Close to filing I-751. Some questions.


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First off, I want to go through my list of stuff that I'm going to send, and see if I'm good or if I need more. Here goes:

- I-751.
- Copy front and back conditional GC.
- Wedding invites in the two different languages.
- Copy Marriage certificate. (original language and international version)
- Wedding and other pictures. (What's the policy on digital pictures? Must of our pictures were taken digitally)
- Confirmations and itineraries from flights and hotels.
- My wife's apartment renting lease. (I moved in with her, so it's still on her old name. We didn't want to redo the lease because of rent control.) I have a signed letter from the landlord stating that I've moved in and have lived there ever since.
- Jointly filed federal and state tax returns. (Should I include W2's from this year, since they haven't been filed yet?)
- Joint Bank account statements. 1 every 6 months.
- Copies of both passports
- Copies gas bill statments. 1 every 6 months. (They only put her name on it, but it's my last name)
- Copies phone & internet statments. 1 every 6 months. Both names on it.
- copies cell phone statments. 1 every 6 months. (For some reason it's in her old name. But it indicates family plan with 2 phone numbers)
- Copies electric bill statments. 1 every 6 months. Both names on it.
- Proof of joint medical insurance.
- Proof of joint car insurance.
- Proof of 401K, designating her as the beneficiary.
- Copy life insurance enrollment, designating her as the beneficiary.
- Copy INS Welcome notice
- Copy of my dad's speech at the wedding.
- Copy of her friend's speech at the wedding.
- 2 letters from friends.

I think that's about it. I had some additional questions, some are from above.

Are digital pictures useable in this process? How about W2's for upcoming taxes, since it hasn't been filed yet?

When making copies of the documents, is it ok to blank out all amounts on statements and such? I take it they just want to see our names on it.
Some statements are numerous pages long, should I send copies of all the pages (sometimes 5 per statement) or just the front pages with our names and info on it?

Any input will be greatly appreciated!
Hi Sifa,

I think you have plenty of documents as evidence. You don't have to worry about taxes copy for this year, because you already have enclosed so much.
When I enclosed my bank statements, I did not blank out anything. You may do so if you like, but I think that will draw more attention to IO looking at..
Looks like you did a good job of organising. Which service center are you filing at?

Good luck. Keep us posted.
I forgot to answer the digital pictures questions. Yes, we had digital pictures taken, but we made prints to send out to USCIS, rather than giving them a CD.
Your I-751 looks well prepared. I sent in 21 documents (one for each month from AOS approval to I-751 filing) when I submitted my I-751 in 2005. It was approved in 75 days by NSC.
Hi Sifa,

I think you have plenty of documents as evidence. You don't have to worry about taxes copy for this year, because you already have enclosed so much.
When I enclosed my bank statements, I did not blank out anything. You may do so if you like, but I think that will draw more attention to IO looking at..
Looks like you did a good job of organising. Which service center are you filing at?

Good luck. Keep us posted.

Thanks for the input.
I also called uscis yesterday to ask them some questions. He said he thought blanking out amounts should not have a negative impact on the application, and he also said that if the statement has several pages, submitting just the frontpage, or maybe a few pages should be ok. Ofcourse it's always an opinion, they don't give you much to go on. He basically also said that in the end it's up to the officer handling your application. I might just include all pages of everything, just to be sure. INS is not something you want to gamble on.

I'm filing at the California service center.
When you submit actual non-digital photographs, will you get them back at one point? About how many pictures should be sufficient?

Hi Sifa,

Submit pictures that you have copies of , or have negatives of. You don't get any pictures back!! We submitted 6 pictures (not that many) but ranged in different time periods. Of course, we also submitted newspaper articles that were written about us and our business. We submitted 3 different articles that were published in 3 different time periods in 3 different newspapers (those had our pictures). But we don't expect to receive anything back from USCIS and it does not matter, as they are all copies or reprints.

Hope this helps.
Hi Sifa,

Submit pictures that you have copies of , or have negatives of. You don't get any pictures back!! We submitted 6 pictures (not that many) but ranged in different time periods. Of course, we also submitted newspaper articles that were written about us and our business. We submitted 3 different articles that were published in 3 different time periods in 3 different newspapers (those had our pictures). But we don't expect to receive anything back from USCIS and it does not matter, as they are all copies or reprints.

Hope this helps.

Thanks. I'll put a bunch of digital pictures together and print them out, and I'll include some regular photographs as well. We actually had our taxes done yesterday, so I'm able to submit our joint 2006 state and federal taxes. I should be fine now. Hopefully.

Well, I have my package ready to go. It'll be send out today by DHL, overnight and certified. I'm still in a rut though, I had travel plans for mid March, of course I haven't booked anything yet. I wanted to wait until I got the NOA extension letter, which I was under the impression would only take a few days, but now I've read numerous stories on this board about it taking at least 30 days to get, and sometimes even longer. This pretty much cancels my travel plans, which is very upsetting.

One upside though, which might be of interest to anyone going through this process. My wife called INS today and they said they do accept FedEx, DHL, etc. for overnight deliveries. Now this is the important part, the lady told my wife that this can cut down waiting for NOA about a week! For some reason it gets processed faster that way apparently. My service center also has a different address for those packages, not the standard P.O Box, but an actual physical address.

Now, this will probably still won't be on time for my travel plans, but I figured everyone would want to know about this little secret. I hope it helps others. I suggest checking your local service centers website for their info on this.