Columbus OH - N-400 Timeline


Registered Users (C)
Starting a new thread for Columbus, Ohio Naturalization applicants.
Go Buckeyes!

5 Year Based N-400
GC Date: Oct 27, 2004
FO: Columbus, OH
07/31/2009 (Day 1): N-400 Mailed to Phoenix, AZ (Priority Mail with Delivery Confirmation)
08/03/2009 (Day 4): N-400 Delivered @ Phoenix, AZ
08/06/2009 (Day 7): Check Cleared
08/08/2009 (Day 9): NOA Received (Receipt Date/Notice Date/Priority Date: 08/03/2009)
mm/dd/yyyy (Day x): FP Notice Received
mm/dd/yyyy (Day x): FP Notice Date
mm/dd/yyyy (Day x): Interview Letter Received
mm/dd/yyyy (Day x): Interview Date
mm/dd/yyyy (Day x): Oath
Starting a new thread for Columbus, Ohio Naturalization applicants.
Go Buckeyes!

5 Year Based N-400
GC Date: Oct 27, 2004
FO: Columbus, OH
07/31/2009 (Day 1): N-400 Mailed to Phoenix, AZ (Priority Mail with Delivery Confirmation)
08/03/2009 (Day 4): N-400 Delivered @ Phoenix, AZ
08/06/2009 (Day 7): Check Cleared
08/08/2009 (Day 9): NOA Received (Receipt Date/Notice Date/Priority Date: 08/03/2009)
mm/dd/yyyy (Day x): FP Notice Received
mm/dd/yyyy (Day x): FP Notice Date
mm/dd/yyyy (Day x): Interview Letter Received
mm/dd/yyyy (Day x): Interview Date
mm/dd/yyyy (Day x): Oath

Copy and paste timeline here:
My wife just passed her interview today. Process started in June 1st week with the mailing of N-400 and now August 11 - she cleared the interview. Oath will be in 10 days or so...
My wife just passed her interview today. Process started in June 1st week with the mailing of N-400 and now August 11 - she cleared the interview. Oath will be in 10 days or so...

Would you mind sharing more details? Like how long for finger printing? and any other experience?
Does anyone know how frequent oath schedules are in Cloumbus, Ohio?

Is there any phone number or web site to find the schedule dates?

Does anyone know how frequent oath schedules are in Cloumbus, Ohio?

Is there any phone number or web site to find the schedule dates?


At least we know (from one posting on this thread) that oath is done seperately unlike in some places where interview and Oath happens together.

Any Columbus folks out there? Please respond.
FP NOTICE Received

FP Notice received.
FP Application Support Center is at LeVeque Tower in downtown Columbus

5 Year Based N-400
GC Date: Oct 27, 2004
FO: Columbus, OH
07/31/2009 (Day 1): N-400 Mailed to Phoenix, AZ (Priority Mail with Delivery Confirmation)
08/03/2009 (Day 4): N-400 Delivered @ Phoenix, AZ
08/06/2009 (Day 7): Check Cleared
08/08/2009 (Day 9): NOA Received (Receipt Date/Notice Date/Priority Date: 08/03/2009)
08/17/2009 (Day 18): FP Notice Received (Appointment: 08/25/2009)
mm/dd/yyyy (Day x): FP Done
mm/dd/yyyy (Day x): Interview Letter Received
mm/dd/yyyy (Day x): Interview Date
mm/dd/yyyy (Day x): Oath
Walk in Fingerprint done today

There was absolutely no one at ASC, other than the support staff. Was done in 10 minutes!

5 Year Based N-400
GC Date: Oct 27, 2004
FO: Columbus, OH
07/31/2009 (Day 1): N-400 Mailed to Phoenix, AZ (Priority Mail with Delivery Confirmation)
08/03/2009 (Day 4): N-400 Delivered @ Phoenix, AZ
08/06/2009 (Day 7): Check Cleared
08/08/2009 (Day 9): NOA Received (Receipt Date/Notice Date/Priority Date: 08/03/2009)
08/17/2009 (Day 18): FP Notice Received
08/19/2009 (Day 20): FP Done (Walk-in, Original Appointment: 08/25/2009)
mm/dd/yyyy (Day x): Interview Letter Received
mm/dd/yyyy (Day x): Interview Date
mm/dd/yyyy (Day x): Oath
Online Status Changes

My Online Status changed to: This case has been sent for a standard interview.

5 Year Based N-400
GC Date: Oct 27, 2004
FO: Columbus, OH
07/31/2009 (Day 1): N-400 Mailed to Phoenix, AZ (Priority Mail with Delivery Confirmation)
08/03/2009 (Day 4): N-400 Delivered @ Phoenix, AZ
08/06/2009 (Day 7): Check Cleared
08/08/2009 (Day 9): NOA Received (Receipt Date/Notice Date/Priority Date: 08/03/2009)
08/17/2009 (Day 18): FP Notice Received
08/19/2009 (Day 20): FP Done (Walk-in, Original Appointment: 08/25/2009)
09/01/2009 (Day 33): Status changes to "This case has been sent for a standard interview."
mm/dd/yyyy (Day x): Interview Letter Received
mm/dd/yyyy (Day x): Interview Date
mm/dd/yyyy (Day x): Oath
Got Interview Letter

Received Interview Letter. Was under belief the interview date is scheduled only after the 5 year anniversary of the Green Card date :confused:

5 Year Based N-400
GC Date: Oct 27, 2004
FO: Columbus, OH
07/31/2009 (Day 1): N-400 Mailed to Phoenix, AZ (Priority Mail with Delivery Confirmation)
08/03/2009 (Day 4): N-400 Delivered @ Phoenix, AZ
08/06/2009 (Day 7): Check Cleared
08/08/2009 (Day 9): NOA Received (Receipt Date/Notice Date/Priority Date: 08/03/2009)
08/17/2009 (Day 18): FP Notice Received
08/19/2009 (Day 20): FP Done (Walk-in, Original Appointment: 08/25/2009)
09/01/2009 (Day 33): Status changes to "This case has been sent for a standard interview."
09/02/2009 (Day 34): Interview Letter Received
10/09/2009 (Day x): Interview Date
mm/dd/yyyy (Day x): Oath
Oath schedule

Oath schedule for October is on Thursday 8, 2009. I know this for sure.

My time line is:
6/29/09-N400 mailed
6/30/09-N400 received.
07/02/09-checks cashed
07/23/09-Biometrics scheduled (finger prints)-done
07/31/09 -Interview scheduled for 09/11/09
08/17/09-interview descheduled.
still waiting on to get the interview schedule.
Oath schedule for October is on Thursday 8, 2009. I know this for sure.

My time line is:
6/29/09-N400 mailed
6/30/09-N400 received.
07/02/09-checks cashed
07/23/09-Biometrics scheduled (finger prints)-done
07/31/09 -Interview scheduled for 09/11/09
08/17/09-interview descheduled.
still waiting on to get the interview schedule.

Why was it rescheduled? Did you try to find out?

My GC Anniversary date is Oct 27th. So, my oath will be November or later. That is if I don't get rescheduled :rolleyes: And pass if I keep the interview!
My interview is on 9/25 in Columbus, OH


Just came across this site. Thanks of all the posts in forum. I found them very useful.

My interview is scheduled on 9/25. I would be completing five year GC anniversary on 10/4/2009.

I will try to post the complete time line soon.


Just came across this site. Thanks of all the posts in forum. I found them very useful.

My interview is scheduled on 9/25. I would be completing five year GC anniversary on 10/4/2009.

I will try to post the complete time line soon.


Yours would be a bellweather case for me at least. In hard to find Columbus N400s.
N400 interview

I got a notice today with instructions to bring state issued drivers license or state issued photo ID for the interview. But, there was no interview date mentioned. Thanks to USCIS.