Code 1 Received!


Registered Users (C)
Guys! Received Code 1 scheduled for Dec 07.

And per "want's" post, I am in no rush to do it early. It backfires and bites you in the butt.
Have to drive 3 hours one way to do it.... :mad:
Lazer, but they finally touched your case darling! That is excellent! Of course, Dec 7 is far, but at least we know they did not lose it, and that someone is reviewing it!

You'll get it just in time for the holidays!
Lazer: It is really good news for you. By the way, does it 15 months requirement like me? hope all of us can get GC soon. good luck!
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Well quite frankly I have become so dis-trustful of this CIS mess that I don't know what is good news and what is bad news. Its all relative as to whether you call this good news or bad. They had FP's in May 2004, seemed like a good news then. then they totally bypassed my file while approving 2001 cases which was disheartening.... anyway they are haging this carrot again in front of us and rising our hopes. But I wish this time it would be for good.

By the way: Those of you who have ND's of 2000 and who have not received FP should start getting worried now...
I think it is good news. At least we have not been out their list yet. Better than nothing heard from INS.
cody2 said:
I think it is good news. At least we have not been out their list yet. Better than nothing heard from INS.

well I did not want to sound like complaining but yeah obviously if your file is still breathing in their offices, its a good sign..... :D
It means they have not left your file alone considering it a dead body.... :eek:


Whenever you think u are left behind, there is a news for you the following monday. I can smell your GC all the way here. Better get ready for the big party :>
You are almost there !!!

Lazerthegreat said:
Well quite frankly I have become so dis-trustful of this CIS mess that I don't know what is good news and what is bad news. Its all relative as to whether you call this good news or bad. They had FP's in May 2004, seemed like a good news then. then they totally bypassed my file while approving 2001 cases which was disheartening.... anyway they are haging this carrot again in front of us and rising our hopes. But I wish this time it would be for good.

By the way: Those of you who have ND's of 2000 and who have not received FP should start getting worried now...

Lazer, You are almost there my friend. I also had my BIO code 1 done 10/14/2005. By the way my ND is Dec,2000. I'm pretty sure all we'll be receiving our approval letter within 2/3 months.
I read an article saying USCIS is only sending applicants code 1 request whose application will be processed soon. Therefore trust me my friend we are very close.
As Want was for his FP before scheduled date. I never even tried that. Cause what I noticed it's clearly mentioned in the FP request letter " PLEASE APPEAR AT THE APPLICATION SUPPORT CENTER AT THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED".
After dealing with this asylum processing for the last 14 yrs I have come to this conclution that follow eactly what USCIS asked you to do nothing less or nothing extra is not going to help your case process quickly. You are rather better off just following their instructions.
Good luck.
atique rahman said:
Lazer, You are almost there my friend. I also had my BIO code 1 done 10/14/2005. By the way my ND is Dec,2000. I'm pretty sure all we'll be receiving our approval letter within 2/3 months.
I read an article saying USCIS is only sending applicants code 1 request whose application will be processed soon. Therefore trust me my friend we are very close.
As Want was for his FP before scheduled date. I never even tried that. Cause what I noticed it's clearly mentioned in the FP request letter " PLEASE APPEAR AT THE APPLICATION SUPPORT CENTER AT THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED".
After dealing with this asylum processing for the last 14 yrs I have come to this conclution that follow eactly what USCIS asked you to do nothing less or nothing extra is not going to help your case process quickly. You are rather better off just following their instructions.
Good luck.

yeah! thanks dear... trying to be as optimistic as possible.... :(
Trust me we are almost there !!!!

Lazerthegreat said:
yeah! thanks dear... trying to be as optimistic as possible.... :(

Trust me dude I ain't just guessing. Just get my word . You'll see if I'm right/wrong. We are CLOSE.
atique rahman said:
Trust me dude I ain't just guessing. Just get my word . You'll see if I'm right/wrong. We are CLOSE.

We are not close. that link you posted is all BS. Another FP is required after 15 you are saying that THEY WILL APPROVE US IN 1.5 YEARS??? what the FUDGE?...they said the same thing last year's 2004 fingerprints..
Well, I'll prove.!!!!!!!!!!!!

wantmygcnow said:
We are not close. that link you posted is all BS. Another FP is required after 15 you are saying that THEY WILL APPROVE US IN 1.5 YEARS??? what the FUDGE?...they said the same thing last year's 2004 fingerprints..

How much bet you want to go for???? Well, don't know about your case but I'm telling you if I'm not approved within another 2/3 months you tell me what do you want from me? I'll definitely do so as you ask. Take my word bro.
I will prove that to you. It's a promise not a guess or no BS. I don't care what they said 2004 forget about past think about future. Be a little bit positive. Besides your sufferings are not even near close to mine .
atique rahman said:
How much bet you want to go for???? Well, don't know about your case but I'm telling you if I'm not approved within another 2/3 months you tell me what do you want from me? I'll definitely do so as you ask. Take my word bro.
I will prove that to you. It's a promise not a guess or no BS. I don't care what they said 2004 forget about past think about future. Be a little bit positive. Besides your sufferings are not even near close to mine .

Atique, I had bet Punjabi Munda that If most of 2001 or all were approved by Oct 2005, i would take him out..that didnt happen. I can bet you anything you want. We ain't getting our GC's at least until June 06....The sputter of 2001/2002/2003 approvals were to cover the behinds in front of the lawsuit.....I emailed the AILF and they say the same thing..
wantmygcnow said:
Atique, I had bet Punjabi Munda that If most of 2001 or all were approved by Oct 2005, i would take him out..that didnt happen. I can bet you anything you want. We ain't getting our GC's at least until June 06....The sputter of 2001/2002/2003 approvals were to cover the behinds in front of the lawsuit.....I emailed the AILF and they say the same thing..

Well I hope its not true! :(
Want! You are a bit too pessimistic, I think. Cheer up, man...we will all be there soon. You can't deny big improvements on USCIS side, I mean compared to how things were before....

wantmygcnow said:
Atique, I had bet Punjabi Munda that If most of 2001 or all were approved by Oct 2005, i would take him out..that didnt happen. I can bet you anything you want. We ain't getting our GC's at least until June 06....The sputter of 2001/2002/2003 approvals were to cover the behinds in front of the lawsuit.....I emailed the AILF and they say the same thing..
karina said:
Want! You are a bit too pessimistic, I think. Cheer up, man...we will all be there soon. You can't deny big improvements on USCIS side, I mean compared to how things were before....

Karina, Things are improving if there is consistency. USCIS has none. For instance, last year, after FP, they would update your status, FP received or even LUD changed..this year they have stopped doing that. Is that improvement or regression? They had said all with RFI will get a GC this fiscal year. Was that improvement or regression? I am not a pessimist person..I am just a realist...I see these ND 2003 jumping up and down when their LUD changes..but it means nothing...USCIS is all about politics..Their aim is to approve as little of applications as possible...asylees get the brunt of it.
wantmygcnow said:
Karina, Things are improving if there is consistency. USCIS has none. For instance, last year, after FP, they would update your status, FP received or even LUD changed..this year they have stopped doing that. Is that improvement or regression? They had said all with RFI will get a GC this fiscal year. Was that improvement or regression? I am not a pessimist person..I am just a realist...I see these ND 2003 jumping up and down when their LUD changes..but it means nothing...USCIS is all about politics..Their aim is to approve as little of applications as possible...asylees get the brunt of it.

these suckers wanted to show the judge that hey look we have reached 2002 ND's and then things changed and cap was altogether removed. Then they started to do work as they please.... :mad: