• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Confused and worried

Why did you play lottery then? If you are scared to start everything again in US then stay in China.At least you will have no stress. There are so many people that dream to go to US and they really want to start everything from zero.
Ok so thank God,i won the dv 2010 lottery but now I am absolutely terrified.You see,I have been living,working and suffering in china for almost 5 years now.Then comes something nice.I land a decent job.Granted,there are no job securities in this place,nor any pension or stuff.However,I am 29,single,no kid and I don't know what I'm going to do.I am scared I have not only wasted 5 yrs of my life here but I might waste even more there.I don;t know if I can start over from nothing.Advice pls.I am so scared and very confused.

I agree with the previous poster...if you aren'tr confident than stay there. You will have to live your life in the unknown and your family is probably in China so you will be on your own...think before you go further...you will spent a couple of thousands before you are really settled and find another job.

(you probably need a car, furniture, rental place, find a job, etc...)

Good Luck with your decision:)
Ok so thank God,i won the dv 2010 lottery but now I am absolutely terrified.You see,I have been living,working and suffering in china for almost 5 years now.Then comes something nice.I land a decent job.Granted,there are no job securities in this place,nor any pension or stuff.However,I am 29,single,no kid and I don't know what I'm going to do.I am scared I have not only wasted 5 yrs of my life here but I might waste even more there.I don;t know if I can start over from nothing.Advice pls.I am so scared and very confused.

I don't understand why there are people who apply and win the lottery, full of doubts, fears, and unsure of moving to the United States. They take away the chance to win to someone else who wants to move to the U.S. to start a new life there.
erivas get a grip will you? Sometimes things happen.This is a shitty place and so is starting life from scratch.Anyway,thanks everyone for your replies.I will take the risk.In French they say "qui ne risque rien n'a rien" meaning if you don't take risks,you'll achieve nothing.
Thanks again and good luck to everyone who needs it.
My name is Delel i'm 26 i'm married and from Algeria, we are selected for the DV2010 (CN35***), we are looking for a sponsor, please help us, we don't know any body in USA and our appointement is soon.
My e-mail bdelel@gmail.com
You can trust me, if you want to know us better before help, i can give you my facebook, all my life is there.
Please help us.
Thank you in advance
Ps: we just need the sponsor for the appointement we don't need a help when we will get there !:p