Court record from 19 yrs ago...


Registered Users (C)
Hi all...I apologize beforehand if my question seem redundant, but after spending a whole day here head is spinning! I filed my I-485/I-130 back in July 2007...everything went like it's supposed to (except for the RFE causing slight delay). Had my interview March 10th, and was given 'verbal' approval. No stamping on my passport. As you can imagine, I keep checking on my online case status which hasn't changed (no LUD) since they received my response to RFE. But today, I got a letter from USCIS Atlanta DO. Basically, my background check showed an arrest from shoplifting back in 1989. I honestly wasn't trying to lie on my application, I really didn't remember that I got arrested. I still can't recall the details; where/ what store, how I did it, or what I stole. I'm 99.9% sure that I wasn't taken to jail, but not sure whether or not I had a court order. I know that sounds like a bunch of BS....; regardless, those details are quite irrelevant, IMO. My question is do I obtain the required document/s? I did the S. Carolina's Court Records search and came up with nothing.
What should I do? Do I still have a chance here? help....:eek::eek:
I know it is water under the bridge but how could you not remember an event like being arrested. So you failed to mention this on your I-485, right? Worst case, USCIS may accuse you of misrepresentation. I hope it does not come to that.

I honestly wasn't trying to lie on my application, I really didn't remember that I got arrested.

Were you taken to a police station, finger printed and had your mug shots taken? I assume so, since those details probably came up when your background check was run.

I still can't recall the details; where/ what store, how I did it, or what I stole. I'm 99.9% sure that I wasn't taken to jail, but not sure whether or not I had a court order.

Those details are not irrelevant in USCIS's opinion, regardless of what you think. Try to gather as much documentation as possible. Contact the court clerk in the city/town you were arrested. Details have to exist since your background check revealed them. Good luck and keep us posted!!!

I know that sounds like a bunch of BS....; regardless, those details are quite irrelevant, IMO.
Now I'm even more confused. I called the County Court clerk and the sheriff office. Neither has anything on file, even when we tried to spell my last name few different ways. What do I do? How did USCIS find it?
Give your entire name or whatever other name you have use in the past, and when I say entire name including middle name and second last name if it's one. Call to all the counties clerks where you have lived before.

And as Triple C said, if still they don't find anything, then get a legal documentation from their part stating that you are not in their records and that they should put your complete, nationality (if they take that information) and DOB, height, color of eyes...all that should be on record...

Good luck,
well what they need to see is a court record, so try to get a court record of all the states that you actually did live in and mail that to them. the paper will speak for itself. So that is what the need. they will then decide if your Finger Print matches that of another individual and caused some upset ofn your application, but you should be fine once you give them the court/police record. And if there s nothing on it, then get a clearace sheet from thoese states police department, thats all you need to do.
well what they need to see is a court record, so try to get a court record of all the states that you actually did live in and mail that to them. the paper will speak for itself. So that is what the need. they will then decide if your Finger Print matches that of another individual and caused some upset ofn your application, but you should be fine once you give them the court/police record. And if there s nothing on it, then get a clearace sheet from thoese states police department, thats all you need to do.

So I should get court records from all the states of my past and current residence? Why all of them? and do I need both court record and police clearance?