Complicated case for visitor visa, please help


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I am a US citizen and sponsored my mom for a visitor visa. Here is my story. The reason I sponsored is my mom doesn't have money to show she could apply by her own. She failed the 1st interview under the immigration intention 214 (b)which is usually the denial reason to many people here. The consulate officer didn't even ask my financial situation because my mother failed in the first place under 214(b). She applied 1 month later with my letter explaining her situation (she has many connections in her country, her husband who is my father doesn't go with her, etc). The officer then looked over my bank statements very quickly and approved her tourist visa. Then, a disaster came: my dad fell sick seriouly and he passed away, so my mom (she is over 60) is still in the country, but she is going to come here to visit me soon.

Now my mom's older sister wants to go with my mom to visit me too. She is super rich and owns a lot of real estate properties, so she can obviously bring a lot of documents to the interview showing her financial strength. She can apply on her own. (as far as connection in her country: her daugther and son and grandchildren are all in her country).

Here is my question: in the application, it asks where she will stay, if she puts down my address, the officer will ask who that person is and she will need to say "my niece". I am afraid that my relationship with her will only create troube for her in persuading the officer that she doesn't have the immigration intention. However, if she doesn't put my address, which address will she need to put down on the application? Also, since my mom already applied and on her application, she put her mom and dad's names which my mom's sister also have to put. Can the names be linked in case she doesn't put my address?

My mom has a friend family who is also a US citizen, should my mom's sister put down their address instead of mine. In this case does the family need to write a letter saying they want her to stay with them but she will pay for everything else like health insurance, flights, all personal expenses? However the names of my grandfathers might be linked between my mom's application and hers and the consulate may question.

If she puts my address, should i write a similar letter "have her stay with me but she pays everything else".

Please help.
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She can use your address, it cannot be traced back to your mom's application. If she is coming with your mother to visit you why lie about the address? It sounds like she is financially very stable and should be able to get a visa on her own. It doesn't matter if she mentions your mother or not, remember in a interview do not opt for information only tell what is asked nothing more nothing less. The outcome of her visa application has no effect on your mothers visa.
Even if they have same parents, her visa application will be determined on its own merits and has no effect whether your mom has a current visa or not.
Thanks for sharing. I am not afraid that her visa application has any effect on my mom's visa because my mom already has the visa. The thing I am worried whether it would be better for her not to put down my address so she doesn't have to declare the relationship to me. Here is part of the application:

Address wher you will stay in US.

US Contact Information:

-Contact Person Name in the US
-Relationship to You
-US contact address.

It asks to reveal the relationship of the contact person name. From my experience, the more relatives in the US one has, the more the consulate assumes the person has the immigration intent.

What should I do? Should she put my mom's friend's address instead of mine?
Well almost everyone now have a relative in US, besides if she is financially stable that has more bearing on the outcome than having a relative in US, it would have been different if your aunt will have a pending I-130 filed on her behalf which is not the case here.
Remember honesty is the best policy just disclose what is true and use the address where she will be staying in US.
Thanks for sharing. I totally understand what you meant. However I still have a deep feeling inside it would be better for her not to disclose the relationship.

One more thing. I really dont' want to buy my mom the return ticket back from US in advance because we don't know yet when she wants to come back home. Does anyone have any experience that the customs officer will ask about the return ticket?
Thanks for sharing. I totally understand what you meant. However I still have a deep feeling inside it would be better for her not to disclose the relationship.

One more thing. I really dont' want to buy my mom the return ticket back from US in advance because we don't know yet when she wants to come back home. Does anyone have any experience that the customs officer will ask about the return ticket?

Thats a total no no, she must have a roundtrip ticket, they seldom ask for it but if they do and she don't have one then it becomes a big problem.
Thanks for all the sharing, Triple Citizens and Namecheckvitim. If my mom's sister puts another address, in the application form, it asks who is travelling with you, does she have to put my mom's name in? My mom already has the visa and she is not applying together with her sister but they will travel together on the same flight. If she doesn't put my mom's name, would it be a problem when they together get to the customs?
If the sisters are traveling together, then the form should reflect that. If not, then it should not. Do not complicate things.

If my mom's sister puts another address, in the application form, it asks who is travelling with you, does she have to put my mom's name in? My mom already has the visa and she is not applying together with her sister but they will travel together on the same flight. If she doesn't put my mom's name, would it be a problem when they together get to the customs?
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