Coming N-400 Interview and DUI


Registered Users (C)

I just want some advice or opinion regarding a situation about my upcoming N-400 Interview.

In 07/2006 I was arrested for DUI, I hired a lawyer for it and in 09/2007 I was offered a plea bargain under which I would have to complete a DUI school, 80 hours of community service, pay a fine & attend a DUI victim meeting, and my DUI would be reduced to Reckless driving. I completed all of the requirements and the DUI got reduced to reckless driving.

Now should I hire a lawyer to go the Interview with me and If this DUI incident would have any kind of Impact on my Naturalization chances. Any opinion or advice would be greatly appreciated.

only 1 count of DUI should not be a problem. You'll need to show court records that it was reduced to reckless driving and possible your community service records and DUI school records.
I have already sent the certified court verdict, original records of the community service performed and the DUI school with the N-400 application (they asked for originals as per N-400 Instructions)
Only 1 DUI is not a problem. You should go ahead.

In the extreme case they might reject it this time and will ask you to re-apply after 5 years of the incident.By your details you said that it occured in 2006 so they will ask you to apply in 2011.

I don't think you will need attorney for this.
Triple Citizen

This is not a or any opinion ,that is called a smart *** comment

And ya I guess u have been a model citizen besides being a Triple Citizen.
Hull .....

Triple Citizen,

On a side note, I noticed that you attended The University of Hull in UK (from your personal web page)... I was there too ... I got my Masters degree there .... pretty cool place ah, I still have fond memories living in the Taylor courts and all. What year did you graduate?

Undergrad = 1989-1992 <-- lived on Cranbrook Avenue
Postgrad = 1996-1997 <-- lived at Taylor Courts

I noticed that you attended The University of Hull in UK (from your personal web page)... I was there too ... I got my Masters degree there .... pretty cool place ah, I still have fond memories living in the Taylor courts and all. What year did you graduate?

Don't be so sadistic.

Be courteous.

This forum is to help and advice and not act noble.

Look into your cup board you will find enough to be shameful.
I have to respectfully disagree. Me being sadistic or acting noble? The OP started a thread where he got into hot water because of a DUI. In his post he specifically used the words "Any opinion or advice would be greatly appreciated". I gave him an opinion of mine which would guarantee the incident never ever repeats itself! I did not mock, nor did I judge. Now please tell me, where did I act sadistic or acted noble? I have 1000s of posts on this portal and have never even been accused of being sadistic. Please elaborate.

Don't be so sadistic.

Be courteous.

This forum is to help and advice and not act noble.

Look into your cup board you will find enough to be shameful.
Alrite Triple C

U being a pretty experienced fella regarding immigration matters I guess by being citizen of 3 countries, common now!! do u have a input for my coming N-400 interview with respect to the DUI situation I mentioned earlier

I suffered enuff for that incident both mentally and financially and I wont lie ur words initially do look like sum kind of moral lecturing but u explained urself pretty well in the later post

And well said "ChicagoCitizen"

This forum is to help and advice
Since the incident is still inside the 5 year window, this is what I would suggest. Hire a competent immgration attorney, preferable a memeber of AILA, who has experience with N-400 cases that involved DUI/DWI. It is essential that you hire someone with experience. A rookie attorney will gladly take up your case in order to get that case on his/her CV, but you do not want to be a rookie's petri dish. Once you have hired this attorney, provide him/her with all the relevant documents with regards to the charge, plea bargain, fine, community service, etc. He/she then should be able to access the risk (if any) involved. If resources allow, ensure that the attorney accompanies you to the interview. Good luck!!!

do u have a input for my coming N-400 interview with respect to the DUI situation I mentioned earlier
Triple C

Thanx! for ur input but doesn't that 5 year window thing is for people who get probation
I did not get probation it was a matter of completing all those requirements only...It does not say any thing about probation on the court verdict instead listed all the requirements for the charge to be dropped to reckless driving
what u think!!!
Remember the bottom line, you will be facing an adjudicator who may not neccessarily apply the USCIS rule book 100%. This forum has seen its share of adjudicators who held up cases for reasons as simple as lack of proof of payment for a speeding ticket. You want to take the risk of butting heads with a hardlined adjudicator who is having a bad day at work? Since DUI/DWI are clearly mentioned on the N-400 form, my advice is to attend the interview with an attorney present. If not possible, then atleast have an hour long consultation with a competent attorney. At the end of the day, you need to make that decision. Think carefully and decide on the best course of action.

what u think!!!
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I agree with TripleC, though it came out after some time

If you are going before 5 yr of your DUI incident you should get an advice from a competent Attorney. I suggest Rajiv himself. If 5 years has passed and if it is only the first DUI, you are Ok

BTW - I had a DUI way back in 2000, and the IO just made a comment "poor thing, didn't you had any one to drive you, it was costly right" with a smile and approved the case

I didn't had any attorneys representing me. This is a land of even presidents having a DUI, but only one which is a good lesson. A second one will get you deported
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Chicago Citizen & Triple C

Thank you guys! I will for sure consult with an experienced immigration attorney and then decide the right course of action for me.
I will update this post after my conversation with a attorney, I hope u guys remember and respond then too.