CSC-April-waiters wac-01-16[3..9]-xxx, let\'s have a new thread here ....


Registered Users (C)

Our cases with RD/ND in April have been pending for 11 months. Although INS always says
they process immigration cases case by case randomly, however, the time difference
is sometimes too large. Many cases with RD/ND in June, July and August are already
approved. Most of my friends are indeed very lucky, their cases were approved within 5-6 months.
However, although our cases were filed 11 months ago, some of us even have not get FP notice.

Really frustrating ... really hope INS can process cases more fairly and in order ...

My case: wac-01-165-xxxx, RD 4/3/01, ND 4/24/01, EAD 6/6/01, FP 2/14/02, AD [???????]

Since attorneys are normally reluctant to contact INS to help us if our ND is later than JIT (01/01/01 now)
posted by INS-csc, can we work together to give INS officer a reminder that our cases are delayed
for too long, and not processed normally.
ddkin, I am in same boat as you

My RD (04/03/01) and ND (04/24/01) same as yours.
FP 11/23/01 san jose.
AVM still says famous "975 days" message.
INS doesn\'t have any information on my FP. IIO
suggested me to send Fax inquiry. Today Received
reply from INS saying currently they are working on
cases with RD 01/01/2001. Did you call INS about
your case ? Where did u do FP ? We should keep in touch.
Did you send fax inquiry? If so, which form,please? My RD=4/26 no approve yet

My WAC is 01-222-xxxx.I plan to send fax inqeiry to CSC. Did you send fax to CSC and got fax from them saying they are working on cases eith 01/01/2000? please share the info. By the way which form did you use? thank you very much in advance.

Fax inquiry form,

I sent fax inquiry to (949) 389-3484 as par instrcutions from IIO.
I took form from and
modified it.
Here is format I used. You can personalize for your need.

Attention :
              DUTY OFFICER
              DIVISION I
              USDOJ, INS
              24000 Avilla Road, 2nd Floor
              Laguna Niguel, CA 92607
              FAX : (949) 389-3484

Respond to:
E-Mail :
Phone :
Fax :
Applicant Details:
Name of Applicant:
Type of application : I-485
WAC# :
A # :
Receipt Date :
Notice Date :
Finger Print Date :

Request for Status of I-485.
Count me in too

Hi Guys,

I am also part of this club.
PD: Dec 1997
RD: April 4th 2001
ND: April 20th 2001
WAC: 01-163-******
Finger print: Aug 17th (on schedule)
RFE none.

IIO said assigned to officer mid-December 2001.
AVM says "...979 days"

april_csc_485, our cases are really similar, we need keep touch.

I did FP on 2/12 at SF office. I called FBI, FBI sent it to INS in a week. Than, I called IIO, she said fp result is still pending.

I even don\'t know if my case was assigned to some examiner. I want to call IIO again in a few days. Now I am preparing to renew my EAD (expire at the begining of June) although I didn\'t use. I am afaid that I might need to use soemtimes.

Yeah, we should keep in touch.
IIO asked to send FAX to Div I at different FAX#: 949/389-3055

I didn\'t use any formal INS form. My fax was actually like a normal letter for my FP notice inquiry.
I just followed what IIO instructed me.
Seems like all our AVMs states the same message " ....976 days ...", never updated since w

Called IIO twice already


Yes. I have called and spoken to two different IIO\'s. Both where very nice. Both told me that my case has bee assigned to an officer in mid December 2001.

They were not able to tell me why it is taking so long and just gave me the " Every case is a unique case..." thing.

Details please

b ddkin

b tiredofwaiting2

b Jimmy Gao

your details please
md - mailing date
rd - receipt date
nd - notice date
wac no - wac number (please ommit the last four digits
ap - advance parole document date
ead - employment authorization date
fp sch - fingerprint schedule date
fp done - fingerprint done date
fp location - fingerprint location
eb category
current avm message
priority date
rsrgc, my detail,Thank you for the dood job

ap:did not apply
fp:10/16/01,11/12/01(ahead of 2 fp notices)
fp location: Santa Ana
China, EB2
Dec 27th, fp..... Ressumed.
Priority date:5/30/2000