Concern regarding Birth Certifcate


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On my wife\'s Birth Certificate her name is missing but there is an affidafit which says she was born on the given date and has her father\'s name too, I was wondering if that is enough
No; neither passport nor the school leaving certificate can be used.

The INS won\'t even accept a Birth Certificate issued by a hospital; it has to be from the local government (e.g. municipal) office.
A friend of mine was in the same situation wherein he had a BC with no name on it; he submitted two affidavits from his Mom and Dad.
what about place of bith mismatch with passport entry

My wife\'s DOB has different name as place of birth than that of passport and also name has not expanded (has only initials for middle and lastname). what to do in this case ?. She has 2 affidavits from her parents , will that be sufficient ?. help is appreciated.
Is anyone out there who got RFE after getting EAD

Is anyone out there who got RFE after getting EAD. Nevermind, just to make sure...