Civics test


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I searched the forum and couldn't find a thread on this. What is the best way to prepare for the interview questions? English proficiency is not an issue. I have looked at the USCIS exam page:

Exam page link

Is it sufficient (for the interview) to know all the answers listed on the USCIS test preparation documents? Since I filed my N400 application last month, I hope to be interviewed before Oct 1, 2009. This means I can take either the old or the new exam. Which exam would be recommended?
I searched the forum and couldn't find a thread on this. What is the best way to prepare for the interview questions? English proficiency is not an issue. I have looked at the USCIS exam page:

Exam page link

Is it sufficient (for the interview) to know all the answers listed on the USCIS test preparation documents? Since I filed my N400 application last month, I hope to be interviewed before Oct 1, 2009. This means I can take either the old or the new exam. Which exam would be recommended?

I find both exams to be of equal difficulty (or lack thereof, depending on how you look at it), so look over both of them and decide for yourself. Other than the questions on the USCIS page, you don't need any additional study materials, as those will be the only questions that you'll be asked at the interview.
Most of the test is just ridiculously easy (IMHO).

There are several ways to prep for the exam, and it just depends on how you prefer to learn. Before FP, I printed off the questions/answers and started that way (there are a few questions that are not straight forward), but they gave me a booklet with a CD in it at FP.

The booklet is interesting to read, but the CD made all the difference to me. I just listened to it day after day going back and forth to work (yea, I know the guy can get annoying after a while).

Others like to use the quiz cards that you can download and get someone to help test them.

Whatever your mode of learning is, bottom line is, the test really is nothing to be nervous worry about (not saying that you are, but I know others who fret over it) Currently you only have to get 6 out of 10 right :confused:
