Cleared Interview but no decision yet


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I applied for citizenship through my wife. We have 2 children and own property together.
I had my interview today in Long Island, NY and I answered all the questions. The officer asked me for tax returns, bank statements. I also gave her property papers. She wanted a photocopy of my wifes Id which I didnt have . She said thats fine. No big deal.

Following was the conversation towards the end of the interview

me: so.. did I pass
officer: yes with flying colors. You should be receiving a letter from us within 2-4 weeks.
me: Thanks a lot. This means I cannot vote for the upcoming elections
officer: Unfortunately not for this one... Its too close
me: Thanks a lot again

Then she handed me my originals back and a piece of paper which I didnt read till I came out of her office. After coming out I read it and it said that I had passed the english and history test. Under the section for decision the check box for " No decision has been made yet" was selected and another check box for that I should be receiving the decision by mail.

I went back to try to clarify but wasnt able to get in touch with the same officer but spoke to one other officer who took the decision slip inside and came back after 10 minutes or so and told me that this means my application will be reviewed again. She said that some officers dont take decisions immediatly and prefer the application to be reciewed again and that I need not worry.

I am now really concerned and hating myself for not reading that paper before leaving the interviewers office. Had I seen it there I could have asked her what it meant now I have to wait till I hear back from them and that could be as much as 120 days.

Would really appreciate if someone can throw a little light on the situation. Also I was planning to go to India in Jan' 2009 and now that seems like a far shot.

Sorry...but I had to read it twice to understand. I guess you are still not cleared of Background check. Soon, you will get thru it. Just wait 1-3 weeks and you will see Oath letter if every thing else is good in your favor. Cheers!!
why do you assume its going to take 120 why are you going for the long shot? why not think maybe 2 months or so..why think so negative..:( if this info it helps 120 are nothing it could take 6 months one IO told me he has seen people wait..180 days
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This has nothing to do with background check. The reason why no decision was made at the time of interview is because most applications require a supervisor's approval, unless you're interviewed by a senior IO. Don't worry about it too much, you'll get your OL within a few weeks. More likely than not, it'll be significantly less than 120 days.

Also, the voter registration deadline for New York was October 10. Even if you got an OL on the spot, it would take at least another 4 weeks until the actual oath. You wouldn't be able to vote anyway.
Thank you all for the reply. I hope that its true that its not an issue. Will update the post once I receive the Oath letter.
Here is the situation my friend was in. He had applied some 4 years ago. Was stuck in namecheck. Got the IL last month. He was outside USA many times for work after the FP. Most of the times for more than a year or so. His interview took a little longer. His case was consulted to the experts at the time of the interview and they made the decision right then and gave him the same day oath option as well.

So I'm wondering, if the IO really cannot make the decision, can you ask for the supervisor? You may be able to convince the supervisor. I have noticed that some of the IO's are plain idiots. I was told on the phone thrice that my namecheck was clear. And again in 3 more infopasses. In the 4th infopass, IO tells me that I'm stuck in namecheck. When I show her the document showing my namecheck is clear, she takes her word back.

Hi. I posted another post this morning, but just saw yours. I had the same situation.
Went to an interview, went over application, went over documents, passed the test, and got the paper stating I passed the test but that I will hear from USCIS on the final decision. however, my IO was very young and we also had another IO observing the interview so I am thinking he is new to the job.

I didn't see the paper until I was already in the parking lot and couldn't get back in to ask more.

I hope I get the Oath letter soon!
Good luck!
My interviewer was young too but we didnt have anyone in the room overseeing the interview. I was interviewed on Oct 15th, lets see when I get the Oath letter.

Just wanted share that I Got my Oath letter today. Its on Nov 19th.

Interview was on Oct 15th

Thanks a lot for all your help
Congrats!!! I hope I get my Oath letter soon too! your interview was 5 days before mine... so I hope I hear something back very soon!
I do not believe that Ronnie_Yours is located within St. Paul/Mpls DO. Oath timeline varies from DO to DO.
Just got an oath letter - 25 days after "no-decision" interview. Oath scheduled for January.