Consequences to other Countries due to Allocation of Unused Quota to India and China


Registered Users (C)
Each year INS processes only a certain number of Applications applied in each year.
All the countries stand in the same queue making small amount of the applicants of other countries dispersed in the huge number of applicants from India.

Due to Huge number Of Applicants Specially from India there is no chance for applicants of other countries to even get a shot at their applications in the same fiscal year.
And because of that those countries loose the right to even smell their Quota for that year.
And at the End Of that year again those unused Quota is being allocated to India and China.
Then all the applicants waiting from India and China consume that Quota and again right at the beginning of the queue reducing the chance for other countries the chance they had the previous year.
This Snow ball Effect will cause other countries to loose in the battle of getting green card in this grate Country.
Year by year statistics will show that there will be fewer and fewer applicants from Other countries.
Most of the people describe this as the Greatest Manipulation of 21 century.

From a glance it looks OK and fair to allocate unused Quota to India and China. But nobody remembered that INS has only single Queue of processing and what will be the after effects.
No one thought about that other countries will not stand a chance to get a shot at their Quota.

What is the Solution?
We are not saying to stop this allocation because from our stand point it is fair to allocate unused Quota (I stress .... unused).
But It is not fair to allocate other\'s Quota that those who even not had a chance to have a shot at it.

So INS should give a chance to other countries to consume their Quota and then at the End of year allocate the unused portion.
To do that in each fiscal year applications from Other Countries should be processed parallel with India and China to give each
country a equal chance to get to their Country\'s Quota.

This is a Country (If not the only one) where one can expect Fairness and Equality and that itself lead this country to the top.
nice suggstion

did u try running for presidency.... It looks like everyone else is a stupid fool dumb ass expect which case u ought to be the president of "this great country" and I am sure everyone would sure like a person like you to lead them.

I wonder if some people have their brains and ass interchanged.
No Title

The same will happen to Indian and Chinese quota too if INS is not fast enough! Indian and Chinese quota will go unused and in the past it has gone unused because of the slowness of INS. The solution is that INS should process 485 applications at a faster pace and should bring down the processing time for all INS centers at least within a year.
People From Other Countries

You have two options,
1. Keep your mouth shut and Go To extinction in few years.
2. Speak out for the fair chance.
If that is the case then What is the fuss about allocating Unused Quota of Other Countries

If India and China has not consumed their Quota then What is the fuss about allocating Unused Quota of Other Countries.

We know that is speeding up INS is something they will never do.
We are talikng about a fair chance in what is INS being done at persent.

First of all every one should understand that we are not talikng about anything against what India and China gets. They are our friends. We honor them.
This is about a fair chance for others.

Justice, I will be glad to know where you underwent the ass-brain
 interchange cosmetic surgery.

 Are your a trans-assite ?
No Title

That\'s the question - what is fair? Do you want INS to process other countries 485 applications in a separate faster queue? That would make processing of Indian and Chinese slower since INS would use existing resources who are processing cases based on first come first served (to an extent) to process other countries applications first? That would be discriminatory to India and China. THAT would be unjust to Indians and Chinese.
Then Why did you Asked for others Quota . Could have used your Own Quota..When will you allow other


In 485 stage it does not matter whether INS is slow or fast. The applicant (Indian, chinese or other) can stay in USA and wait.

Previously, the applicant had to wait to apply for 485 because priority dates were not current. This applied mainly to India and China.

It looks to me that for country "other" there is always quota available. Where does the issue of not having fair chance come into picture.
No Title

What is the argument about. You guys should just take a moment and get enlightened about the process at the INS website. What is all the fuss about priority dates if it is so easy to use up someone else\'s quota. People from country, others, are mostly always current and visa numbers are almost always available for them without having to wait for priority dates to become current. Not so with Indians and Chinese and you cannot apply for GC if there is no visa avilable for you. This is where country of origin plays a great role, this is at the point where quota comes into play. Unused quota cannot be allocated to some other countries until end of the year when it has become absolutely clear that there are no more applicants from the allottee countries requiring it. So, basically it has little effect on the place of people on the queue. You guys should just stop bickering about nothing. And please watch the language you use... it is belittling this site.
Thats why We all agree the allocation of unused Quota is very reasonable But ?

Thats why We all agree the allocation of unused Quota is very reasonable So that Always Indians and Chinese people will have a chnace to apply.
Here We are talking about As a result of above allocation people from Other countries will end up in a long queue and will have to take up the Quota several years after the year actually they could have used their Quota.
For example I will put forward an extreme case but can be realistic to simplify the explanation.
Year 2002 fiscal year (Strating from October 2001) My country has a Quota say 5000. There are 50 people from my country.
Assume These people applied starting from January 2002 onwards but from October to january there are 500,000 applicants who came to the queue using Quota of 1999 from our countries.
Any way assume INS will process only 500,000 out of those cases this year.
So all these 50 people will never get a chance to consume a single palce from their Quota only because they did not apply all at the begining of October.
if 5 of them applied in October they might get a chance.
So Almost Entire Quota of their country for this years automatically go to Indians and Chinese.
And Some of them will get approved in Fiscal year 2003.

Assume that INS gave a chance for those countries in a paralel queue to consume their Quota .
So that all 50 is approved then without any question the remaining 450 can be used by Indians at the End Of the year.
that is what we call a fair game.

This is like using Pig\'s tail to hang pork at the Butcher\'s market.
No Title

Hey Justice puttar, what you don\'t understand is, why INS had
to implement Quota thing. Because lot of people reaching 6 year
limit and still waiting to file for atleast they
can file I485 and stay in country...and if wishes can change job
after six all of us allowed to change job after
six months of filing I485.
No Title

acually what i have understood so far , since INS use the same queue for everybody no matter from which country you are for all the petitions which includes 485 as well.

Let suppose if one apply 485 from country others , ones 485 will not be adjucated unless all the case before him is adjucated provided PD is current and immigrant visa is available, so it means his/her quota for that year will be used by countries who has already lapsed their quota.

so INS queue is not allowing him to use his quota for that year which will eventually used by the countries whose quota has been ended.

None of us can deny the fact that almost 90% of 485 application is from india or china because these are big countries and lot of people comes from that.

i guess mr.justice might be thinking in that way, but on other hand giving an unused quota to india and china is better than just throwing it away for any year.
A clarification

Before any one applies for 485 he needs to have visa available from his countries quota. Hence if Justice has already applied for I485 it means he has used his quota. The question of injustice comes if he had to wait to apply for 485 which did not happen hence there was no injustice done. People from other countries do not have to worry as their quota is used only if there is not enough demand from these countries rest be assured they will always have visa available as they are not producing enough qualified people to come on employment based categories.
Justice, I did not understand your logic

The unused quota for a year is alloted to oversubscribed countries (India, China) at the \'end\' of the year, not the \'beginning\'. So, undersubscribed countries like yours always get the first chance to apply throughout the year. Only when your quota is not filled up even at the end of the year will the unused portion be alloted to oversubscribed countries.

So, where is the question of you not being able to use your quota coming up? Any quota that we are using from your country is there only becase you did not use it and so instead of going waste we are allowed to have it. So, how are we stopping you from using your quota?
INS is approving

The recent events suggests to me that INS is approving so many applications because they dont want the qualified people to leave this country and go somewhere else. If they keep to the same pace of processing 485\'s as last year just imagine there would really have been thousands of people who may have had to leave this country. Doesnt the timing of the INS reforms and downturn of the market doesnt suggest anything to anyone? if there is one thing that this country\'s leaders understand is that they will do anything to keep a competitive edge ahead of any other country through retaining talent. Retaining Indian and Chinese who never are really any burden to this country anyway compared to the unemployed and uneducated locals and the southern American immigrants. Its a win win for this country, and dont you think they dont know this....Which country doesnt want hard working, ambitious extremely educated (at another countrys expense), tax paying, law abiding for free......There are many dumb countrys out there but this coountry is certainly not one of them..
I agree with sbk that OC\'s get the first shot!!


  A small correction, it is not at the end of the year, if I remember it is at the end of the quarter and only 1/4 of the total available.

Ramesh D