Confusing after talking with IIO


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I called IIO on Feb 23rd and she told me my case was given to officer on Feb 6th. Called again IIO on April 5th and she told me it\'s given to officer on April 4th.

I got confused and called my lawyer who told me that they would have given to adjustication officer on Feb 6th and my file would have been in the adjustication desk for an officer to pick up and the officer would have taken my file only on April 4th. Lawyers are always busy and they answer very less.

Is this true, have any body experienced the same.
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Why do you call IIO\'s several times and bother them?
Have some patience and wait.
You are not going to gain anything by calling them.
It will take its own time for your approval.
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I also had similar experiences. Different IIO\'s give different stories. We only end up expecting too much. But what else can we do except wait.
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You are damn right. This guy\'s PD must be 05/00. There are lot of loose nuts out there they get too excited about the whole process and keep calling IIOs. I bet they dont have any girl friends.
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pvsskr, you are right. Once you find out that your FP is there on the system from one IIO, why do you people ask the same question millions times and obviously these IIOs give wierd answers. By calling everyday, it is not really going to help anybody except frustrate these IIOs and making the line busy as if CSC is solving the world\'s serious crisis and we are all trying to contact them for their help.

I read in this site that they even track the calling.
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Call as many times as you want if it make you feel better. Never mind what the others may say, they think that by calling you somehow jeopardize your application, get real guys. I think if you don\'t have any useful info to give, stay quite!
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Please think this way: Every time you call they may register your comment. Also they can post their observation. S\'pose if they write, looks like this person is desprate, Please verify the details!!!. Can be a potential for ref....
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bean, you are right. They started tracking the phone calls. Even my lawyer told the same. They started the tracking very seriously these days. I am not sure what they do with the information. But there are chances that they may get upset if we ask them the same question every other day. It\'s better to careful.
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Do you think the INS would resort to intimidation for requesting information. This is not Russia! There would be so many lawsuits the INS would be bankrupt!
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I am not calling IIO every day, before writing please think what you are writing. I called once in Feb and then again in April to check what\'s the status. Because in Feb they told me it\'s with an officer and not getting the approval I called again. I don\'t see any thing wroung. Also my receipt date is 8/99 and the PD is 3/97.

Don\'t write some crapy message and don\'t use words like nuts.
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calling IIO\'s everyday is your prerogative... even if they track your call, there is nothing wrong in calling and asking them about what is taking so long! if one is desperate, what\'s wrong with it???
if your documents are in order and everything is ok with your application, they can do nothing to you. and if they do, you can sue them for that... IIO\'s are PAID WITH TAX PAYER MONEY TO ANSWER THE PHONE! SO THEY BETTER ANSWER TO THE CALLER AND DO SO POLITELY!!!
PS: i have NEVER caled an IIO so far! this is just my opinion!
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I have seen that talking to IIO helps. There were many cases if the person hadnot talked to IIO , the cases
would have been pending because of a lot of reason, incorrect Visa Cateogroy entered, incorrect PD entered.
After at CSC there are humans entering data and many things could go wrong. Maybe their systems have checks and
balances, but that could prove costly to an applicant. So my 2 cents is call up IIO regularly when one knows for sure that
the case is pending and it is beyond some benchmarked processing dates like your friends and colleagues
whose cases have been adjudicated
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you never know what the hell is going on there. 2 weeks ago, i was told my case was assigned to an officer 0n 3/30. today i was told they just received FBI criminal check result 5 days ago. but last time i was told FP was updated on 3/11.. F**k them.
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Its time for you guys to appoint KALLUMAMA as your representative and send me to CSC to torch these IIOs asses
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i support the motion too!! but be serious, don\'t you guys think many IIOs just make up things to tell you? I don\'t think the computer gives them different info. if they just give accurate info, i guess they will get much fewer calls. anyone has any clue about it? those guys are unbelievable. by the way, i guess most of them are immigrants, why the hell they treat us like us? if any of you here happen to become a IIO,which i don\'t expect, please don\'t do this! LOL
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maybe some of us can take up federal jobs at INS with the experience . But let me tell you , the salaries
are very modest and though there are complains etc, one must take into account the overall picture.
America is a land of immigrants and with the shoe string budget they had for years and influx of immigrants
INS could not cope up , that\'s not defending it but recent budget plans calls for an increase in INS
especially backlog reductions should see some improvements, perhaps we were not there to see it, but
it has taught us to be humble and patient
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We all dump on the INS from time to time but it\'s just frustration at the system. I know they have a majority of good hard working people there.