAD and transferring the cases to local INS. They don't want to take any responsibility of any more Mr Atta. They want to dump every responsibility to local INS.
Don't ask me why VSC is approving 485, it is a million Dollar question
.All we can do is sit back and relax and abuse CSC.
thats cool ..How about job prospects in INS they certainly have plenty of computers and plenty of us have EAD to work or our wifes may use there EADs there. I guess that will change CSC.
just talked to a iio.

nice, friendly, not too bright.

he said my case is pending, no surprise WAC02076.

i asked when the ins freeze was over, he said maybe in a couple of weeks, and in the same breath when i asked when they would likely process my case, he said they are currently processing 10/1/01 cases - not sure if he was just clueless or if that was the case - like i said he didn't seem that bright so i'm picking he has no idea of what's going on.

i think these iio guys just give standard answers and have no idea what is happening, the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing

take any information positive or negative from an iio with a great deal of scepticsm
IIO just came to kow they r paid between 23K to 36K per annum . Know we know what can we expect from them. No wonder they are always pissed when they talk to H1 ppl who makes 3 times then them
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Question for all.

We have crossroads with a McDonalds Burger in the middle.
On the end of 4 roads we have the following standing.

a) Dumb IIO
b) Smart Sardarjee
c) Easter bunny
d) Santa claus.

If both start running at the same time to get the mcdonalds burger, who gets it first??

I'll post the reply in a couple of hours (after lunch).

- SM
Dump IIO- He will never make a start but will keep saying I will I will I will I will
Smart Sardarjee - will ask Easter bunny to get the burger fast and will share but after getting burger he wont share.
Easter bunny - Will get the burger to sardarjee in no time.
Santa Claus - will have another burger from north pole and will keep there for dump IIO to have illusion that first burger is still there.

and we all will be waiting to start the crossroad.


A mundane answer would be the DumbIIO would reach the MacD because the other 3 contenders are borne out of fiction :)

But, a "smart-ass" answer would be as follows:

DumbIIO: Would start to run. Hit an INS stop signal. Will wait for a month there waiting for it to turn green. After a month, he would resume the race on all fours, because he would have forgotten how to run by then. By the time he realizes that he can walk, he'll come across a phone booth with the phone constantly ringing. He'll pick up the phone just to listen to an H1 on the other end.
H1: "When will my approval come?"
DumbIIO: "I just learnt how to walk. I have to eat a burger".

The second DumbIIO hangs up, another H would call. And this eternal routine will keep the DumbIIO from reaching MacD.

Smart Sardar: Would wait for the MacD burger to come to him. He'll think "After all, I'll be paying for the burger even if I win the race"

Easter Bunny: He could never win the race with the turtle. Being stereotyped, he'll be furious and will not run till he gets a turtle to join the race.

Santa Claus: Will land on his hand the minute he reaches 4mph because he is not used to running -- just riding his sleigh.

All in all, an interesting race, which won't see anyone reaching MacD!

And the right answer award goes to ..


yep everyone other than DUMB IIO are fictional characters.
so the correct answer is no one gets the burger, because three are fictional and the dumb iio is to ficken stupid to figure it out
Ghost Rider,
I am insulted.

The pay range for an IIO that you mentioned is the same as for me (I am a teacher).

Are your expectations of people based only on what they make? Thats pretty shallow (although very American).

Also, does everyone really think its the fault of the IIOs? Hardly. I doubt that they are even very lazy.
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I just wrote what the pay scale is and if i felt that was too less ,how much frustated they might be who r getting those. Rarely in this fourm some one has good experience with IIOs , why is that. And i just though it might be one of the reasons that they r not happy to make what other ppl can. This is the world to compete and money is one big factor. I compete in my work so that i am better then others and get more raise and i think u might be doing the same so is evryone else.IT was just a though whch came to my mind , may be American cause i stay here but it was not meant to insult anyone.
Some thoughts

The root to any ..

Insult is ego.
Sorrow is expectation.
Disappointment is dreams.
Seperation is attachment.
Life is death.
Longing is togetherness.
Software bug is code.
A is Opposite(A). (You get the point).

Maintain balance. The only truth in this universe is equilibrium. Maintain that in your life, and you will never have any issues. (I know easier said than done, but atleast try it). But yea, you need to have a balance between issues and absence of issues or life would be boring.

Regards the INS and it's misdoings, picture it this way. You are travelling on a straight line, while INS twangs the rubberband you were on, and sends you way down. There will be an equal recoil effect that will put you way up too, and that will be immediately followed. After having putup with the INS, I can pretty much putup with anything. Which is probably the reason (I hope) people around me regard me as an easy to get along with popular sort of person. Whats more, I have built this endurance, and tolerance, which no one can match, and this when applied right, will definitely propel me and you forward in our lives.

I am very sure the INS has twanged our rubber bands southwards. But we are like ants, when we walk, we see a 2 dimensional view. If a tree comes in our way, we start walking upwards. We now think the plane is the tree and without actually scaling the tree, we donot realize that it isn't infinitely high.

Similarly, right now everything looks dark and morose. But Green card or no Green card, brighter days will come.

But yes, INS will get it's share of equal for pulling our rubberbands down. I hope they burn in hell, but I am no one to tell God his job. But I can certainly hope :)

Good luck to you all.
Good post Silly Man,

What you say is true. Here we are learning some very important lessons in life, patience and humility.

The US doesn't care enough for people who contribute so much to the economy, in terms of taxes as well as social security etc., they treat us worse than illegal immigrants, but we will persevere in the end and hopefully each of us will take this experience and grow stronger out of it.