CSC-April-waiters wac-01-16[3..9]-xxx, let\'s have a new thread here ....

Steve Hu - Please check recent approvals thread and the summary

Yes - generally CSC approves cases based on Notice date which is same as WAC number

However for some cases who have late FP you will notice that it is the fp date which becomes very important criteria and generally the officer will check your case 8-10 weeks after fingerprinting.

Now when officer checks ur case he may approve or ask for rfe(request for further evidence) or transfer your case to local office for interview.

Each case is individual but we can say generally that approvals are based on notice date which is same as WAC number
April Waiters Got too much frustrated I suppose... They did quit the habbit of cheking this board re

I do check the board regularly but scared to check AVM again to listen to same old very irritating message \'On Dec 29 your finger print review for ....Further Processing Has Been resumed on your case...\' ( more irritating then the sound of a \'Machhar/Mosquito\' in a closed dark room\' ). Saale ek macchar ne Adami ko Hizara Bana Diya AVM message ne.....

Totally true...
Hi nologic

At leadt you have the \'On Dec29 ... " message, I still have the old "...It is taking 979-999 days .." message.

Still hanging in there.

Life with out hope is worse than death ;-(
So keeping the hope alive that I am going to get the approval in the next week it self.....

I am also waiting for approval 12+

Me toooooo,

Last week, I tried to send INS fax inquiry on my I-485 case pending for 12+ mo\'s. Their reply was
very simple, just mentioned JIT ...
Larry\'s Boy WAC 01-178-xxxxx did FP on 2/7/2002 - no AVM update

just to bring this thread up - My case is as follows

Filed my I-485 on Apr 10 2001
did not get FP notice until lawyer faxed two times
did FP on 2/7/2002

AVM message has never changed from initial
\'It is taking between 975-999 days..\'

called IIO twice but they do not give any information
first time I told them my A# then he was able to find that I did
 my fingerprints

second time with WAC number lady was very rude said if the INS
officer finds your fingerprints not acceptable he will send second
notice - did not want to tell me any other info

What can we do other than wait ?
I think one of IIO\'s must lie on this.

I also experienced this situation. what two IIO\'s said are contradictory.
In fact, later on I found one of them did tell a lie. After asking for my case#,
he even didn\'t check my case from computer, just randomly told me the
status. Once I told him, his words was contradictory to what other IIO said,
he became impatient and a little angry.