Court Approves Ngwanyia Settlement(Good News)

Ohio Asylee said:
Asylumguy....finally someone have same ND date as me. My ND date is Aug24 2000, lets see who gets it first, I hope I get it soon, I been waiting years ad years for it, keep me posted :)

Ohio Asylee, absolutely.

I am willing to bet that you'll get it faster, because being from California I think decreases my chances... but I don't know, we'll see.
Ok, basically this is the new rule:

2005: 18,000 Adjustments
2006: 18,000 Adjustments
2007: 25,000 Adjustments

Hopefully in 2008 and onward, they will honor similar number of approvals and will not go back to 10,000 per year.
asylumguy said:
Ohio Asylee, absolutely.

I am willing to bet that you'll get it faster, because being from California I think decreases my chances... but I don't know, we'll see.


I don't think living in California has to do anything with it. I think all of our cases are processed in Nebraska, they are just assigned to different officers. There are 3 people in this form already got thier GC and they have ND of August of 2000. lets pray we can get it before September, but who knows about Nebraska :eek:
Ohio Asylee said:

I don't think living in California has to do anything with it. I think all of our cases are processed in Nebraska, they are just assigned to different officers. There are 3 people in this form already got thier GC and they have ND of August of 2000. lets pray we can get it before September, but who knows about Nebraska :eek:

This is additional info:

06/15/2005: Six-Month Processing Time by 09/30/2006 Reconfirmed by the USCIS Strategic Plan 2005

Lately, there have evolved remarkable developments in the employment-based I-485 applications to the level of a shock. The pending I-485 applications are massively decided by the Service Centers. Additionally, to everybody's astonishment, the plastic green cards arrived at their mail boxes almost simultaneously with the approval notices. Without doubt, the visa retrogression has helped the agency but no one could even imagine this would happen. Additionally, the just released USCIS Strategic Plan 2005 confirms that the USCIS will achieve the goal of 6-month adjudications of all types of petitions and applications by the end of September 2006, a little over one year from now. Unreal!

Please don't be so optimistic. USCIS has been always put us asylees at the bottom in precedence. They think we are burdens and beggars of this country.

wantmygcnow, you have my respect. What do you think of the issue?

bornTwice said:
This is additional info:

06/15/2005: Six-Month Processing Time by 09/30/2006 Reconfirmed by the USCIS Strategic Plan 2005

Lately, there have evolved remarkable developments in the employment-based I-485 applications to the level of a shock. The pending I-485 applications are massively decided by the Service Centers. Additionally, to everybody's astonishment, the plastic green cards arrived at their mail boxes almost simultaneously with the approval notices. Without doubt, the visa retrogression has helped the agency but no one could even imagine this would happen. Additionally, the just released USCIS Strategic Plan 2005 confirms that the USCIS will achieve the goal of 6-month adjudications of all types of petitions and applications by the end of September 2006, a little over one year from now. Unreal!

bornTwice said:
This is additional info:

06/15/2005: Six-Month Processing Time by 09/30/2006 Reconfirmed by the USCIS Strategic Plan 2005

Lately, there have evolved remarkable developments in the employment-based I-485 applications to the level of a shock. The pending I-485 applications are massively decided by the Service Centers. Additionally, to everybody's astonishment, the plastic green cards arrived at their mail boxes almost simultaneously with the approval notices. Without doubt, the visa retrogression has helped the agency but no one could even imagine this would happen. Additionally, the just released USCIS Strategic Plan 2005 confirms that the USCIS will achieve the goal of 6-month adjudications of all types of petitions and applications by the end of September 2006, a little over one year from now. Unreal!


I still don't get the math. Ok... The judge ordered USCIS to adjust half of the backlog within 3 years which is about 90,000 applications. So by september 2007 they'll have backlog= current backlog - what they'll adjust within 3 years + applications with ND 2005-2007 = 180,000-90,000+ let's say another 40,000= 130,000 How can they physically reduce the backlog to 6 months wait period? USCIS mystery!
Having the processing time from years to months is possible. USCIS has itself to model against.

Now a days, a work permit is obtained in roughly 60-90 days. In early 1990's, all you had to do was go to your local office, stand in line, pay the $95 fee and they would print you out a work permit right there and then. It was a DMV system where you had numbers and you could wait all day to get a Permit. ..or an Advance Parole or a Travel document.

USCIS then started to do everything by mail causing backlogs. I think Employment based GC's/family based may get to the 6 month backlog but not asylee/refugee based.

For us asylees 6 months processing is a dream that may never happen. We should be happy with what we have gotten..from 10-12 years wait for a ND of 2005 to maybe 3-4?...

Wouldnt it be lovely that I could go to my local post office to renew my travel document as passports are done?...That would probably minimize more applications for USCIS to process...I just wish that passports were also handled by USCIS...Can you imagine if a VP of company had to wait 6 months to get his passport..THINGS would've changed then I am sure!
I buy your point and it could be that asylum based I-485 would be an exception to the 6-month processing time.
Minsk said:
I still don't get the math. Ok... The judge ordered USCIS to adjust half of the backlog within 3 years which is about 90,000 applications. So by september 2007 they'll have backlog= current backlog - what they'll adjust within 3 years + applications with ND 2005-2007 = 180,000-90,000+ let's say another 40,000= 130,000 How can they physically reduce the backlog to 6 months wait period? USCIS mystery!

No this lawsuit wasn't about getting rid of backlogs. This was about the visas that USCIS never used. rougly 32,000. SO your math is wrong..Its not 90,000 applications in 3 years..Its unused visas in pervious years(32,000)+30,000(visas for FY05,FY06,FY07) for a total of 62,000 applications.....

The backlog will always be there..Just be happy that a person filling in 2005 doesn't have to wait till 2015...but till 2009...

This issue will ONLY be resolved if all lawyers start to voice out their concerns that asylee gcs are not being processed faster even after the cap removal.

I think there are lots of laywers who do voice their concerns about H-1 GC's but minimal asylee GC issues...Even this website is guided more towards H-1 community..and the lawsuits that this website has filed...

Unless Lawyers for asylee dont submit offical complaints..nothing will be solved...
wantmygcnow said:
No this lawsuit wasn't about getting rid of backlogs. This was about the visas that USCIS never used. rougly 32,000. SO your math is wrong..Its not 90,000 applications in 3 years..Its unused visas in pervious years(32,000)+30,000(visas for FY05,FY06,FY07) for a total of 62,000 applications.....

The backlog will always be there..Just be happy that a person filling in 2005 doesn't have to wait till 2015...but till 2009...

This issue will ONLY be resolved if all lawyers start to voice out their concerns that asylee gcs are not being processed faster even after the cap removal.

I think there are lots of laywers who do voice their concerns about H-1 GC's but minimal asylee GC issues...Even this website is guided more towards H-1 community..and the lawsuits that this website has filed...

Unless Lawyers for asylee dont submit offical complaints..nothing will be solved...

That's even better. That means that by 2007 we will still struggle with 160,000 backlog. So it's not 3-4 years for ND 2005 but much longer!!! If they adjust 61,000 within 3 years by 2007 people who applied recently will still have 120,000 applicants in front of them in line!!!
Right. You are absolutely right. Look this lawsuit was meant for anyone with 1998-2002 notice dates since most of them have been waiting for 4+ years.

We should think of it this way..Prior to 1996 when there was no log-jam, it took an average of 3.5 years to get your gc in we all should assume the same for 2005 applications..they may get it in same time-frame.

I think we all should stop panicking and see what USCIS does with 2000-2002 cases before jumping to conclusions.
wantmygcnow said:
Right. You are absolutely right. Look this lawsuit was meant for anyone with 1998-2002 notice dates since most of them have been waiting for 4+ years.

We should think of it this way..Prior to 1996 when there was no log-jam, it took an average of 3.5 years to get your gc in we all should assume the same for 2005 applications..they may get it in same time-frame.

I think we all should stop panicking and see what USCIS does with 2000-2002 cases before jumping to conclusions.

I agree.. we should not panic. I am just expressing my thoughts. And that's what I think. Correct me if I am wrong. The origin of the lawsuit laid in INS missmanagment which failed to adjust 22,000 cases, so we may consider that to be their debt they owe us. For some reason they came up with 31,000 during their negotiations, but today we face another situation. The cap is officially gone. If they will adjust 61,000 within 3 years that means 31,000 they owe us + the same 10,000 each year as if the cap is still on!!!
Well I wish that AILF had held ground and said well 33,000 this year and thats it...They had the they didnt know that the cap was going to be removed..had they known that..and held ground...the processing date today would have been in 2004 date..and cutting the backlog easily..

Its all politics....Asylee will always suffer. I just wish every GC getter would go through what we go through then they would understand...we are only 180,000.while employment based/family based are in the millions maybe..

the more the voice the better. Problem is we are all so scared of our status that most of us wont take the steps of talking to our congressmen etc..
wantmygcnow said:
Well I wish that AILF had held ground and said well 33,000 this year and thats it...They had the they didnt know that the cap was going to be removed..had they known that..and held ground...the processing date today would have been in 2004 date..and cutting the backlog easily..

Its all politics....Asylee will always suffer. I just wish every GC getter would go through what we go through then they would understand...we are only 180,000.while employment based/family based are in the millions maybe..

the more the voice the better. Problem is we are all so scared of our status that most of us wont take the steps of talking to our congressmen etc..

Can we start a new lawsuit or there is no reason for it?
wantmygcnow, can u explain how did u come up with these estimations? I still don't get it! In the best possible scenario tehy seem to be unreal!

Pessimistic View:

FY05(end sep 05)- 12/99-12/00
FY06(end sep 06)- 01/01-02/02
FY07(end sep 07)- 03/02-06/03

Cutting the backlog to 4 years.

Optimistic View:

FY05(end sep 05)- 12/99-05/01
FY06(end sep 06)- 06/01-07/02
FY07(end sep 07) - 08/03-10/04

Cutting the backlog to 3 years.
Minsk, Ofcourse i assumed a lot of things. For instance, the USICS memo said that anyone who got a RFI will get a GC this year. The last RFI was May 01, which means they took in account 18,000 visas for FY05. If you do the math, that cut of 17 months, DEC99-May01=17 Months.

So in FY06 with 18,000 still available, that should cut another 17 months yah? Lets say not 17 but 12? and then 25,000 in FY07 would cut out lets say another 12 Months?..

17(as per USCIS mem)+12(assumption, could be more not less)+12(assumption, could be more not less)=41 Months=3.4 Years.

So if they do what was promised... in Sep 2007, they would be processing Cases with ND date of 2004. You should also remember that most of the backlog is due to cases between 1996-2000 because after the 1996 laws all of them got in line for a GC...So theoretically, for the year 2001-2005, the number of applications can be 40,000 but not between 2003-2005...

I am trying to find total number of asylum approvals by year from 1999 onwards and I can give you an EXACT estimations of what cases will be approved when..thats how USCIS gives out their estimations...btw I was also a math major :)
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wantmygcnow said:
Minsk, Ofcourse i assumed a lot of things. For instance, the USICS memo said that anyone who got a RFI will get a GC this year. The last RFI was May 01, which means they took in account 18,000 visas for FY05. If you do the math, that cut of 17 months, DEC99-May01=17 Months.

So in FY06 with 18,000 still available, that should cut another 17 months yah? Lets say not 17 but 12? and then 25,000 in FY07 would cut out lets say another 12 Months?..

17(as per USCIS mem)+12(assumption, could be more not less)+12(assumption, could be more not less)=41 Months=3.4 Years.

So if they do what was promised... in Sep 2007, they would be processing Cases with ND date of 2004. You should also remember that most of the backlog is due to cases between 1996-2000 because after the 1996 laws all of them got in line for a GC...So theoretically, for the year 2001-2005, the number of applications can be 40,000 but not between 2003-2005...

I am trying to find total number of asylum approvals by year from 1999 onwards and I can give you an EXACT estimations of what cases will be approved when..thats how USCIS gives out their estimations...btw I was also a math major :)

Ok... I see where u are coming from.. So u want to say that 180,000 is not quite correct number? Otherwise it looks like the biggest part of the backlog (over 100,000) comes from the applicants with ND 2003-2005??? Another question. Do u think that AILF could do better in the lawsuit?If yes, how do u think we can catch up on that?
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