Columbus, Ohio - FP Details

No Title

Still waiting........

RD, I485 Aug/01/2001
ND, I485 Sep/14/2001

EAD, Approved Oct/18/2001
AP, Approved Oct/24/2001


What time frame did you get?? Does anybody have directions to the Cincinnati FP place and also where to park? Can we do our FP earliar than schedule?
I am also waiting, don\'t worry too much.

I am also in Columbus, and am a little earlier than you (RD: 07/16/01, ND: 08/24/01), yet still wait for FP Notice, so if I got it, yours should be here soon.

I\'ll keep you posted.
To Ganesh S

ND Oct 1st 2001 still waiting.
 Never heard of Sidney, OH, been in ohio for 6 years now... where is it.
No Title

RamaHari Chk this web site for sidney of Ohio.

Area Code: (937)

Sidney, Ohio is a progressive, growth-oriented community of approximately 20,000 population. It is strategically located 40 miles north of Dayton, 85 miles west of Columbus, 100 miles south of Toledo, and 120 miles east of Indianapolis. Interstate 75 connects Sidney with Canada to the north, and Florida to the south. Sidney has four interchanges with Interstate 75, providing quick and convenient access for both commercial and industrial users.
RD 06/26/01 ND 08/15/01 COLUMBUS OH FP WAITING

Still waiting for FP.

Does anybody know why Columbus OH is slow.
Columbus, OH - pretty slow ?

I\'ve heard guys from Cincinnati, with RD Aug2001, got their FP notice for scheduling.

How about Columbus, OH ? Any update on the latest ?

Sathya N
Dayton, OH - Received FP notice

FP scheduled for my wife on May 06/2002 in Cincinnati. I am still waiting.

Received it today(04/01/02).
FP Notices Received - Both my wife and myself

RD: 09/18/01 FP Notice shows RD: 09/20/01 ???
ND: 10/22/01
FPND: 03/22/02
FP AVM: 03/27/02
FP Scheduled: 05/02/02


Each of us received 2 identical notices.
Did u go for FP before scheduled date?

I have been scheduled for FP on May 06, 02 in Cincinnati. U were planning to go for FP before scheduled date? Did u find out anything?

Response will be well appreciated. Thanks
Attn: Survana. P. - Did u go for FP before scheduled date?

I have been scheduled for FP on May 06, 02 in Cincinnati. U were planning to go for FP before scheduled date? Did u find out anything?

Response will be well appreciated. Thanks