Continous Residence Stayed outside 10.5 Months

Yes, it would have to be extreme for a recommendation for approval to turn into a denial.

That's if the complex issue is something that was known at the time of the interview, not something that arose after the interview.

the problem with mine is that the IO wanted to compute my dates outside the states after my interview....I felt uncomfortable with that because what if she has questions? I would not be able to even answer or explain or defend my grounds...

somehow she gave me n652 with congrats checked....

I am just soooooo confused now. :confused:
The important thing to remember is that you must meet the requirements for naturalization up until the oath date itself. Some applicants falsely assume that if they have been recommended for approval it means the application has been approved and are on their way to the oath without any further review of eligibility.
read carefully --> to be totally honest NO ONE KNOWS if you will get it or not NO ONE. only GOD knows. You took a risk and applied for the N-400, now it is up to the IO and the immigration department itself. You cant ask here. Everyones case is different and they have dealt with different IOs. Every IO makes different decisions. For some who stay long they still get it. Some dont get it. It is just up to fate and GOd and depends which IO has your case alone. maybe you think i am wrong but i am telling you hard facts. NO one here can predict your case.. just time of the decisions letter you will know if it is a yes or no. other then that No one can say you got it and your a citizen or no one can say you have been denied.
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The important thing to remember is that you must meet the requirements for naturalization up until the oath date itself. Some applicants falsely assume that if they have been recommended for approval it means the application has been approved and are on their way to the oath without any further review of eligibility.

Thanks for the kind reminder. However, I am not really worried about this.

I am concerned about what happened before Apr 2005 when I was having school in Singapore. My point is the interview is suppose to be an opportunity for the applicant and the IO to clarify and cross-check areas which play a role in making a decision on the application. Also, it is suppose to be an opportunity for IO to establish the facts pertaining to the eligibility of the applicant for natz. Additionally, I think the IO already has an overall impression and understanding of the applicant's situation and eligibility before the interview, the interview itself serves as a platform or chance for the applicant to clarify or explain issues the IO raises as potential factors in denying the application.

However, during my interview, she did not examine my residency in details and no questions pertaining to if there was any circumstances associated with my trips before Apr 2005 asked. She only wanted to compile the dates after the interview and congratulated me at the end and told me i should receive "something" in the mail. That's why I am concerned because there was no contention raised by the IO regarding my eligibility during the interview. But I was informed by my lawyer there was an issue with my residency....

confused confused!!:confused:
However, during my interview, she did not examine my residency in details and no questions pertaining to if there was any circumstances associated with my trips before Apr 2005 asked. She only wanted to compile the dates after the interview and congratulated me at the end and told me i should receive "something" in the mail. That's why I am concerned because there was no contention raised by the IO regarding my eligibility during the interview. But I was informed by my lawyer there was an issue with my residency....

Do your travel dates during the last 5 years put into question your continuous residency? If so, you will probably be asked to provide documentation that would show you held residential ties to US while you were away instead of your application being denied outright.
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Do your travel dates during the last 5 years put into question your continuous residency? If so, you will probably be asked to provide documentation that would show you held residential ties to US while you were away instead of your application being denied outright.

Yup, I do. 6 months < trips < 1 year for school before Apr 2005. I started school in Singapore long before I got my greencard. I was completing my pre-university studies and my parents also work overseas for a long long time (step-dad used to be with US embassy). My lawyer gave her my parents' tax papers in which I was listed as dependent. And my school records and testimonials in Singapore listing my dates outside and also US university enrollment records. She wanted to see my US school enrollment records during the interview. I don't think she will ask anymore document from me because she did not mention N-14 and she did acknowledge I have a lot of dates outside the states before 2005.

If she wanted more info she would have done it on the spot.
I don't think she will ask anymore document from me because she did not mention N-14 and she did acknowledge I have a lot of dates outside the states before 2005.

If she wanted more info she would have done it on the spot.

The IO at interview told you she would need to review the travel dates further, hence she wouldn't mention n-14 or G-56 on the spot. If you were outside the US for a few times over 6 months to finish school, from past postings finishing schooling is a foreign country is not necessarily an sure indication of a break in continuous residency.
The IO at interview told you she would need to review the travel dates further, hence she wouldn't mention n-14 or G-56 on the spot. If you were outside the US for a few times over 6 months to finish school, from past postings finishing schooling is a foreign country is not necessarily an sure indication of a break in continuous residency.

I see. she was like I will compute the dates after the interview but I was just wondering why she checked the option which indicates my application has already been recommended for approval... normally if something needs further review will have the other option checked as far as I have read thus far....

Anyway the package of documents I have mentioned is already with her and there is no other documents I can provide her with
I see. she was like I will compute the dates after the interview but I was just wondering why she checked the option which indicates my application has already been recommended for approval... normally if something needs further review will have the other option checked as far as I have read thus far....

Anyway the package of documents I have mentioned is already with her and there is no other documents I can provide her with

It also could be that IO first needs to have her supervisor take a second look at travel dates to make sure there's no discrepancy in travel dates. Considering that the IO recommended application for approval and your travel for than 6 months but less than 1 year was due to schooling, it appears to me that you have a solid case for final approval.
It also could be that IO first needs to have her supervisor take a second look at travel dates to make sure there's no discrepancy in travel dates. Considering that the IO recommended application for approval and your travel for than 6 months but less than 1 year was due to schooling, it appears to me that you have a solid case for final approval.

I truly hope so and thank you very much for the kind analysis and help. I appreciate it very much!:p Will keep your all updated.
Docy, I also think you're going to be fine. If the IO had any intention of denying you, they would have ticked "decision can not be made".
I have question can I travel India for one month while waiting for decsion letter to come in my mail? I have my green card with me. But IO officer have not made any decision yet on naturlization process. They gave me N652 with decision can not be made yet. She said she is going to make deciosn after verifying my residency dates. Will it be problem travelling outside of country while waiting for decision letter?
It's fine to travel between interview and oath as long as travel time doesn't push you over the limit for physical residence requirement.
I have another question too should I make appoinment with local immigration dept to submit reentry permit? Because she asked if I have Rentry permit with me that day. Since I did not have that day. So IO officer told me that she is going to verify from her system. I was wondering do they have any way to verify rentry permit in their system since I did not submit any copy of that. Guys Please advise me.
They have your entry permit information on file, but probably need to run a search in their system first to find it.