CSC I-485 Filing- May to Dec 2005 Tracking

Got response from CSC that Namecheck is still pending. Sent email on April 6th.
Email says that "Principal applicants name check is still pending, once the name check is cleared, princial and riding applicants will be adjudicated".

I'm just wondering, does 485 involve ONLY name check? Or is CSC's email's saying that rest everything is fine/done, once we get name check clear, we'll approve?

PD: early 2000
FP: 1st week of feb 2006
can't check my case online

Getting this error. anyone else getting it ?

javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot find bean under name user_type_cd
at org.apache.struts.taglib.html.OptionsTag.getIterator(
at org.apache.struts.taglib.html.OptionsTag.doEndTag(
at _jsps._login__jsp._jspService(d:\web\egov\war-dir\cris\jsps\login.jsp:75)
at com.caucho.jsp.JavaPage.service(
at com.caucho.jsp.Page.subservice(
at com.caucho.server.http.FilterChainPage.doFilter(
at com.iba.fw.filter.AccessControlFilter.doFilter(Unknown Source)
at com.caucho.server.http.FilterChainFilter.doFilter(
at com.caucho.server.http.Invocation.service(
at com.caucho.server.http.CacheInvocation.service(
at com.caucho.server.http.RunnerRequest.handleRequest(
at com.caucho.server.http.RunnerRequest.handleConnection(
My Logic goes this way. Correct me if I'm wrong

nother1inline said:
A) I am from India (see signature) and B) and more importantly, as GP pointed out, there's no such connection, just too many variables to predict. Good luck

I'm thinking this way. As your PD is 6/02 and rest of them (I-140 AD, EAD,AP) all are just 2 to 3months to my case. Ofcourse, Namecheck and other clearance is different from case to case. But in an Ideal situation, I guess my logic works.

ok but could you tell me where to send this inquiry? (And where to find details about it... is there an url?)

Aldo42 said:
ok but could you tell me where to send this inquiry? (And where to find details about it... is there an url?)

Send the following details to and ask them for the status. If you are interested in knowing the status of a specific step, like fingerprints, name/background check, ask for it specifically. The answers to the queries are quite vague and there's no guarantee your specific question will be answered even then.

Principal applicant's name:
Principal applicant's case number:
Priority Date:

Dependent's name:
Dependent's case number:
and there is no guarantee that your mail will be answered at all !!

HopeAlive said:
Send the following details to and ask them for the status. If you are interested in knowing the status of a specific step, like fingerprints, name/background check, ask for it specifically. The answers to the queries are quite vague and there's no guarantee your specific question will be answered even then.

Principal applicant's name:
Principal applicant's case number:
Priority Date:

Dependent's name:
Dependent's case number:
Name check!!

ronniin said:
Got response from CSC that Namecheck is still pending. Sent email on April 6th.
Email says that "Principal applicants name check is still pending, once the name check is cleared, princial and riding applicants will be adjudicated".

I'm just wondering, does 485 involve ONLY name check? Or is CSC's email's saying that rest everything is fine/done, once we get name check clear, we'll approve?

PD: early 2000
FP: 1st week of feb 2006
I also got the same reply as your's from officer Bueno saying background check is pending. My date became current Apr 1, '02 but i had sent my inquiry during the 2nd week of March.
Since the name check is pending, what do you guys plan to do??? I did contact the senators and the congressman to expedite the process but have not heard from any of them yet? Are you folks taking any steps?? If so, would appreciate if you folks share it here.. Thanks..
I'm gonna do the waiting game.
Can someone shed some light on my query. Can we conclude from Bueno's email that name check is the ONLY REMAINING THING LEFT?

pklam said:
I also got the same reply as your's from officer Bueno saying background check is pending. My date became current Apr 1, '02 but i had sent my inquiry during the 2nd week of March.
Since the name check is pending, what do you guys plan to do??? I did contact the senators and the congressman to expedite the process but have not heard from any of them yet? Are you folks taking any steps?? If so, would appreciate if you folks share it here.. Thanks..
pklam said:
I also got the same reply as your's from officer Bueno saying background check is pending. My date became current Apr 1, '02 but i had sent my inquiry during the 2nd week of March.
Since the name check is pending, what do you guys plan to do??? I did contact the senators and the congressman to expedite the process but have not heard from any of them yet? Are you folks taking any steps?? If so, would appreciate if you folks share it here.. Thanks..

No, I do not plan to write to any congressperson. Will wait till early or mid-May.
My friend got approval

A friend of mine, who also works in my company, got an approval message this morning. The case dates are very close to mine for all stages.
Name Check

Hi All,

Does anyone what exactly happens in Name check?? I was told by my friend that the FBI verifies all the entries, violations, criminal record etc, for that particular name, first and last name. If none then its good to go but if they find then they filter the results with the exact birth date. If there are violations against your name then they go through them and eliminate minors and probe on the major ones.

How much of it is correct I dont know. Only thing I am missing is, if this is the procedure then there should hardly be any delay for Indians as most of the India names coupled with their last names would be very unique and all the good souls in here ;) should have no criminal records.

So why so late, is it just too many name checks to be performed???

To some ones question on what do you plan to do bcoz name check is not yet cleared, I assume the answer would be wait. Why would any congressmen or senator have special interest on a single case. They might, at the most, send a word to FBI to speed up the name check processing to which, I think, FBI will give a damm.
HopeAlive said:
A friend of mine, who also works in my company, got an approval message this morning. The case dates are very close to mine for all stages.

hi hopealive:

You may have mentioned this before, but can you tell me if you know whether your BG check is cleared? Just to get an idea ...
pk, you sent enquiry during 2nd week of march and got a reply today ?

Or did you get a reply earlier ?

pklam said:
I also got the same reply as your's from officer Bueno saying background check is pending. My date became current Apr 1, '02 but i had sent my inquiry during the 2nd week of March.
Since the name check is pending, what do you guys plan to do??? I did contact the senators and the congressman to expedite the process but have not heard from any of them yet? Are you folks taking any steps?? If so, would appreciate if you folks share it here.. Thanks..
lifeislife said:
hi hopealive:

You may have mentioned this before, but can you tell me if you know whether your BG check is cleared? Just to get an idea ...
Well, I cannot be certain. The reply I got did not specifically say it was done. It did say however, that my case was in their adjudication process and a decision should be made within 30 days.
I am totally screwed. EB3 now

Hi guys,
All this time I thought(was led to believe that) I am EB2. recently my lawyer replies and says that INS approved my 140 as EB3 even though we applied as EB2.

She is sending some papers to swith it to EB2. I dont know how this stuff works.

Any one have this issue. Please respond. GP111 any help is appreciated.
HopeAlive said:
Well, I cannot be certain. The reply I got did not specifically say it was done. It did say however, that my case was in their adjudication process and a decision should be made within 30 days.

Ok. Yea, I wish there was a way to check status of the intermediate step also. Next email I send to DHS, I will ask specifically for BG check status also.
lifeislife said:
Ok. Yea, I wish there was a way to check status of the intermediate step also. Next email I send to DHS, I will ask specifically for BG check status also.
I did specifically ask for the status of BG/name check.
reply from Officer R Cruz - Background security check pending


Got reply for the email enquiry sent on April 7th. This is my second enquiry, the first I sent on March 1st, got the same reply on March 15th (then it was only about me and not spouse)

"Unfortunately, your background security check has not yet cleared by the FBI as of this date. We regret to inform you that until the result is received the USCIS must suspend further processing on your case as well as your spouse's case even though her check is cleared. Thank you for your continued patience with this process."

PD - Aug 21, 2001, EB2
RD - Aug 25, 2005

What could be the possible reasons for background security check not getting cleared? How long does it typically take for this? Is background security check same as name check? (I guess so). How can we expedite this?

rajrw said:
What could be the possible reasons for background security check not getting cleared? How long does it typically take for this? Is background security check same as name check? (I guess so). How can we expedite this?

As far as I know, your case can be in one of following 2 situations:

1. Your name got a lot of hits in FBI database and it
delays processing of your case.
2. Your case is wating in the backlog and FBI has not touched it yet.

I personally think lots of cases are in scenario #2 in recent times.
My lawyer and local congressman told me FBI is suffering with a huge
backlog right now. Some says they have a backlog of 180,000 names.

I would think there is virtually no way to expedite the process since
the backlog makes the delay common for too many cases. I've heard
FBI specified conditions under which they might expedite. One of
them is if the case is under lawsuit. You can file a suit if your case
is pending under the name check more than 2 years, I've heard....
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